
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Bionic Woman (1976)


Action series starring Lindsay Wagner
Year: 1976-78
Year in film: 1970s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girl ~7 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ??
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this young girl in colorful pink/blue bibs in s1e4. Also a girl in a blue jeans dress or skirtalls. Some handsome boys in this and other episodes, like Kraig Metzinger (LHOTP) in s1e1+2, but none known in bib, yet.

I don't know all episodes.

For bibs rating 2-3 for now only. Series probably higher.

Prequel to The Six Million Dollar Man (woman rating 3). There's also a 2007 remake but I haven't checked that one.

Happy Halloween!


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Spanky (1932) Our Gang

Classic comedy short film (Little Rascals)
Year: 1932
Year in film: 1930s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Wheezer ~7, boys ~5+7+9, girl 4 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: As announced in Uncle Tom's Uncle (rating 4), this talkie prequel also has boys in bibs. And is even better. Next to Wheezer (pic 2 kneeing on the floor, also side/rear view) there are also some others. At least 2 boys sitting in the audience and 2 boys above the stage (haymow). One in faded light blue bibs the other in darker ones.

But rather few good scenes.

Rating 5-6 for this one.

Main overview at


One young boy in dark bibs and a black face and a straw hat is 5 yo Tommy Bond, unpictured. See update. Also another kid, maybe a young girl.


Monday, October 29, 2018

The Six Million Dollar Man (1974)


Action/Sci-Fi series starring Lee Majors, 99 ep
Year: 1974-78
Year in film: 1970s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Jaime ~26 ?, man
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ??
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this lady, probably Lindsay Wagner in medium blue, maybe cotton bibs in s3e15. Also at least one man (Robert Donner ~45 yo, Yancy Tucker in The Waltons) in regular bibs in s3e11. Also men and women obviously in coveralls.

I don't know all episodes and found this by coincidence.

Rating 2-3 for now only.

There are also other related movies and series like "The Bionic Woman" which also needs to be checked (also for shiny shorts and Western scenes). At least a lady in shiny shorts here in season 3, soon on my other blog.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Update: Big Red (1962)


And another, very old entry completely rechecked. As assumed only one, longer scene which is at ~57 minutes.

Some more pics to show the full length and the rear view. Nice position, bending forwards. Headhot in the main entry (better showing the hickory stripes).

I don't like much this actor nor hickory stripes. And few scenes, so still rating 4. Typical, 60s Disney movie. Main entry



Friday, October 26, 2018

Update: The Trial of Old Drum, all updates finished


I have finished rechecking all older posts. Some few to come. Around 30 or 40 entries still have bad or tiny pics, next to the rare movies without any pics. Some larger snapshots, I must have on an old PC or backup and I will upload them later and continue searching for the rest including the rare ones.

I'm restarting rechecking the oldest posts starting in 2011. One of the first is this one.

So some more pics of Alia Shawkat. The light blue bibs are tight and too short. Nice rear view (pic 2 at 43 minutes) and cycling scenes. Several scenes with her. Best maybe at the beginning. Unfortunately only a very brief scene of a boy. Great movie and nice 50s setting. Sorry for the image quality. (Needs to be rechecked the next airing). One more new and larger pic (girl hands in pockets) at the main entry, still rating 6



Little House on the Prairie – s6e3

I already had one pic of Tiger Williams in the season's 5 entry post (pic below) but this is wrong and from s6e3. Some more pics, also showing the full length. Rating ~6-7.

I made a new pic for season 5 from s5e17, more pics of that boy later.

Some more LHOTP pics also soon on my Western blog including a very handsome boy in longer blonde hair and modern, jeans-like, tight pants.

Main overview entries



Thursday, October 25, 2018

Update: Believe (2013)


I have now checked this complete movie, as usual at high speed. I only noticed one brief scene of this girl, so fewer than assumed.

Not bad, but for the brief scene, still rating 4.

Nice Soccer movie and great 80s setting, though.

Also recently updated on my shiny shorts blog (f/m, rating 7) and soon on my bedroom, blog, rating 5-(6).


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Uncle Tom's Uncle (Our Gang)

Classic comedy short film (Little Rascals), silent
Year: 1926
Year in film: 1920s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boys ~7-10 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: very low
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: At least I think 3 or 4 unidentified boys in bibs in the audience including one brief close-up view. Few and brief scenes and mainly from a distance.

There's also a 1932 remake (talkie) called "Spanky" with at least Wheezer and Tommy Bond in bibs (no entry yet).

Update: Also others including raw denim , rating 5


Based on Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mostly showing costumes, but I think no bibs besides in the audience.

Rating 3-4.

Main overview entry


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Update: Casper: A Spirited Beginning


Next to the 2 teen girls, there are 2 more girls in the library at 44 minutes. One younger girl sitting (headshot only) and one older. black teen girl walking (1 or 2 brief scenes, out of focus).

I still haven't checked the complete movie.

Main entry


Monday, October 22, 2018

Update: The Long Days of Summer


I still haven't checked the complete movie, but made some better and larger pics from different trailers and clips. Probably worth buying on DVD but I assume rather few good scenes. The DVD (double feature with prequel "When Every Day Was the 4th of July") is rare in Germany and import is expensive. I hope for a rebroadcasting.

Main entry, still rating 6



Sunday, October 21, 2018

Tiere bis unters Dach – s7e10+11

Have just been aired. Looks like Anja Antonowicz but I think playing Paulina's mom (played by Julia Gorr) in denim bibs (maybe not raw denim as they are not dark enough, even inside) in s7e10 (ep 88) and ep 89 (pic 1), both near the end.

More scenes in ep 88, but sitting behind a table (headshots) and few and brief barn scenes. Ep 89 outside better showing the fabric. I haven't notice complete rear views but I missed some scenes. Also no good sitting scenes.

So rating ~4 only. Maybe more and better scenes in upcoming episodes? There's also a handsome, dark haired boy (Giuliano Marieni) in nice jeans and rubber boots. No more bibs scenes of Paulina Schnurrer or others.

Main overview entries



Friday, October 19, 2018

Big Business (1924) Our Gang

Classic comedy short film, silent (Little Rascals)
Year: 1924
Year in film: 1920s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy ~9?, Sammy ~12?, man
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: ~medium -
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: Time for Our Gang. There's an unknown boy with blonde, short hair (a customer) in short underwear, also sitting in a tub and later being helped putting on dark bibs. Also a black boy in faded, baggy bibs. I think it's Sunshine Sammy. First I thought of Farina (4 yo with same cap). Also a man, Charley Young as gardener in faded, I think hickory striped bibs.

Image quality is poor. But  think there's a DVD in better quality as other pics suggest. Interesting plot. Rating 4-5. Raw denim, hickory stripes and a man are quite rare at Our Gang movies.

Main overview entry


Please also note my earlier entries about dreams.

Info 925: dream #1 Sugar Creek Gang play

I found my (German) notes of my first dream involving bibs, but obviously there were few or no bibs scenes. And that's the reason, why I haven't posted it. I found another dream (at the end).

May 30, 2016.

Location: A small, open air cinema in Germany. Small town. Unknown location.

This is the 2nd event. Each time, 2 (new) movies are combined. And this time new actors. I'm sitting on a bench in a row (square place stage, elevated on wood?). Almost full audience. The Till brothers are coming, sitting down by the audience. But they are much older. Applause. One of the Till brothers is suddenly an old man with grey, short hair and talking to us. The movie poster showing the movie title and heads of the actors. All unknown. One boy on it has quite long hair (not the Tills ?). A man giving out leaflets, 20x30 cm. Mainly to those 2 (rows ?) sitting at the edges of the audience. It's obviously about that these have to play as supporting actors. The stage play is maybe in front of a movie screen?

I'm happy, that I haven't been chosen to be a supporting actor. Later, a man throwing his leaflet into the audience. Hours, before the stage play began, there were some problems. But the evening is long. We are outside the theater area going north towards it. I remember the first event with poor management. Not even a mobile toilet for that many visitors. Later, or earlier, I'm backstage in a narrow, long corridor. It's so small that I can just pass with my long musical instrument. One door on the right opens. So I can't pass. There's another young musician practicing. Then I left the building. On south there was another room (am I coming from that?) Manager? Audition? Stage?

End of my notes. No more background infos. I haven't checked what I did and post back then. I often watch the Sugar Creek Gang movies and own some books. Maybe I can remember more of it later or even continue that dream.

Another double dream on Nov 6, 2017.

First part not involving bibs. 2nd part is set on an island or beach. A shirtless woman in dark bibs underwater near a boat. There's a husband and son on the right (on the beach ?). Am I going to tell the son the story?

In a garden, 2 women (my mom and sister ?) watching a movie on TV (4:3 full screen) showing bibs scenes. I try to memorize the time position of the woman in bibs for my blog. It was 1h22. I don't want that the women realize my action. The movie was called "Coogie" or similar. Romance?

Later or at the end, I'm watching alone a DVD outside, elsewhere. A woman approaches, asking me, why I'm watching these poor movies. Luckily, she haven't noticed the bibs scenes. I'm leaving, fetching some more DVDs. There's one more scene later, about flooding and drowning but not involving bibs scenes. List/1st entry of the dreams



Info 924: dream #3 kissing lady


My 3rd dream involving overalls and partly blogging content. (For more, general infos and the 2 other dreams, see the previous post). Longer dream 1 coming soon.

dream 3 19. Oct. 2018 ~2h
Setting at least first inside a larger building. Maybe at a film set, maybe a corridor, maybe at an US school. Or a corridor of an US house with bedrooms attached, I found some days ago. (Was it "Misty (1961)?, see Western and Pigtails blog). Setting could be later suddenly outside, maybe at a (pool) party. Maybe I mixed up different stuff like locations and people. Yesterday there was "Bares für Rares (Abendshow)" with an 18 yo boy and 3 girls, I think with a hugging scene. And butts (but no bibs).

In the dream there was a young lady/actress, around 20 yo. Maybe (similar) like the one from Caspar: A Spirited Beginning (pictured), I posted yesterday. And I haven't seen any other movie or overalls pics that day. She was tall (taller than me).
There were some other people around, maybe only young men. She French kissed a guy showing her back to me. I wanted to touch her butt. Or did I? Although she was thin and wore light blue, tight bibs.
My mom was there and about to go. Wide opening the door. Either she or someone else behind her filming us. But probably she left then.
The kissing girl turned around, embracing me and wildly French kissed me for several seconds.
But I had a chewing gum in my mouth what she doesn't like and I also had problems to breath. In reality, I don't chew chewing gums.
I can't remember more or woke up.

I used to write down important dreams and also write down a conclusion at the end. What did I do the night before? What movies have I seen, what books, I've read. Is there any conncection between reality/past and the dream? Often unclear, how old was I in the dream. Often it seems, like it is nowadays, and I often have a car, but friends are often still young like in my childhood. Surprisingly, most people and locations are completely unknown and new.


Info 923: dreams

Last night, I had my 3rd dream involving overalls and partly blogging content. Surprisingly very few dreams (I can remember), although I'm blogging almost daily and watch lots of movies and often read books in bed.

My 1st dream, around 1 or 2 years ago was about an open air stage play of members of The Sugar Creek Gang. I was sure, that I posted it here, but obviously I didn't. I think, I wrote it down and will add it soon. I rarely dream (or can remember) long dreams. Often, dreams are about my childhood and sports.

The 2nd dream, some months ago, was a brief scene. In it, I've seen a German boy actor, maybe light blond, but unsure. He nover wore bibs in the movie or (short) TV series. Probably mid or late 80s.
I think I recognized him when waking up. But I haven't wrote it down and first thought that it's not worth posting it. One day later, I think it is. I tried to concentrate when I entered the bed one and 2 days later. Sometimes I remember the dream of the night before and maybe even continue that dream. But no luck.
I still can't remember who he was. Brief scene, maybe sitting. Maybe I have him on one of my blogs. Or have found him during research. I think, he wasn't shy and one of my favourite actors then. Not shy are mainly dark haired boys. I think there weren't that much famous, German blonde boy actors in the 80s. Recently, I've heard the song "Hungriges Herz" from mia.. And I imagined Johannes from Träume, Tränen, Töne (bedroom blog, rating 10 and shiny shorts blog). But he was very shy and that wasn't the 80s.

Dream 3 about a lady in a separate post next.

There are also dream or flashback scenes in movies and movies with a (partial) title. Please use the search function for that.




Thursday, October 18, 2018

Casper: A Spirited Beginning


Family film starring Steve Guttenberg
Year: 1997
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: teen girls, girl
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes
Clothing occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least 2 older teen girls (supporting actors) in baggy beige and tight, faded blue bibs, latter one also close-up, side view while walking. All at 22 minutes.

I own this DVD for many years and bought it because of Steven Hartman (around 3 brief scenes). I'm currently busy and still watching it.

Quite poor movie with mainly animated scenes of the ghosts. Main character Brendon Ryan Barrett is quite good (not in bibs).

Also on my bedroom blog, rating 6. Here, I only have Caspar Meets Wendy, Hilary Duff and other girl, rating 3





Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Little House on the Prairie - s6e14

I found an 1976 publicity, stock pic of Jonathan Gilbert in faded, beige bibs, but never remember him wearing bibs in LHOTP. 1976 must be around season 3 (or season 2 filmed in 1976) and I've rechecked briefly some few episodes of season 3+4. He mainly or only wore pants with suspenders.

By coincidence, I found this and some other good episodes of later seasons, which usually don't have much good scenes anymore.

I mentioned this episode before but only had one bad and tiny pic of Alan R. Peterson.

Handsome boy and nice sitting scene at school. He's pushed off the bench by the older boy. Great one-room schoolhouse scene. But I prefer jeans fabric (seasons 1+2 are much better).

Main overview entry, rating 6-(9), rating 4 for seasons 6-9



Update: Also an older teen boy in dark blue jeans bibs


Update: Jaime (1999)


I have rechecked this complete movie and only found this scene. A better, larger pic and also rear view. Handsome boy, nice, but brief scene. Backside simple suspenders, what I don't like.

Also on my bedroom blog, rating 4.

Main entry, still rating 5


Sunday, October 14, 2018

It's a Bear (1924) Our Gang

Classic comedy short film, silent PD (Little Rascals)
Year: 1924
Year in film: 1920s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Mickey ~9, man
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium+
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: Once more Mickey Daniels in bibs, this time with an additional belt (what I haven't seen  before). And obviously a different, tight pair. Backside simple suspenders. Also sitting. And a man in bibs. Several good scenes.

Available in this tinted version and regular, but darker b&w version, both on Image quality is quite good, probably taken from a DVD.

Rating 5-6.

Main overview entry


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Update: Únos domú


Completely checked at high speed. I found another scene at a hospital, also sitting. Now confirmed to be shortalls.

Main entry, rating 4



Info: Mama ist unmöglich - on DVD + TV


Saturdays on MDR. And finally on DVD.

Great series, but often on TV and so no need for buying. And few scenes of boys in bibs. Also great yellow shiny shorts scenes (f,m, other blog rating 7).

Main entry, rating 6



Friday, October 12, 2018

Fly My Kite (Our Gang)


Classic comedy short film (Little Rascals)
Year: 1931
Year in film: 1930s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Dickie ~5 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least one young boy in dark blue bibs. Not sure about his name. Maybe Dickie Jackson or less likely Wheezer? I think very few and brief scenes.

So rating ~3 only.

Also very interesting Jackie Williams and others in a sailor suit (other blog rating 3).

Main overview entry


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Young Runaways (1978)


Family film, Disney-Land s24e17
Year: 1978
Year in film: 1970s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Margaret ~ 6 ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurence: very low
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: One very young girl, probably Daryn Sipes in dark blue skirtalls or jeans dress. I think few and brief scenes at the beginning only. Handsome boy, Tim Pelligrino ?

Nice 70s movie and interesting bedrooms (other blog rating 6). I almost missed this scenes, but she's very young anyway.

So ating 2-3 only.

Book 78: Susan K. Marlow: Andrea Carter and the Family Secret (Circle CAdventures #3)

I have almost read the complete last book (Borden Deal: The Least One) and was disappointed. Some good scenes seem to come at the end. I always considered buying one of Marlow's books. Now I have ordered this one. Pic from the official YouTube clip.

The different book series have girls, boys and both teens in bibs. Most books are aimed at girls. There's an upcoming new western book series for boys (Goldtown Beginnings), now also with a younger boy, but I don't assume bibs there. Still might be of interest.

Also new on the official blog (circlecadventures.blogspot) some more pics of girls and women riding in bibs (2018 May, 2017 June). There are now also audiobooks.

I don't expect many bibs scenes (of boys). Will take some few days to receive. As usual, I will update book posts asap.

While reading it first, I think it's somehow almost written like a dime novel. Very simple.

The girl Andi is now 12 yo and described as a tomboy.

-page 10: splattered with mud

-p 26: peeling off the muddy bibs

-p 75: 1st description of Levi wearing bibs at school (surprisingly no one-room schoolhouse). Andi pulling out marbles out of his pockets. Levi fighting with another boy at school on the floor

Finished. No more scenes. There are better books. I also bought one of the Western books (Goldtown). Quite interesting but I don't assume bibs scenes.



Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Fire Fighters (1922) Our Gang

Classic comedy short film (Little Rascals), silent
Year: 1922
Year in film: 1920s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy Freckles ~6
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes
Clothing occurence: low
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: As announced, the final movie of the silent DVD. Blonde George Ward aka George Warde in hickory striped bibs (what is quite rare for Our Gang). But I think few scenes in the barn as he also wore knickers.

Peggy Cartwright this time in a dark sailor suit and some older, handsome boys like Elmo Billings in a sailor suit (soon on my other blog).

The only movie on this DVD which is not tinted yellowish and a bit sharper but poor image quality as well. The movie is quite boring, long animals scenes at the beginning. It's the 2nd Our Gang movie. The first one "Our Gang" is not on this DVD.

He starred in some few more Our Gang movies, but none known yet wearing bibs.

Rating ~3 only. Main overview


New pic from the restored version by ClassicFlix. I previosly had 2 other pics from my DVD. Adding tag sitting M.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Info 917: More historic images


5 more historic images from (FSA/OWI) on my Google Photos album including barefooted and girls.

I found a slightly different version of pic 1 in hd on flickr called "June 1939 Sons of day laborers in tent camp near Webbers Falls, Oklahoma" which I haven't found on Some handsome boys in modern haircut. Could be today. Update 7/2023 pic 1 re-uploaded

Links to my loc.goc PD albums (also always on my blogroll on the right)



Sunday, October 7, 2018

Tiere bis unters Dach - s7e7

10 or 11 yo Lucy (Paulina Schnurrer) on a swing in tight, dark blue bibs, yellow rubber boots and unbraided pigtails in todays episode 85 (s7e7, today's 3/3). At least 2 longer scenes.

Usually in braided pigtails (other blog, rating 5).

Still not the lady in raw denim bibs. 6 episodes to come in season 7.

Main overview entry


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Info 916: ZDF Mediathek trailer


Off topic. Around 2-3 weeks ago, I first saw this trailer (at 15.05 h) but haven't recorded it. I watched this channel a lot and today, I finally saw it again (at 12h) and recorded it.

I wonder why this isn't online. Obviously, they only broadcast it occassionally and there's another trailer (not showing this boy) which is mainly about the app.

It shows a family watching TV. A handsome boy with nice, longer, 70s or 80s haircut, almost looks like a girl. Unfortunately not in bibs. (Photoshopping could be interesting). Who wears this kind of pants for watching TV? He also walks before sitting down. Rest of the family isn't much of interest.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Update: Amico mio


I have rechecked this episode 10 and searched for more and better scenes of this girl.

Next to the headshot (close-up of pic 1, see main entry), I only found these 2 very brief scenes, both bad views and from a distance.

I watched almost the complete series and haven't noticed any other bibs scenes. Also on most my other blogs.

Main entry, still rating 4 (rather ~3)


Update: Boule & Bill 2


Another movie completely rechecked. Maybe a bit fewer scenes than 1st assumed, but quite good ones including sitting and lying scenes. Sometimes they wore jackets over them.

Pic 1 is maybe one of the best scenes. Kneeing on the floor and standing up. But the boys are quite young. I prefer farm, US movies and raw denim bibs.

Nice room and 70s tipi.

Main entry still rating 6



Thursday, October 4, 2018

Update: L’ultimo sapore dell’aria


Some more pics of this one. Another cycling scene, headshot and rear view.

Not bad but typical for a 70s movie. Rear view simple suspenders till the butt. And rather few (good) scenes.

Main entry still rating 6, but rather rating ~4-5

