
Thursday, March 31, 2011


Australian TV series with a farm girl and neighbor boys, 12 ep.
-Year: 1990
-Year in film: 1990?
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: a girl ~6
-Available on DVD: no 
-I own: no, partly
-Bib occurence: medium?
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A girl in blue bibs (pictured). I like this children's series starring Denise Vose as Rebecca Simmons 11 ys (not pictured) and the farm kids. Typical and funny Australian series. The girl pictured could be a neighbor girl. I don't remember all episodes. I found no vids, other bib pictures or even an IMDb entry. The picture is from my personal recording and a web premiere, but I only own parts of one or two episodes. I have to check my old tapes again, if there are others in bibs and what the name of the girl is. There are few infos about this great series on the web. I wonder why. I don't like little girls in bibs, but due to this good series I rate 5.
Later also on my shiny short blog.


TV Western series, 635 episodes in 20 seasons
-Year: 1955-1975
-Year in film: 1900s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Tuttle 11ys
-Available on DVD: yes *
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  9/10
-Rating: *********
-Comment: Clay O'Brien (pictured left, with film sister Patti Cohoon) shirtless and barefeet in light blue dirty bibs. Here double episode 564, 565 The River, 1972 (season 18 ep. 1, 2). I saw this series in my childhood and of course I don't remember all 635 episodes or saw them all later. Available are only some few seasons (4 or 5 in b/w, and one box with some color episodes, not this one). Episodes are also broadcasted at online Western and retro channels. I found some episodes with kids, and at least one boy in brown bibs. The best and only episode with good jeans bibs I found is this. Half of the time the kids are on a raft, later with marshal James Arness, Jack Elam and a woman. In the middle they are in a Western city gambling and cheating. The boy is hit by a bullet and wears a bandage under his bibs. The bandage is tight and the woman shall loose it and open his bibs. And he smokes a pipe and vomits. Very good acting, looks a bit like Huck Finn. The bibs are a bit too small and short. I have to see more episodes, but I don't think that there are better episodes, but perhaps some in bibs. O'Brien also starred the same year in the film The Cowboys and later in LHOTP (see that entries).

Update: 14 yo Lance Kerwin in medium brown bibs in s20e17 (rating 8-9), also another boys in s20e16, s17e3,s17e4, s16e16 and maybe more. Including Johnny Whitaker (last pic, rating 7) and Michael LeClair (see update 3/ Info 293) and this s20e16

Now completetly seen. Rather few scenes. Lance Kerwin in blue bibs in The Family Holvak (rating 10).


Update 2: Tag sitting (s18e1+s20e17). Not sure of the amount in s20 and not sure about other episodes.

Update 3: 3 more episodes. Also the complete series is available on DVD. S17e3


At least 2 young boys in beige and dark blue bibs in s18e9 (rating 3). Now also on my Western and pigtails blog.

One blonde boy in light grey bibs in s18e14 (rating 4).

12 or 13 yo blonde Willie Aames in beige bibs in s18e19 (rating 6)

15 or 16 yo blonde Vincent Van Patten wore 2 pairs of brown bibs at the same time in s19e4 (rating 7)

2 young boys ~8 yo, blue, brown bibs in s20e13 (rating 4).

A boy (Christopher Knight ?) in light blue cotton bibs in s14e10, rating 4.

7 yo Eric Shea in beige bibs in s14e14, rating 3

Blonde boy ~11 yo in brown bibs in s12e09, rating 5

8 yo Mike Durkin in s14e8, rating 3

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hotel for Dogs

Film with 5 kids and many dogs, starring Jake T. Austin
-Year: 2009
-Year in film: 2000s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Heather 13
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: medium?
-Rating:  2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: Kyla Pratt (pictured, left) in tight dark blue bibs. I saw this entry on another overalls blog and I don't know the entire movie. Perhaps this might be a funny kids' film and entertaining family film where the kids smuggling 9 dogs into a hotel. I do like girls in overalls. But the girl and overalls should be natural (see farm girl Mary-Ellen Walton or Lani Billard in Ready or Not of the 90s). Perhaps someone like her in bibs, but I don't. I don't know if there are other actors in bibs and will watch it on TV when it will be broadcasted.

Story 2: Olivia Walton in bibs

The Waltons: Season 6, episode 13 (Germany: 15)
Jim-Bob (left) at work with wooden posts (hot tar or bitumen) that his mother Olivia will deliver by car to a customer. For the first (and I think only) time she appeared in bibs (pictured, light blue bibs with suspenders). Jim-Bob is surprised. His mother asked what's wrong. He said, you are wearing pants. She said, that she wouldn't deliver the (dirty) posts in her home dress. Husband John gives her a bottom smack while she enters the car. Interesting again the different german dubbing. Jim-Bob said, you look like a boy. The bibs are tight and are never worn by another family member, so I think that they are hers, but she never or seldom wears them.

A larger pic at 30 with John in this brand post

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Story 1: Buying bibs for a girl in the 30s

Today I'm adding a new chapter and tag Stories. This is a more detailed review of scenes, where bibs are not only shown, but talked about it or dealing with (historic) or interesting background. I will also continue normal blogging.

The Waltons, Season 5, ep. 21:
Olivia Walton is buying overalls for her youngest daughter Elizabeth ~ 8-9ys in this season (pictured) at Godsey's store. She's holding them at her body and comparing the size. Elizabeth skipped 2 sizes and grew fast. Corabeth Godsey (wife of Ike) said, that she read in a book about raising girls, that girls should always wear dresses and not coveralls. Olivia said, that they are good for the farm work and bought them.
The German dubbing is a bit different. Corabeth talked about Jungshosen (boys pants) and that Elizabeth is now old enough for wearing dresses. The German subtitles follow the English text and said Latzhosen (bib overalls).
Elizabeth is wearing  jeans with suspenders. Olivia folds the overalls showing also their suspenders.
I think, this is an interesting scene. Elizabeth later played with Aimee, who is adopted by the Godseys and wears dresses.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dennis the Menace


B/w TV series and films
-Year: 1959-63, 1987, 1993, 1998, 2007
-Year in film: 1950s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Dennis 6-12 yo (~6 yo films)
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: I searched for a DVD of the film The "Dinosaur Hunter" (see previous entry) and found a subtitle of a Dennis film. This reminds me also to some other Dennis films and the old b/w series starring Jay North (picture above left). I don't like the films with the very young looking boys, only the classic series (146 episodes in 4 seasons). But the bibs there are not of jeans fabric and have simple suspenders. I saw some episodes for the first in the early 90s. Child star Jay North did a nice job and also starred in some other films. Most famous film is the 1993 starring Mason Gamble as Dennis (picture above right, shirtless) and Walter Matthau as neighbor Mr Wilson who is often the victim of the pranks. Originally the character is from a comic strip and there are also animated films and series. Images below: Dennis the Menace: Dinosaur Hunter (1987, starring Victor DiMattia in shortalls, left) and Dennis the Menace Strikes Again (1998, starring Justin Cooper in red bibs). No picture from A Dennis the Menace Christmas (2007, I saw no bibs in the trailer) There are also similiar films like Problem Child 1-3, also partly with red bibs. I have to check all films of other actors in bibs. For now I rate 3 for series and all films. However funny films and family entertainment.

Update: A Dennis the Manace Christmas (6 yo in beige corduroy bibs, rating 2)

Update 2: Dennis in the Comic is 5 1/2 yo and usually wore red bibs (sometimes blue). I found a publicity pic of Jay North on histclo. The color of the bibs is light blue/greenish (petrol). Also adding tag sitting M.




Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Dinosaur Hunter

TV movie, Teen boy and girl digging for dino bones
-Year: 2000
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: Daniel 16, Julia 13, girl, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  10/10
-Rating: **********
-Comment: Bill Switzer (image left, middle and right image left) and Alison Pill in bibs.
Boy wears dark blue denim bibs (Dickies, also riding in these) and light blue bibs with fine stripes. Girl wears oversized and very baggy light blue bibs. Also some men in bibs and another kid in shortalls. Kids also in rubber boots.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned on the TV and saw this film. Best TV film since years. With this title I hadn't expect farm teens in bibs and other good scenes. Before that I liked only Jurassic Park and not the many other later films and series, but this is rather a kids' adventure film without CGI dinos. First I missed the first 3rd of this film but now I saw it entirely. Originally I was not sure if I rate 9 or 10, because only one boy in good bibs, but many good scenes (riding, kids in hay, playing with mud, milking etc) of this brother and sister and also some touching scenes (burial, rain after drought). Also shirtless in bibs and completely shirtless of boy. Riding both on same horse and boy alone. I also planned buying the DVD, as my 1st recording was in LP. The AUS RC4 DVD is widesceen, but this can't be true widescreen, as this is an old TV film and the original CDN/US DVD is 4:3. And no DVD extras. I even think, that this film is better than Honkytonk Man, only The Waltons I like more and perhaps the Sugar Creek Gang. But you can't compare them, esp. the series. I have to watch more dinosaur films.

Based on the novel My Daniel, by Pam Conrad which I later bought. See


blog search for book. Update: After reading the novel I'm now watching the movie again. There's also a girl ~ 8-9 ys (short blond hair, later wearing a dress) in ripped off bibs (half length, so tagging shortalls) in and outside the church at 14 min.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Little Heroes (1992)

Disney TV movie about a girl and a dog
-Year: 1992
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Charley 12 ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: often?
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Raeanin Simpson (pictured, died 2004 at age 25) in dark blue raw denim bibs. I don't know the whole movie and have to see it. Perhaps even more actors in bibs. There are not so many Disney animal films with girls in bibs of the 90s. I rate 5-6, possibly going up. Nice acting and farm background. There is also a feature film trilogy (1999-2002) with a dog, but I think not from Disney and unrelated. In 1998 there is a film called Wind Dancer also with this girl and a dog.

Funny Games (1997)

Film about a hostaged family -Year: 1997 -Year in film: 1990s? -Country: Austria -Who in bibs: boy Schorschi 10  -Available on DVD: yes -I own: no -Bib occurence: low -Rating:  5/10 -Rating: ***** -Comment: Stefan Clapczyinsky (pictured) in blue bibs. I don't know the entire movie (I saw half of it) but the bibs are OK. Also scenes of going in water and undressing the bibs (but both in dark light). I don't like these weird and violent crime movies. There is also an US remake from 2007 also by the same director (Michael Haneke), but I think without bib scenes and another boy.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Depression TV series starring Nick Stahl, 24 episodes in 2 seasons
-Year: 2003-2005
-Year in film: 1934
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Ben 24, other men, boys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: medium *
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Grown up Nick Stahl (picture left) in blue bibs, other men and at least 2 boys ~10yo in beige and blue bibs (one sitting in the circus of what this series is about, and another one, picture right 2nd from right). Nick Stahl mostly shown with his bib of his overalls down. I don't know the whole series. Although I like films and series that play in the Great Depression (like The Waltons), I think I don't like this series. I saw some clips and pics, and I think this is not a family friendly series. I don't know how authentic this and the other depression films (even The Waltons) are. But I am not sure and have to watch the entire series, perhaps I change the rating. There are some romantic and violent scenes and maybe this is good for fans of Nick Stahl. But there are better films and series. I found this via TVTropes (Waltons-Depression). Carnivale (Carnivàle couldn't been found by a blog search without the accent).
One of the next entries will be of rating 10!

Previously rated 3 now after having seen most episodes rating (5)-6. Adding tag sitting M, wet. Also starring Ryan Hanson Bradford as young Ben. Very good scene of 2 brothers in s1e2

The Natural

Baseball movie starring Robert Redford
-Year: 1984
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy ~12, other boys and men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low?
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment:One boy, who played the son of Redford in beige bibs (pictured) I don't know his name (I think Robert Rich) and some other background boys and men in blue bibs. Perhaps I've watched this film many years ago, but I don't remember, so I have to watch it again. As this is a baseball movie I assume low bib scenes, but setting and bibs are very good. Nominated for 4 Oscars. For now I rate 5, possibly going up. But I wait for the next TV broadcasting.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ready or Not

TV series with 2 teen girls, 65 episodes in 5 seasons. -Year: 1993-1997 -Year in film: 1990s -Country: Canada -Who in bibs: girl Busy 14, others -Available on DVD: yes -I own: no -Bib occurrence: low+? -Rating:  5/10 -Rating: ***** -Comment: Lani Billard (pictured, left) in comfortably medium blue bibs. Also at least one other unknown background girl in bibs. Perhaps also further girls or even boys? I remembered her in bibs, but I had no proof. Now I found it. At least in 2 episodes in early seasons, but I think more. Pictured: S1E5, also in S2-E9. This is my favourite girls series. I like especially her eyes and she looked a bit like a boy when wearing caps. Also good plots of the episodes, also some boys acting like Benjamin Plener as Michael "Monkey Ears". Good series and typical bibs of the 90s. For bib scenes I can't rate more than 5.

Info 7 - Top 10 ranking - statistics 2

As I have several ratings with 10 and 9 and it's unclear what is the best, I made this personal ranking. Also included year of purchase.

TOP-10 of DVDs I own

R  Title                                          Rating             Purchase
1 Waltons (Season 4)                          10        1/2010  series
2 Honkytonk Man                             10        2/2006  !   film
3 Sugar Creek Gang:Secret Hideout   10          5/2010
4 Papa Was A Preacher                       9            7/2011
5 To Kill A Mockingbird                       9         1/2010   b/w
6 Where The Red Fern Grows (2003)   8           4/2008
7 A Painted House                               8-        11/2009
8 Second Hand Lions                           8+         1/2010   few scenes
9 Running Wild (1998)                        8           1/2012
10 Cradle Will Fall                                  7        11/2010
11 Huck & the King of Hearts               7          6/2010

12 Wind at My Back (Season 1)           7          5/2010

Note: Only real DVDs I own, and only one season of each series.

Most with male actors. Girls/women (in bibs) in Waltons, To Kill A Mockingbird, Papa Was A Preacher.
Girl in Sugar Creek Gang films, but without bibs (only standard jeans and pigtails).
New entry at 4, but leave Wind at My Back (previous 10)  , another new entry at 9 Running Wild.

I consider upgrading Second Hand Lions. I like raw denim bibs. A Painted House is a perfect farm movie, but boy is very young and bibs medium blue.


Family series with an alien puppet, 102 episodes in 4 seasons
-Year: 1986-1990
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Brian 8, Lynn 17, man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Benji Gregory (pictured) in different bibs. Famous series of the 80s. Everyone knows it. I didn't like this series. There are publicity images with the boy in dark blue bibs and in the opening he weared dark green bibs, but I had problems to find any episodes with him in bibs. Picture shows episode 4 of first season. However a funny series and showing life of an American family of the 80s. I don't remember all episodes, and I don't expect him in bibs in later seasons.

Update: Also his 17 yo film sister Lynn played by Andrea Elson in bibs (pic below), also at least one man.


Update 2: Benji Gregory in dark blue bibs sitting in a car with a seat belt (s1e11).


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Henry & Verlin

Drama about an autistic boy and his mentally handicapped uncle
-Year: 1994
-Year in film: 1935
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: boy Verlin 9 ys., men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: often
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: boy Keegan MacIntosh (pictured on shoulders of his uncle played by Gary Farmer) in dark blue bibs. I don't know this film, but this seems to be a very good and touching film with good scenes and good plot. I assume medium to many bib scenes, but I don't like the dark and a bit baggy bibs of this small boy. But I have to watch this film and check this out.  Also in bibs the uncle and the dad of the boy. Set in rural Ontario of the 1930s. Film released (in theatres?) in 1994, 1997 dated at IMDb is not correct or the worlwide (or VHS?) release.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Watcher in the Woods (1980)

Disney horror film starring Bette Davis
-Year: 1980
-Year in film: 1970s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Ellie 11 ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: medium?
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Girl Kyle Richards (pictured) in at least 2 different bibs (blue and white bibs). I don't know the entire movie and I assume medium bib scenes for what I can see from pics and trailers. But I think there are better horror, Disney and bib movies. Novel by Florence Engel Randall (1976). I have to watch the whole film, for now I rate 4-5.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

After the Promise (1987)

Touching TV movie
-Year: 1987
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy ~7, boy 9, boy ~15
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: An extremely touching film. I remember few bib scenes at the beginning (picture left) and the end (right) in blue bibs and a boy ~9ys in black bibs. I don't know the names of the actors. The four sons are separted from each other and their dad. Some violent background but not shown directly. At an institution the legs of the boys are broken so that they can't run away. Also they got a vasectomy. I think this is a good film, but not much bib scenes. Set in rural California during the depression. Starting from 1935 and I think some years later at the end. Due to few bib scenes I "only" rate 6.

Good Old Boy: A Delta Boyhood

Adventure film, novel by Willie Morris
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1942, 1944
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Bubba 12, boy ~17, boy ~8
-Available on DVD: VHS only?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium+
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: A fat boy in blue bibs (Devin Ratray, picture 1 near the beginning) and a teen boy in blue bibs (picture right on the right, also on pic 2 after he was lying on the stomach). Perhaps even more. I don't know the entire movie, but this seems to be a very good and funny film set in Mississippi 1942. Aka The River Pirates. Also swimming scenes in underwear, which are very huge from the fat boy. I like those films of the 1930s and 40s with a rural background. Perhaps the boy is a bit too fat. I think the young actors did a good job and I have to see the whole movie. Rated PG.

Update: Also an older teen boy in bibs, see update. Best is the sitting scene (outside). Probably rather rating 7. Occurence was often, but he's not that often shown, so medium+

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Too Young the Hero

TV movie starring Rick Schroder
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1942
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: 3 teen boys ~17
-Available on DVD: VHS only?
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: low?
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Rick Schroder (pictured left) and another teen boys in blue bibs (right). I have seen this movie many years ago and I think I also must still have a VHS recording from a TV broadcasting. Good film, good acting. I haven't found any vids, trailers or pics without watermarks. I will search for my recording and check this movie. 17 year old Ricky Schroder played the older looking 12 year old Calvin Graham who wants to go to the Navy in WWII. (Real story). I remember that the 2 boys sitting on the road and talked about their first love experiences that both did nothing in the brothel. But I don't remember much bib scenes and how they look like and how much is shown.
Edit:  I finally found my old tape recording. At least two other older boys in bibs (image right, I think on the left is Schroder). The scene of sitting and talking is in white sailor suits. Also some scenes shirtless and with underwear (white shorts). I don't have much bib scenes.
Update: for sailor suit see my other blog.

The Red Pony (1949)

Film about a boy and a horse, novel by John Steinbeck
-Year: 1949
-Year in film: 1930s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Boy Tom 9, other boy
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Peter Miles (pictured) in too small, blue bibs with suspenders. Also another boy of same age in brown bibs. I don't know this entire movie. Although I like those old farm and animal movies, but I don't like the bibs here. There is also a 1973 remake starring Clint Howard and Henry Fonda (I now also have that). I have to watch both movies. I think they are good and touching and looks like Disney movies, but there are probably better films. Perhaps also other actors in bibs.

Update: I have seen this movie (at high speed). In the 2nd half he wears regular jeans at school. 1933 novel and it's not set in the 1930s or 1940s like said on Wikipedia but in the 1890s/1900s. One girl wears a sailor dress or similar.

Still rating just 4. 1973 version now also made.

Info 6 statistics

Visitor statistics from last week, perhaps someone is interested in, most visitors first. I'm not sure, if US visitors including robots. And I don't know how many people are watching. At least 1 from each country.
Total views since start of this blog 2 months ago: 1239, but might including myself and blogger itself.

-USA (*)
-The Netherlands

Most search terms:

overalls, snickarbyxor, bib overalls films, hängselbyxor, girls in overalls blog.

Perhaps I will later post total rakings/statistics of my favourite and worst films until now and date of purchasings.
I thought of adding some more tags like shirtless, horror, Disney, but this can also be found during a blog search. I also think of enhancing this blog by adding the possibility of voting, but perhaps there are not enough readers.

I hope that some more people will add some comments about this or the films.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Dark, cult and occult horror film with a big creature. 3 sequels
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Boy Billy ~7, boys~ 9, 16, man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, but seen
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Matthew Hurlew (?) pictured left in blue bibs, a boy ~9 in black or brown bibs and a teen boy in darker bibs (olive?, image right). Also a man in blue bibs. I don't know all the character's names. Most bib scenes in first third of the film. Much and good scenes from the young boy. Also often in bibs the teen boy, who also appeared later, but bibs often dirty from work and in dark light. I like farm films and horror films. But there are better ones (like Children of the Corn, or Cradle will Fall see that entries). I don't like this film, but I have also to check the other 3 sequels but I don't expect, that they are much better.

Crazy in Alabama

Film starring Melanie Griffith and Lucas Black
-Year: 1999
-Year in film: 1965
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Wiley ~17ys, girl, 4 boys ~6ys, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own:yes
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: David Speck in blue bibs, shirtless (picture on right). Also some kids and men, see below.
Plot and rural setting of the 1960s are not so bad. Originally I rated 6 for what I knew and saw in trailers and pics. I knew that there would be not many bib scenes, but I expected at least also Lucas Black in bibs and more farm content. 
Lucas Black in bibs in film Sling Blade, 1996 (see that entry).

Edit: I have bought the DVD and am very disappointed. Although pictured on different DVD covers and shown in the trailer, I couldn't see Lucas Black (pictured left) in bibs. Not even in the deleted scenes or other extras. Also the bib scenes of the shirtless teen boy are very short at the beginning of the film (2 scenes, 1-2 min.) and are not perfect. Additionally I found a very short scene with 2 men in bibs and at the beginning and end in total 1 girl and 4 boy brothers ~ 6ys in blue bibs. I don't like the film either, though some good and short and weird scenes, like a coffin in the brothers' room and the swimming scenes. There are some good pictures at behind the scenes extras. I think I even have seen this film a couple of weeks before on TV, recorded it and deleted it completely and I forgot. As I had no scenes left, I though I didn't have seen it. Usually I keep at least the good scenes.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Shining (1980)

Horror film by Stanley Kubrick, novel by Stephen King
-Year: 1980
-Year in film: 1980 
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Danny 9, woman
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Danny Lloyd in dark blue bibs (pictured), his mother Shelley Duvall in beige skirt overalls/shortalls. Yes, I think this is a famous masterpiece of Kubrick/Stephen King/Jack Nicholson (mainly from Kubrick). I recently saw this complete movie again. Everyone knows this film. Me too, but now I focussed on the bib scenes. There are only 2 short scenes with Danny on a tricycle. In the 2nd scene he descends from it before room 237. Some seconds showing complete front and back of his bibs. (Back view is even better). The bibs are much better than remembered before, although he looks young, rather 7ys. and small. I didn't thought that the bibs are of real jeans fabric and good seams. His hair is also too long. I like more the mini series (1997; see this entry here). His mother is showing much more in bibs. I rate this 5, although few bib scenes, mainly because of this good film.

The 1997 TV movie starring Courtland Mead rating 4, and the 2019 movie Doctor Sleep has a young boy rating 3.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Over the Edge (1979)

1970s Teen drama by Jonathan Kaplan starring Matt Dillon
-Year: 1979
-Year in film: 1970s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Boy Claude ~16
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: I believe this is Tom Fergus (pictured) in small dark blue bibs. This is a famous teen movie, perhaps I saw it many years ago, but I don't remember it well. Anyway, I don't like these hippie films about teen rebels. The bibs are much too small, best looked from behind. Bibs in non-rural USA of the 70s are rather rare. I think medium-low bib scenes. But I can only rate 4.

Update: Obviously more scenes than assumed. And also teen girls. Good rear view of the boy. Posts exist



The Biscuit Eater (1940)

Film about a boy and a dog
-Year: 1940
-Year in film: 1940
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Boy Lonnie 10
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Billy Lee in bibs (pictured). Filmed in Tennessee starring a white and an afro-american boy. I think, bib scenes only within the first 25 minutes, but many scenes there. Bibs have back bib piece (not only suspenders).  Good and touching family movie and there is also a color Disney remake (1972 starring Johnny Whitaker) but there I don't know of any bib scenes. I don't know if this movie is already PD.

Adding tag farm, sitting M, new pic

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Independent Drama/Western by Charles B. Pierce
-Year: 1974
-Year in film: 1930s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy ~8, others
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium?
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: 1 young blond boy in blue bibs and at least one or two teen boys and other men in blue bibs (pictured). I don't know the whole movie, but bibs seem good and authentic and film is set in Arkansas. Also shirtless and farm working scenes. I assume medium or low bib scenes, so rating 5. I don't know the name of the actors and have to watch the entire movie or even perhaps buy it. Film aka Black Deals. The director died in 2010 and also made the film The Legend of Boggy Creek. Adding tag hickory stripes.

The Cowboys

Western with John Wayne and many boys
-Year: 1972
-Year in film: 1900s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: 2 boys ~12, 1 boy ~8 , a man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: 1 boy in dark brown bibs (picture left), 1 in beige bibs and the younger boy in light blue bibs (picture right). Only 2 short scenes in and around a school. The boy in brown bibs also left a toilet house with one suspender down and fix it back to the brace. At the end an older man in light blue bibs. This is a good and unusual Western featuring many young boys (~ 8-16 ys) as main characters next to John Wayne riding a trek. There are some good and funny scenes and also the boys shown in long sleeping or undergarment like long Johns. Although I like this film, I rate 4 due to few bib scenes. One boy is Clay O'Brien who also starred in Gunsmoke and LHOTP (see that entries).

Monday, March 14, 2011

Father Murphy

LHOTP spin-off. 35 episodes in 2 seasons
-Year: 1981-1983
-Year in film: 1870s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: several boys ~6-13
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least 2-3 boys in light blue bibs + at least 1 older guest star boy in beige bibs. This is similiar to Little House on the Prairie (see that entry), also created by Michael Landon. Same clothes: most boys wearing brown pants with suspenders. This series is more focused on orphan boys instead of the girl Laura in LHOTP. It is also more Western like. I don't know the complete series, but it looks quite as good as LHOTP and I think low-medium bib scenes. Image left from pilot film, image right from ep. 01.11 Eighty-Eight Keys to Happiness. I don't know the names of the actors and have also to investigate and watch the whole series. I like these early films and series, although I don't know if jeans overalls existed in 1870. I am also not sure, if this is worth buying the DVDs. LHOTP and The Waltons are surely better. 

Adding tags farm, sitting M.

Troll (1986)

Horror/Fantasy film -Year: 1986 -Year in film: 1980s ? -Country: USA -Who in bibs: girl Wendy Anne 12 -Available on DVD: yes -I own: no -Bib occurrence: often? -Rating:  5/10 -Rating: ***** -Comment: Jenny Beck (pictured) in white, later also in orange and light blue/striped bibs. I found this film by coincident together with The Omen (as a YouTube recommendation). I saw this film many years before and remember much more the unrelated film Troll 2 (1990) which I think is a good and funny family film. There is also a third film (1993). I think there are better horror and bib films, but good entertainment and medium or more bib scenes with different bib colors, so rating 5. But I have to watch all films again.

The Omen (2006)

Horror film about a develish child. Remake.
-Year: 2006
-Year in film: 1950s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Damien 7 ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment:Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick in blue bibs. I found this film during a non-bib YouTube search. I saw the original movie from 1976 and that is a perfect horror/suspense film. I also saw other parts of this film series, but don't remember bib scenes there. I think, I didn't have seen this remake, but I doubt that this is better than the original one. I assume low-medium bib scenes what I saw in images and trailers, so rating 4. But I have to see the whole movie. The scooter scene reminds me somewhat of the film/series The Shining (see that entry). Bibs looks not so dark on images.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Adventures of the Wilderness Family

1975 version of the Swiss Family Robinson
-Year: 1975
-Year in film: 1970s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Toby ~7 ,  Jenny ~9, mother Pat
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, TV recording
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Ham Larsen (pictured, right), his sister in this film Hollye Holmes (standing left) and Susan Damante in dark blue denim bibs. Mostly in bibs the boy. Chopping a tree and on a swing. This is a famous film and even more famous story/family. It's also a very good entertaining family film with the family in free nature with a bear and in a cabin. But I don't like this film, there are better and more modern versions (I think mostly without bibs). The kids are also very young. 2 sequels of this film with this actors (except for the girl). I have to check the other versions, too. There are also earlier versions of Swiss Family Robinson. I saw parts of film 2 and/or 3 and older Ham Larson also wears bibs. This later films I would possibly rate 5 or more, but have to check complete films to check amount and details of bib scenes.
Update: I now also have entry of 3rd film "Mountain Family Robinson" (1979).



Please also check out my other blogs for a 1975 and 1976 series.