Family series, 254+ episodes
–Year: 2001-
–Year in film: ~2019, 00s, 10s,
–Country: Europe /Germany
–Who in bibs: Klara ~54, girls, boys
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium- *
–Rating: 5/10 ?
–Rating: *****
–Comment: An elderly lady (Carmen Molinar *1965) in bibs (low back, thin straps) several scenes in 2019 German episode Omas Geheimnis (s20e1). Episode is title on IMDb as short film. Rating ~2-3 for that, pic 2.
Also a young Asian girl in beige cotton bibs in ep Die wundersame Blütenknospe (s23e7).
Kids in white coveralls in ep Fußballfreunde schaffen alles (s22e8).
At least a girl in long bibs in ep Die Wolfsbande (s21e1, Germany)
I later found Kleine Helden (s18e1, 2018, Germany) with kids in firefighter bibs (without jacket) and a young girl in regular bibs (length 7/8) including cycling. Much better episode, rating 4-5. But I think few good scenes.
I don't know all episodes. Probably there are more scenes. Episodes are 15 minutes each.
Few episodes are spread on different mediatheks (kika, ardmediathek, YouTube). I think most (older ones) are unavailable.
Rating ~5 for now.
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