
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Words and Pictures (1970)


BBC educational series
Year: 1970-
Year in film: 1990s
Country: UK
Who in bibs: girl, boy ~10 ?, woman
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: And another British educational series. Both pics from ep "Letter V". Pic 2 from 1990 showing a girl in faded bibs. First, I found pic 1, a lady in farm coveralls, early 1990s (not 1990 and not 1993). YouTube subtitle "7000 subscriber Special!" . Probably more kids in other episodes, probably also boys and men.

Rating ~3 for now.

Update: Also a black boy in bibs


Friday, October 30, 2020

Import update - rating 7 finished, rating 8, 10, baggy, Huck & the King of Hearts

I have finished transferring all rating 7 pics from blog 2 and upload hundreds of pics, including replacements of most of the tiny pics. Currently 342 post and some have more than 1 pic.

I will soon delete blog 2. Still 354 posts but most without pics (some like list+stories). Some ratings were different (later upgraded), around 2 duplicates.

Last, earliest rating 7 post was Huck & the King of Hearts (pics 1+4) which I currently watch by coincidence. I also reuploaded 2 pics in the most baggy bibs list (pic 3 from The Dinosaur Hunter, f,m rating 10) and fixed the links in the year lists. Pic 3 is from The War Between Men and Women.

Book 107: From Pennsylvania Dutch Farm to Queen of the Funnel Cakes

2011 biography by Alice Reinert. In chapter 2 "Old enough to feed the cows before school", page 15 there's one description that a young girl (author? as still 4 yo ?, in 1928 or maybe a bit later) changed from a dress into her brother's bibs + shirt. (Oldest brother is 11 years older than her).

Some more descriptions like how log they wore clothes then etc and later another mentioning of making clothes out of feed sacks but hat only daughters. Probably some more interesting farm stories, but I haven't read much more.

I found a long preview on Google books. Even photos inside but I think none in bibs.

But obviously, half of the book are recipes.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Wind at My Back - s2e5


One notable scene of Fat in his dark bibs. This time in  a red shirt, a cap and even dancing in bibs. Tomboy Maisey unfortunately not in bibs.

Main entries f,m rating up to 8

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Where the Lilies Bloom

Year: 1974
Year in film: 1970s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Ima ~6 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Helen Harmon in dark blue bibs also sitting.

I found this in 2017 but haven't made an entry.

Novel by Vera and Bill Cleaver (Newbery Award).

Quite good setting but due to her age ~rating 3 only. Also rather few scenes. School scenes but I think no bibs scenes there. I think 70s setting what is quite late and untypical.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Update 2: Sugar Creek Gang #5 Teacher Trouble


I recently forgot to mention 2 more scenes at the end of the movie.

Little Jim playing with one of the braces (pic 2, new pic) and he's grabbing Dragonfly (pic 1) at his straps from behind. It's a very brief scene and probably blurry and I think someone can't see much, so I haven't made a pic. I previously had a photoshopped pic switched their heads but I don't reupload that.

Other pics are reuploads. Pic 3 (I think at the beginning) showing Tom and Big Bob Till. Bob's bibs are much more faded here. He used to wear baggy, dark bibs, also in this episode. Can't be the light. Either a 2nd pair or (less likely) bleached. Shirtless scenes in bibs of him in ep 2+3. 

I also reuploaded the 2 pics of the private Sugar Creek Gang remake (but no bibs, so had no rating).


Update: Books 60: Hannah Loviisa: The All For Jesus Gang - renamed Bull River Gang

After 4 years still not published, but almost finished. The series is renamed to "The Bull River Gang". The first title (2nd book of the 21 yo author) is "Thief in the Night".

There are some more new pics on her site (gallery, pics can be enlarged) boy and girl in bibs. There's another upcoming work called River Adventure (working title).

Main entry (no pic there)

Info 1369: New historic pic farm women

I recently found some new pics from Girl Scouts Farmerettes harvesting crops. There are some more pics in this series. One more on my Google Photos album.

Info: Goole Image search bug

 I think, I found out the reason that the Google Image search only displays 2011-2012 pics. A google photos album (then Picasa Album) created a second album (with the same name) on Jan 13, 2012, after the 1st album has 900 photos.  Probably a limit then. Picasa was then closed. The 2nd album, currently 1695 pics doesn't have a limit. On my other blog, I didn't have 900 pics then and  there's still just one album.

I think, it's not (easy) possible for changing that, even if I would move all pics and change all links (what would too much work either). Pics must be uploaded within a post and are probably indexed then for the web search. I mentioned other Google indexing bugs before. And there are still issues with wrong HTML code in the new UI.

When writing this, I also found pics from Feb 2012. But even when I search pics for the last year or last month there are only 2011-2012 pics shown.

But obviously the new updated pics, I recently uploaded (rating 10-7) already show up. Wordpress pics still show up after almost a year.

By a regular Google text search, searching for last year, 2 posts show up: Update 2 Anibal (2000) and Update 5: Emu's All Live Pink Windmill Show. Both from this month. 27/21 hits, 1 boy, other girl. So there's still hope.

Still a mystery the many hits of Info 20. 

Hits last month 

Info 20: 580 hits

Update The Thanksgiving Visitor: 441

The Secret World of Alex Mack: 93

Summer of the Monkeys: 39. 

Last 24 hours 3x4 hits on Info 20 post. At 2pm, 8pm and 0am. Same peaks and times at Thanksgiving Visitor but 3 instead of 4 hits. So maybe a robot or similar.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Wind at My Back - s2e4

Another new actor in blue bibs with hands in pockets (pic 1+3). Brand Carhartt.

I already  found the girl and previously had a pic of her but was lost, as I mainly uploaded one pic per post. Her bibs are partly wet. Now also a new sitting scene rear view on a porch fence. I haven't made caps of Fat or Hub in bibs. Obviously no or no notable/no other scenes of them. Rating ~6-7 for the boy, rating ~4 for the girl. I think few scenes of both.

Main entries, rating up to 8

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Knerten og sjøormen

Family film, part 5
Year: 2020
Year in film: ~2020 ?
Country: Norway
Who in bibs: girl Eddy ~9 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least this girl (Mia Alvik) in purple shortalls (knee length). Also hunker down and lying on her back. Purple, buttoned straps.

I don't know the complete movie, yet.

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Update: Sugar Creek Gang #5 Teacher Trouble

I have seen this movie once more. As said, my least favourite in this series (but still rating 10) and the only one with Little Jim in bibs. And another great scenes of Dragonfly including sitting and close-ups. 

This time, I'm talking about Little Jim and recently just watched the end, maybe last 3rd. (Better scenes in the 1st half except a sitting scene of Dragonfly on the desk). 

One close up view of Little Jim when standing up, side view, pic 2. The bibs are not as tight as first thought and I think one button open. Parts of his underwear can be seen (pic 1). I never noticed that (as I always watch to Dragonfly). Pic 2 kneeing on the floor here, his hair grow a bit longer (in some scenes). Parts of his underwear in extras of ep 2.

Pic 3 is a bit earlier. Walking and sitting, but sitting briefly and mainly from a distance. Best scene of him when walking and standing with Bill on a swing.

Little Jim usually wore tight, dark jeans. Also nice swim shorts in ep 3.

Friday, October 23, 2020

It's Maths!

BBC School educational series, 14 ep
Year: 1977-1978
Year in film: 1977
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Elaine ~29 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ??
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Elaine Donnelly in tight, dark blue bibs. Another interesting educational series.

I haven't found any clips. Pic taken from the broadcastforschool wiki (cc-by-nc).

I can't say much more.

Rating ~3-4. I don't like much the 70s.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wind at My Back - s2e8

I have completely rechecked season 2 as I found it in better image quality. I found some more good scenes, that I previously missed and will make more detailed updates of each episode. I'm starting with s2e8 as it has another actor in blue bibs (pic 1, brief scene, same as pic 3 with Hub). 

Season 2 also has a younger girl in bibs (not Maisey). Very good is the boy in quite baggy, faded bibs in s2e1 (more of him soon). Pic 2 showing Hub, also partial rear view and sitting/sitting down, but rather few and brief scenes. Hub's bibs are often those of season 1, a bit more washed and combined with different shirts, later (esp. ep 6+7) he wore faded bibs. 

Main entry f,m rating up to 8 (links currently fixed only for season 2)

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Update: Dallas (1978) s14e18


There are very few scenes of Omri Katz in bibs, mainly headshots (in 2 ep). One very brief scene of him walking rear view in these faded bibs, one strap down. Bibs appear rather tight when sitting. I think in the olive bibs (s14e16) there's a front view, but from a distance.

The earlier seasons still need to be checked (mainly for other actors/actresses). But I don't have the time for watching the complete series.

Main entry, rating 7 (also including Charlene Tilton and a girl, but lower rated)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Bill & Ted Face the Music

Adventure/Comedy aka Bill & Ted 3
Year: 2020
Year in film: ~2020 ?
Country: USA, CDN, I
Who in bibs: Thea ~27 ?
Available on DVD: not yet ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: At least this lady, probably Australian Samara Weaving in faded shortalls/cut off bibs (not tight).

Pics from the behind the scenes.

Can't say much more yet. Looks interesting, especially the rear view.

Rating ~5 for now. Usually, I don't like these kind of movies.

Info: Comment on my old blog

I've got a comment for approval on my closed sailor suit blog on wordpress about what was the problem. I wonder how this is possible as the blog including that particular post can't be accessed at all.

Many pics can still be found on the Google image cache. I haven't found that one and it's not accessable via either. I think there are only 2 possibilities.

Maybe I just got hacked. But a hacker could have done other things. And why almost 1 year later? And wordpress seems secure to me. Or someone pretending me said, he lost the password. The good thing is, that I wasn't suspended for the contents then.

The other possibility is, that's one of the staff. Seems even more plausible. There are no signs of a hack (on the mail nor elsewhere). And it costs money for exporting the contents. I reached a border of I think 1,000 hits/day some days before.

Anyway, when this blog is also being closed, you might find me on I think content can be imported there. Please consider visiting and saving my School TV wiki (link on my blogroll). Note that you have to enter a captcha there.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Update: Bristle Face


I have seen 2 newer uploaded clips including sitting scenes and close-up (front view). Both in poor image qualities. There are DVDr available (with different covers) but probably all in this VHS-like (or worse) quality.

Bibs are tight and Phillip Alford (Jem in "To Kill in Mockingbird") 2 years later appearing much older. 15 or 16 yo, character is 14 yo. Also some men in bibs. I maybe still would buy an official DVD when in better image quality. I bought some time ago the novel which is rather poor. I also finally ordered the novel "Where the Red Fern Grows". (Both movies here rating up to 8).

Main entry, currently rating 7-(8) now rather (6)-7.

Update: I forgot to mention that there are also shirtless scenes (not in bibs).

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Update 2: The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone


Yesterday, I have rechecked once more many parts of this movie. Great walking scene at 35 minutes (pic 1). Sitting scene at 1h16. As said, several scenes including swimming in bibs. Previously rating (5-)6, now rather 6-7. Good actress, but I can't give a higher rating than 6 due to the simple straps. She also looks much younger than 16, probably filmed earlier.

Main entry

Saturday, October 17, 2020



Channel 4/ITV educational series, 10 ep
Year: 1993-1994
Year in film: 1994
Country: UK
Who in bibs: girl ~8?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this young girl in faded bibs.  

I recently found this on YouTube on a compilation clip (Channel 4 Schools Continuity 31st January 1994). 

I assume few (good) scenes. Girl maybe even younger than looking.

I think 10 episodes only.

So rating ~3 only.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Update: Feed My Lambs


Re-uploads of these 2 pics. F/M rating 7. Main entry showing full view of both but from a distance.

I've transferred most of the rating 7 pics, maybe half of them. Most posts didn't need more than 1 pic. When I'm finished, I might recheck missing pics.

Main entry

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Updates: La Boum 1+2, 7th Heaven,


I have reuploaded pics of La Boum, La Boum 2, pic below (although currently rating 3-4) and Lucy of 7th Heaven in pink bibs in season 3 (story 37 Pink bibs and a pig tail).

I also have fixed the link list 18 tight bibs on the topics page.

Still much work fixing links etc.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Rock the Block


Reality TV series, home renovation
Year: 2019-
Year in film: 2010s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Leanne ~37, others ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium ?
Rating: 4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Leanne Ford in white bibs.

I mentioned this series before, but it's not Mina Starsiak.

I don't know all episodes. Rating ~4-5 for now.

I also have similar series, sorry pics currently missing (as below rating 7)

Monday, October 12, 2020

Update 2: Anibal (2000) f,m

I have completely seen all bibs scenes at regular speed. Rating 6 was correct. Also more boys and girls at school at the end. Pic 1 showing another, green shirt.

Several good scenes of 10 yo Edgar, I like the front views, best scene bending forward (see main entry) but I don't like much the actor and the rear views, although there's a high back. I think no double seams. Probably the bibs aren't made in the US and maybe kids' bibs. The black bibs are even worse and much fewer shown. Nice board shorts and shirtless in the middle.

One girl in 3/4 short, faded bibs, one girl sitting in orange bibs (or shortalls or skirtalls) and one other boy in faded bibs, brief scenes and mainly headshots. Another boy in black bibs also sitting, ~2 scenes. Anibal (pic 4, short faded bibs) is probably even younger, maybe ~5 and much less shown.

Main entries

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Die Trixis (girls choir)


By coincidence, I found 2 clips on YouTube of this German girls choir (1st in red bibs, then much better the green ones), I think both from 1981. Sitting and also standing, hands in pockets (at least in red).

Both from song "Paola und die Trixis - Der Teufel und der junge Mann", pic 1 taken from clip Biografie der Trixis, pic 2 from clip "Die Trixis in Lustige Musikanten" (which is wrong as the show is Hitparade as well". Different clips in different qualities.

On the homepage or fanpage, I found a b&w pic with Roy Black (don't know the song), maybe these are the green bibs as well. Also in dark blue short dresses and medium green costume bibs.

Quite interesting, some girls seems older, and maybe there are even more scenes and different colors? (Later) choir members are 4-20 yo. Also musical and Ballet school located in Wanne-Eickel, Germany.

Rating ~(5-)6 for now.

Please also note my previous post.

Import update - rating 7 - 7th Heaven


I have "transferred" all pics rating 8 (-10) from blog 2 to this blog. Still 562 posts there, but pics almost only in half of rating 7, so ~100 posts. I also found 3 pics tagged info missing a rating tag, all from 7th Heaven, I have reuploaded and also fixed the links in the seasons and main entry. Some pics still missing either rating below 7 or rating 7, reuploaded soon.

I'm running out of movies (especially with boys), so I will mainly focus to combine the blogs. After rating 7 which will take some weeks, I will check 2011-2012 missing update texts and links (I hadn't overwritten those posts with newer updates and rather kept the original posts here with the tiny pics, also due to the import limits). Some few texts there rating ~3-4 are currently lost on both blogs but most or all are included in newer update posts.

Pic from s3e17.

Other added pics

Main entry

Friday, October 9, 2020

Reuben Kaye Project: Kids Reacting To Drag

Channel 4 reality show
Year: 2019 ?
Year in film: 2019 ?
Country: UK
Who in bibs: girls ~9-10 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: At least these 2 girls in shortalls and/or bibs. Pic 2 are shortalls. Not sure about pic 1. I found this during research on YouTube, titled Kids react to Drag.

First, I thought that this is the series "Kids React". (There are also girls and maybe boys in bibs/shortalls).

There's also a different show (YouTube recommendation) "Kids Meet a Drag Queen" Kids Meet HiHo Kids with at least a young girl sitting in long bibs.

There are lots of similar shows (also in other countries) with boys and girls in bibs (but often headshots only). I think I have ~2 German shows here, maybe missing pics.

Rating ~4-5 for now for this.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Book 105: Joe Mims: Faded and Worn Overalls

A boy Joe at school (1st grade) is teased because of his bibs. I found it on Google Books. Some good sentences but probably very few.

"I can't stop wearing them,... They're all I have."... What's wrong....

Also available as audiobook, read by a woman. Sample containing overalls. Published in 2016.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020



Drama TV series, 13 ep
Year: 2017
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: Finland
Who in bibs: Cia, Cynthia ~ 13 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  7/10
Rating: *******
Comment: I think it's Anna Wrede as well in long, faded blue bibs (pic 2 from ep 3) and in white shortalls (pic 1 from ep 2). Also another girl, probably Enja Vilhunen in blue shortalls. Both also sitting like on a bunk bed. Best scenes in ep 3. My favourite are the shortalls, especially the white ones.

I have briefly checked all episodes. Good long bibs in ep 12 (pic 3), but no or no notable scenes in other episodes.

Very good sitting and other scenes, nice setting and actors, so rating ~7 for now. Also other scenes of interest like swimming, including boys, but not in bibs.