
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Lancer s1e11 (girl)


Next to the boys, I found 10 yo Eve Plumb in blue jeans bibs. Vid on Facebook. Scene at ~ 9 minutes. I only have checked the beginning, as the vid just can be played from start.

Very interesting.

Main entry, currently rating 4-5

Western lists f/m

Update: Lancer


Another rating 4 re-upload. (Was also on my Western blog, rating 7). Pic 1 showing Clint Howard. I still don't know all 51 episodes. Interesting, but rare series. I also have checked some new vids. But haven't found more.

Main entry

La colo (1992)


Family film
Year: 1992
Year in film: 1990s ?
Country: France
Who in bibs: girls ~8, 12, 16, 18 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: At least 2 teen girls and 2 younger girls. One, most often shown (pic 1 at 1h20) in shortened, hickory striped bibs (is this Rose Ruiz ?) . Also hands in pockets, lying on the grass on her stomach. And sitting inside on a bed (at 48). 

One young girl in white bibs (or similar) with a thin belt (pic 3, I think near the beginning but also later). One other teen girl in light blue bibs (pic 4 at 47, I first thought of the same girl). Another young girl in shortalls or similar (pic 2 at 41). Headshots at least at 41 showing all 4.

English title: The Camp. Starring Fabien Chombart (Il est genial papy). Many, mainly younger kids (50) at camp. I like French movies, but there are better movies and I prefer US camps. I only have checked this briefly. Maybe more good bibs scenes (sitting on grass etc). Also bathing scenes.

For the bibs scenes rating ~4-5 for now. Best scenes probably at ~45-48 minutes.

Dream #12: Kidsongs outside stage

Location: Obviously Germany. An outside stage. In front of it some few spectators, then south an entrance building, and outside a street with parking cars, including mine (so I'm grown up).
On the stage there are some members of Kidsongs. Near the right side Matthew Bartilson sitting in bibs. It looked like if he's playing with something long and thin on his lap, at a 2nd glance it turned out be part (nose or rope) of a large stuffed turtle on which he's sitting.
At a distance on the left there are some others including his sister. Unclear if others in bibs.
A man from the audience shouting an unfriendly word (in German) to Matthew referring to his hair which is a bit longer than in the videos.
Matthew headed to him, ready to punch him. The man is probably stronger and telling me an my friend that we were next.
I and my friend ran away, we tried to enter my car, but I couldn't open it. So we ran further around the corner of the street. Dead end?
The man is not following, (yet).

I had an earlier dream about Kidsongs (I hadn't remembered).

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Update 2: Rosamunde Pilcher: Das Geheimnis der Blumeninsel


Currently on the ZDF mediathek. I already had 2 posts (1st update I think now in the main entry and the previous pic was a poor headshot from a trailer). Very good rear and side views. She was also sitting on the man's knee. 

Main entry rating 5

I have 2 other Pilcher movies, rating 3+5, best one is this with a girl rating 5 (rating 3 currently no pic 20 yo lady)

Update 2: The Ghost of Cypress Swamp

Another rating 4 re-upload. 19 yo Jeff East. One old pic from the main entry (sitting) and one from the 1st update (rear view). Was also on my bedroom blog.

Main entry

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Danger Force

Sitcom, Henry Danger spin-off
Year: 2020-
Year in film: 2020s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Mika ~13, Bose ~15, Miles ~14, man
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low *
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Dana Heath, Luca Luhan and  Terrence Little Gardenhigh (from left) in bibs as farmers. Luca and Dana also sitting. Also a man (Cooper Barnes). Pic from s1e14, probably only in this episode.  Also teens, boy and man in coveralls (mainly space coveralls). First I thought, Terrence is a girl (because of the hair).

I found this by coincidence after updating Henry Danger (teen girls, rating 6, see previous post).

Update: Henry Danger


I had an entry before (rating 4-(5)) but I now found some very good scenes, now teen girl rating 6. I found it indirectly because of the age transformation site (Youtube recommendation of another fim. Directly from the site I found just a man in bibs acting as a child, not worth posting, but one for my sailot suit blog).

Pic 1 showing Ella Anderson sitting, also walking and sitting down. Pic 2 Riele Downs in rare bibs which are horizontally interrupted. The exact episodes are unknown, taken from an official compilation clip called "Henry Danger | Danger Force | 40-MINUTEN-Zusammenstellung der besten Schwärmerei-Momente |"

Danger Force (teen boys and teen girls) coming next. Main entry

Friday, March 25, 2022

Inga Lindström: Geliebter Feind (on TV) + update rating 6


Sunday on ZDF, also now on the mediathek. S20e1. Ida Wieland in rare bibs. Also lying and rolling on the grass. Bib at high position.

I also re-uploaded a pic of another episode, teen girl, shortalls rating 6 (pic below), I had it in an update without the rating tag.

Main entry, another episode, woman rating 5


Info 1474: Webfinds teen girl stage play

Several pics, also this one sitting

Dream #11: Movie poster rating 8

Another brief scene and dream involving blogging. This time I could remember parts of the movie title.

In the dream I was working at a small center, unknown purpose, maybe school, sports and obviously a cinema upstairs. (So I'm grown up). I was responsible for locking the doors. I had problems with the doors, then I manged to lock the doors. I wasn't sure if I should lock the doors, but I thought that the visitors would have keys. Then I saw a group of teen boys who want to enter, so I opened the door for them. I explained to them, that I had problems and that was due to my glasses, but they don't believe me. They went upstairs.

Later I went upstairs (not sure if this is the same building). On the left there was a movie poster showing an older farm boy standing in bibs, a bit chubby. I know the movie title. 2 words, the 1st word is Bavi. The 2nd word (I don't remember when waking up) has 3 syllables, maybe starting with "V" (Vanderbilt, Vandermann ?). But obviously this is a fictional movie. I was walking further, but then I think, I would give rating 8 (instead of ~5, I had on my A-Z list in my dream) instead of posting the Our Gang Update 3 post.

One movie which would fit a chubby boy and I considered updating is this, rating 6

An earlier dream about a fictional TV series, but there I didn't remember the title

Update 3: Our Gang (The Pinch Singer ?)

An unknown movie taken from a compilation on YouTube clip: The Little Rascals Complete Collection Booby Traps Video. A very young boy sitting. First I thought of a later, 1940s MGM talkie. (Maybe The Big Premiere (1940) or Election Daze (1943)). Now I think it's from The Pinch Singer (1936), also other rating 5. It's also part of my recent dream #11, see upcoming post

Main list f/m rating up to 7

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Update: Mensch, Pia!


Another rating 4 re-upload. Boy in ep 4. (I still haven't found clips or pics of the other boys nor the teen girl (16 yo main character), although the series (10 ep) is available on DVD). Publicity pic from Alive Vertrieb taken from a Czech movie database.

Main entry

Tatort: Der Frauenflüsterer


Crime movie series starring Axel Prahl, Jan Josef Liefers
Year: 1970-
Year in film: 2005
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Betty ~23, men
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium-
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: Austrian born Nora von Waldstätten in blue bibs and sleeveless shirt. Sometimes a bandana, sometimes an open jacket. Ranch content. Around 3 scenes. One at ~27 minutes, one at 1h02. Also sitting from a distance on a car (1h04) and running rear view. Episode 594.

Also some men in bibs. And men and women in white coveralls (forensics).

Has been aired yesterday. Available on the WDR mediathek in HD.

Not bad, Rating ~6.

I have 2 other entries, rating up to 4 including a girl (currently no pics)

Doctor Who (2005) - s9e5


Jenna Coleman in orange coveralls / space suit. Probably also in more episodes.

I previously had an entry (young lady, dress or skirtalls, rating 4, currently no pic)

Monday, March 21, 2022

Back to Life (2019)

TV drama/comedy series, 12+ episodes
Year: 2019-
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: UK
-Who in bibs: Miri ~40
-Available on DVD: yes?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+ ?
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Daisy Haggard in long, simple bibs with overlapping straps but often or always with an open jacket, also cycling (s1e2, good pic on IMDb). 6 episodes are/were on German TV (and on ard daserste mediathek), I only noticed scenes in s1e1+2. Pic from s1e1.

Löwenzahn - s41e04


Geraldine Rath ~31 yo as chaotic cousin Charlie in a dark orange corduroy dress with a belt, also sitting. Episode "Nachtigall". First there just were headshots and I assumed long bibs.

She appeared since 2012 in 17 episodes, but I don't remember more scenes.

Main entry f,m rating up to 7

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Schloss Einstein - ep. 1026


3 teen boys and 1 teen girl in thin, white protective coveralls with colorful paint on them. Several scenes including sitting (f,m).

I prefer real bibs. But could be worse.

Main entry

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Claws (1982)

TV drama
Year: 1982
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: South Africa
-Who in bibs: boy Louw ~ 12 ?
-Available on DVD: VHS only?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: One boy, probably Jason Roberts in light brown bibs. Farm setting. Also milking and sitting on a fence (mainly rear view, with a high back). 

I think rather few (goods) scenes.

Rating ~4-5.

Aka Beasts.

Risto Räppääjä ja väärä Vincent

Family film
-Year: 2020
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: Finland
-Who in bibs: woman, girl ~10 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+ ?
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least this blonde girl (main character) in dark blue shortalls. Also a lady in purple bibs.

I haven't seen the complete movie. There are also other movies in this series.

Currently I have one with a girl and the same lady in bibs

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Update 2: Flash Forward (1996)


I have re-uploaded all 6 pics of the 1st update and now found a girl sitting outside in shortalls (or similar) in ep Dog Day After Lunch (pic 1), also front view. Pic 2 showing another girl in ep Love Letters. Black or similar, unknown length. 

I have re-checked some episodes and found it by coincidence.

Main entry (one more good pic), olive bibs, rating 5

Update: MMC


Another rating 4 re-upload. The All New Mickey Mouse Club. Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake and Joshua Scott „JC“ Chasez in bibs. I previously had another pic of Justin Timberlake full view.

Also teen girls in bibs like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, but I haven't pics of them.

Main entry (no more pics)

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Update: My Dog Skip

I have rechecked this movie (currently rating 7) and uploaded some new pics (3 new ones). I had larger pics incl. pic 3 on wordpress but haven't re-uploaded them here as the 2011 and 2012 posts all still had pics. 

Pic 1 showing a chubby boy (which is most often shown in bibs) at ~31 minutes. Bib at very low position. Buttoned, overlapping straps. Also sitting on grass and on stomach with the other boys piled over him. Football scene. Also in a sleeveless white shirt at 8.

Pic 2 showing Frankie Muniz sitting in bibs at 26. Bib at very high position (also when standing). Rear view simple straps (same as the chubby boy). Pic 3 girl sitting, unnown time.

Pic 4 at 30 minutes showing next the chubby boy also one other in bibs (far left). Classroom rear view showing another boy in the front row at leats in blue suspenders, but front view not showing bibs. There might be another boy on right in the last row. I think also outside school.

Unpictured: the chubby boy also at 56 with an open jacket.

I don't like simple straps and I don't like Frankie Muniz. Rating would be 6 nowadays. But several scenes, several actors including the girl, quite good plot. So still leaving it 7.

Main entry

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Kung-fu master! (1988)


Romance, Jane Birkin
Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: France
-Who in bibs: girl ~ 16 ?
-Available on DVD: yes?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low?
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least this older teen girl (supporting actress) in dark blue bibs near the beginning. Sweater bound over her hips.

I haven't seen the complete movie recently, but I don't assume more bibs scenes. Great plot about a lady (Jane Birkin), falling in love with a young boy. Aka "Little Love". Directed by Agnes Varda. Also starring Charlotte Gainsbourg (probably not in bibs).

For the bibs scene rating ~3-4 for now. Movie itself much higher.

I also have re-uploaded 2 pics of this movie, girls, rating 4

Friday, March 11, 2022

Child's Cry (1986)


TV thriller/drama
–Year: 1986
–Year in film: 1980s
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: girl ~12 ?
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: very low   
–Rating:  3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this older girl walking in dark blue bibs. I only noticed this very brief scene at 38 minutes. Quite nice 80s movie but few good scenes. I remember having seen it on TV, maybe in the 90s. Main character is the 6 yo boy (Taliesin Jaffe).

CBS Sunday movie starring Lindsay Wagner and Peter Coyote.

I like the 80s, but for this very brief scene rating ~3 only.

Aaron Carter 1997 clips x 3


I recently started checking again some of the 1990s earliest websites about overalls (geocities, tripod, webring etc) I found in mid 2020.

On YouTube, I found 3 clips of the young Aaron in bibs. I bet that there are more clips (TV shows). Some clips have poor image quality.

Pic 1 showing him in show Heart Attack. The female host tried to close his zipper. Sitting and also lying on the floor. Dark blue bibs.

Pics 2+3 from Crush on You (I even bought the CD single then). Pic 2 is from the music clip (only few scenes near the end, faded blue). Pic 3 from Live Pop Explosion 97 in orange ones. Dancing and also making a somersault. All bibs are quite baggy.

Very good. Rating ~7-8.



Info 1467: Referrer link from Age Transformation site found

As announced on the previous stats post, I have checked a bit more of that interesting site (but only the updates, 3 pages, reaching obviously back ~6 months). One link there posting to my Anderland ep 6 post. That is about body swap and grown up's turned into toddlers, some wearing bibs.

That site also has books, comics, link ets. But to show pics someone has to click the links.

Most are ladies. I haven't found anything new of interest yet.

I recently don't have (enough) hits of that post to show up in the top 10. And I rarely can identify referrers (as almost all in the top 10 are from search engines). And as I don't have to make manual top 5 pics, I rarely check my internal stats.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Update: Our Gang - remastered Blu-rays (f,m), 3D


Searching for the remastered version of The Big Show (1923) rating 7 (obviously still not available), I found 5 remastered Blu-rays by ClassicFlix. A sixth is announced for Summer 2022. Unfortunatley only the (copyrighted) talkies starting at 1929.

Pic 1 is from Vol. 1 showing Farina in Lazy Days (1929). Sitting and standing up. Very good scene (I haven't compared that scene). Pic 2 is from Pups is Pups (1930, previously no pic left as rating 3). Good scene of Mary Ann rising up, but I only noticed removed scratches. Nice baggy bibs of both.

From other comparisons, most scenes (shown) are much better (but mainly brighter and a bit sharper). But why not buy the best quality available? But my most favourite movies are the silent ones.

There's also another colorized 2012 blu-ray in 3D, "The Best of The Little Rascals in 3D" with 5 movies (1931-1938) but I haven't checked the 3D version. The best movie of that is maybe A Lad An' A Lamp (Wheezer, rating 5).


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ich liebe den Mann meiner Tochter


TV drama
–Year: 1995
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: Sylvia ~44
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: very low ?  
–Rating:  3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least Gudrun Landgrebe obviously in black working bibs and a black shirt.

I mentioned this before in Die Hütte am See (there in raw denim bibs, farm setting).

I haven't found any good pics or clips, except a stock pic (try a Google image search). Pic from a trailer (of this movie). I assume a brief scene just for working.

So rating ~2-3 only.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Girl Wired


Family film
-Year: 2019
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Glory Bee ~12  ?
-Available on DVD: yes ? 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium- ?
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Another movie starring Xander Simmons (Wish Man, rating 5), but not he in bibs but Serenity Starr Foreman in I think raw denim short shortalls, also sitting. Bib at low position. I think simple straps on the rear.

I haven't seen the complete movie.

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Robin and the 7 Hoods


Musical comedy film, Frank Sinatra
-Year: 1964
-Year in film: 1930s 
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: orphan ~8
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low ?
-Rating:  2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least Manuel Padilla Jr. (Tarzan (1966)) in faded bibs sitting on a bed.

As announced in Dime With a Halo (rating 3).

I haven't seen the complete movie but I assume very few scenes, maybe just this one.

The song by Bing Crosby in this scene is Don't Be a Do Badder.

Obviously a typical 60s musical. For this scene rating ~2-3 only.

Info 1465: stats


I wondered, how many people still visiting my blog, especially these days. I still have ~500-600 clicks each day, range varies from ~300-900. Yesterday 427, the Sunday before 463. It's a bit declining but not that much. Same on my other blog.

Interesting are the visiting countries. On top France 28%, then USA 26%, then Germany 14%. Both stats are for last month. Visiting countries the same for last 12 months.

Below are search terms (last 12 months). 2 of them are about swimming, almost 300 hits.

Browser and referrer stats are often not that of interest. Almost all referrers are Google, other search engines and my other blogs. 

I now have one interesting referrer site (since at least 3 months but less than 6) which is about age transforming/ progression/regression. Very interesting topics, pregnancy, body swap, under/oversized clothes, braces progression and everything what is about growth. I haven't found my site there. Maybe there's just a link of a photo of one movie.

I have to check that site and links more carefully. I found a photo of 2 brothers in bibs (b&w) then and now. But not of interest.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Update: Wish Man


As announced, I have rechecked this movie. I haven't found more scenes than the brief scene at the beginning (during my brief search hopping through ~every minute, I might have missed very brief scenes but this is unlikely).

This is Xander Simmons and the setting was in 1952, not 1962. Very good running scene, best is below. Unfortunatley a fast scene, mainly distance scenes. Also a rear view but dark lit and not that good.

Main entry, now rating 5 instead of 4

Some very good pics on IMDb behind the scenes including these 2 (on the actor's page, some more on the movie's page)

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Schloss Einstein - ep. 1011

A young firefighter lady in ep 1011, but with close jacket (so not sure if wearing bibs).

I also have Chiaria in a sailor fuku on my other blog. Without the wig she has blonde buns and freckles.