
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Update: Head Full of Honey (2018)


I have seen this movie on TV but missed the last ~30 minutes. At the beginning is a brief scene at the station. I think the shortalls are always olive but they appeared almost blue grey. Much later, more than 1h there's another scene. But the good scenes like sitting must be at the end (set in Italy instead of London).

I haven't found the movie on the web, so I have to check that later. At least I found a better clip than the trailer, the music clip, showing some more scenes like as pictured. There are also 3 men including a lilliputian in tan working bibs. And obviously another man in light blue working bibs near the end.

Cute girl (better than Emma Schweiger), character and actress are 10 yo (she looks a bit older to me) also wore some other tomboyish clothes. I don't like movie, setting and plot. (Too sad and realistic). I also have to recheck the German movie. The shortalls are similar. Setting and other actors probably better. There are also several plays (mainly with ladies).

Rating probably higher than 3-(4) but still unsure. Much fewer scenes than assumed and poor movie.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Head Full of Honey (2018) on TV


Comey drama by Til Schweiger, remake
Year: 2018
Year in film: 2010s
Country: USA, D
Who in bibs: Matilda 10, men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low+ ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: Sophia Lane aka Sophia Lane Nolte in olive cotton shortalls, also sitting, maybe even better than the original. Tomorrow, SU on German's Sat 1. Remake of Honig im Kopf (Head Full of Honey (2014), one pic re-uploaded, rating 4).

Daughter of Nick Nolte, playing his grand daughter. Directed by Til Schweiger as well.

More info later. For now rating 3-4.

Some pics on IMDb, a better sitting scene here

Update: Seen but missing the important scenes at the end. One more pic (rear view). Also some men in working bibs.

Captain Fantastic (2016)


Drama/comedy film
Year: 2016
Year in film: 2015
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Zaja ~10, Nai ~8, man, (teen girl)
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ 
Rating: 3/10  
Rating: ***
Comment: A girl, Shree Crooks in brown bibs and a similar looking boy, Charlie Shotwell in hickory striped bibs (both pic 2 at 1h39). Pic 1 at 57 probably the girl in shorter bibs or shortalls? I found another scene at 13 in faded blue appearing bibs. Bib at low position, maybe the boy. Also at least 2 kids in coveralls/costumes. Also the father in blue bibs near the end. And teen girl.

Few (good) and brief scenes, very young kids, notable scenes dark lit. I first even had problems finding this scenes and first found the 2 others.

That's rating ~3 for now.

There is obviously also a teen girl in shortalls sitting at the table. Pic 196 on IMDb.

I also missed that in the movie (probably a very brief scene) and there's also the boy in dark bibs (publicity pic). I have to recheck that.

This or another young boy also in blue bibs in The Glass Castle (2017) next to Naomi Watts, great blue bibs, no entry yet, maybe rating ~5-6 (no very brief scenes).

Update: Pic 1 is a dress. The teen girl shortalls are rather shorts with suspenders. 2 other scenes of the teen girl but probably dresses. At the end there's obviously the boy in the girls' tan bibs.


Ponysitters Club: The Big Sleepover


TV family film
Year: 2020
Year in film: ~2020 ?
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: girls ~10-14 ?
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating: 5/10  
Rating: *****
Comment: A girl in faded blue shortalls, many scenes starting at ~48 minutes. A girl a bit younger in tight black bibs (brand maybe H&M) at 26-46 also sitting like on a swing and rear view hunker down, and a young girl in medium blue patterned cotton bibs (back simple straps, few scenes). Ranch setting but I think no work.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks very much!

I don't like much the tight bibs and the cotton bibs and prefer this time the shortalls. I can give rating ~5 or more. Felix would give rating 7.

One of the younger girls is obviously Khiyla Aynne (*2008). Nice buns. The older girl is maybe Morgan Neundorf (*2004). The other maybe Adrienne Kennedy.

There is also a TV series (20 ep) and another movie (both 2017). At least in "Ponysitters Club: Fun at the Fair" there is probably the same girl in these black bibs. And in the series at least one (older girl ?) in a blue bibs-like longer dress. But I haven't checked those.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Derrick (1974)

Crime series, Horst Tappert, 281 ep
Year: 1974-1998
Year in film: 1996, 1986, 1984,
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: girl with dog ~13, Birgit ~39, men,
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low *
Rating: 3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Tina Hamperl (1982) in faded buttoned bibs in 1996 ep 257 Ruth und die Mörderwelt s23e3. Brief scene at 53. Also rear view with a tag (I currently can't identify). I mentioned her in this post, Roula in red and blue bibs, rating 3. Also at least 2 young man in blue working bibs (garage) in 1986 s13e1 ep 131 (one man appearing on a VHS cover) I think also some garage men in ep 14 (1975) at least coveralls. And a lady, Gila von Weitershausen (*1944) in 1984 s11e5 ep 113 (pic 2). Update: Another young man in ep 255 (1996) also one strap down.

I don't remember all episodes and don't have the time to check them all. But I assume some more ladies and maybe kids in bibs/shortalls as well.

For now rating ~3-4 for this brief scenes. Series itself much higher. It was the most famous crime series in Germany and maybe Europe then. Fritz Wepper recently died.

Maybe I will at some time check this series. Please comment if someone know more scenes.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Brand #32: The Waltons - season 4 part 4


I'm still watching season 5 (CD 6), there are few new brands (except Elizabeth, I have her here, also wet/muddy) and few notable scenes I haven't yet (Ben rear view and Jason, coming soon). So first some of season 4, I forgot (click to enlarge).

Jason, Zeb and Jim-Bob next each other on CD 4 at 1h07 (ep 18?). All bibs appear very faded here but might be the sun. Zeb still has the tag. Ben in raw denim Can't Bust 'Em. CD 4 at 55 ep 14. Main post here. Jim-Bob in Dee Cee (low back, note the different appearing color), Mary Ellen in Key and Erin in dark blue cotton. CD 6 at 2h08 ep 24? Ben and Jason not in bibs here. And Erin and Mary Ellen sitting on the grass. Note Jim-Bob in the distance. CD3 at 2h28 ep12?. Some pics also in the main post.


Petite maman (2021)

Indepedant drama
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: France
Who in bibs: Nelly ~8
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating: 4/10  
Rating: ****
Comment: Joséphine Sanz as 8 yo main character in long blue and tan bibs (I first thought that's her real-life twin sister Gabrielle (pic 1 on left not in bibs there) in tan bibs as she has a similar white shirt but I found a pic showing both in white. Not a sister in the movie.) I think much more often shown the blue ones. Several scenes but also with jacket (usually opened), often a pullover under them. Sitting scenes as well.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks!

Several scenes but rather few good ones, very young girl, makes rating ~(3)-4. Movie/plot seems quite good. Several awards.

English informal title:


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Carmen (Royal Opera House 2024)


Some ladies in bibs and at least one in blue coveralls with a belt (also with the opened top down), and some sitting (pic 2). Felix visited that opera, not knowing that there are bibs involved. It's possible that there will be a DVD/BD release. Some ladies and I think a young girl also in jeans shorts and boots, ladies also in leather shorts. Carmen is played by Aigul Akhmetshina (in coveralls). Obviously also a red haired young girl in light purple shortalls and gun holster (Felix haven't mentioned). I think set in the 1960s (some other colorful clothes rather looking like 70s).

Pics from official YouTube clip called "An introduction to the Royal Opera's Carmen 2024"

I've never spectating an opera and I don't live in the UK. Of course a masterpiece and very interesting.

I think I give rating 4-5. But I would have to check it completely.

Some boys (9-13 yo not in bibs) members of the Youth Opera Company mainly as Cowboys.  

During research I found an older girl in black bibs at the rehearsal of the 2015 version of Carmen. Maybe there are some more on other/earlier productions

Photos of this 2024 version here also showing the kids

During research I found some young girls of the Welsh National Opera

Monday, June 24, 2024

Update: Windcatcher


Next to the 2 girls and old lady, there are also 2 brief scenes of a boy (Lennox Monaghan as 10 yo main character) doing farm work in brown bibs at ~3. Inside and a bit later outside. Outside not much better, I think dark lit. This Aboriginal boy looking almost like a girl.

Thanks Felix for adding this!

Main entry, I think still rating 3 (mainly 8yo girl in shortalls)

Secret Witness (1988)


CBS TV drama, Joaquin Phoenix
Year: 1988
Year in film: 1980s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Jennie ~12
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating: 5/10  
Rating: *****
Comment: Kellie Martin (*1975) so ~11 or 12 yo in faded bibs. Brief but very good scenes at ~25. Hands in pocket and good rear view (walking). Some few partial views before. Cycling but I think not in bibs.

I give rating 5-6. Starring 12 yo Leif aka Joaquin Phoenix (not in bibs). Even available on DVD.

Martin was the main character in movie/series Christy (1994). In white bibs she appeared in Dallas s9e27 (rating 3 for her, pic re-uploaded, and rating up to 7 for Omri Katz in 2 pairs). Also at least in Disney's "Help Wanted: Kids" (aka Job Busters, starring Chad Allen, rating 4).


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mazel a tajemství lesa


Family film, summer camp
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: CZ, D, SK
Who in bibs: girl ~12, boy ~15, man?
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low
Rating: 4/10 ? 
Rating: ****
Comment: A girl in faded bibs I think without bibs pocket (not main character) also with an apron, an older man in dark blue bibs and also at least 2 brief scenes of a teen boy in tan bibs (Felix obviously missed or forgot but thanks!). Boy and men also with bib down. Also doing gym like push-ups (mainly girl).

Pic 1 at 51 also showing the girl on left. Pic 2 at 32, pic 3 at 52. Girl with apron at 35, good rear view.

English title:


Little Singers of Armenia


Children's choir
Year: ~2019, 2023
Year in film: 2010s,20s
Country: Armenia
Who in bibs: girls 8-18
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: always *
Rating: 3/10 ? 
Rating: ***
Comment: I think here only (teen) girls in orange and red bibs. Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks!

Pic 1 from "Libertango" uploaded 5 years ago, pic 2 from "Concerts at Tokyo Opera Hall/ Part 2" uploaded 1 year ago. 

The choir consist of 40 members, mainly girl 8-18 yo. I haven't found more clips/colors. 

Rating ~3-4. Founded in 1992. Original choir's name Հայաստանի փոքրիկ երգիչներ.

I had 2 more suggestions of music clips from Laurent but men only and I think non celebrities / Youtubers. I don't like those either, so I don't add them.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Arbeitslehre: Produktionsfaktoren (1981 Schulfernsehen)


School TV series
Year: 1981 ?
Year in film: 22th century
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: boys ~11 ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating: 4/10  
Rating: ****
Comment: I think these are 2 boys set in the 22th century. Brief scene. Looking like girls but a voice and a man talking about a boy in the red bibs. Episode or location maybe called: Neu-Grund 2 einhundertfünfzig. Not episode 1. Probably 4 episodes and an earlier episode is set in the 18th century and 1981. Main series might be titled "Einmaleins der Wirtschaft" but that is unlikely as there it's episode 1. There are also some other series called Arbeitslehre (like in 1975 and later).

YouTube clip "1981 Schulfernsehen mit Blick ins 22. Jahrhundert" uploaded one year ago. Starring Hanni Vanhaiden, Hans Daniel und Wilhelm Wieben.

Funny and interesting. But for the brief scene rating ~4 only. I like this Sci-Fi and time-travel plot. (I have some others tagged on my other blog). I haven't found more details about this series, end credits are missing. Grades 8-9. Broadcaster NDR.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Echo à Delta

Drama/ family film
Year: 2023
Year in film: 2020s?
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: Charlotte ~12?
Available on DVD: not yet?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+??
Rating: 4/10 ? 
Rating: ****
Comment: I think Rosemay Lefebvre in at least 2 different long pairs and boots. Red glasses. Bib at high position Obviously also cycling (open jacket). Also a man sitting in tan coveralls. And a blond boy and man in thin white protective synthetic coveralls. A lady I think in an apron (clip « Echo à Delta » : un film québécois pour toute la famille)".

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks very much! 

I haven't seen the full movie. But I think I like this pair. I haven't found the other. I think also dark blue but bib at lower position and round neck (Google cache from casting agency). Alien plot. Time setting is obviously nowadays (smartphone). I also found her younger in faded bibs in a commercial. Pic from clip Rosemay - entrevue pour Echo à Delta (casting agency). Main characters are younger boys (10+7 yo, not in bibs).

English title:

Run BTS!


South Korean Variety Web series
Year: 2015-
Year in film: 2017
Country: South Korea
Who in bibs: men
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very often *
Rating: 3/10  
Rating: ***
Comment: Members of K-Pop band BTS (방탄소년단) in different pairs including hickory striped and raw denim. Some acrobatics and actions like climbing at this boulder wall (harnessed). Pics from ep 32 Christmas Party. S2e21.

Another suggestion from Laurent. Thanks very much! First I thought it might be just a music clip but it's a TV show.

Brand Dickies. Somehow at least the raw denim pairs don't look authentic to me (colors, fabric, stiches, oz. weight ?). But maybe it's just a special color or fabric with less than 100% cotton. And maybe not 11.75 oz but 10 or less? Hickory should have 10 oz. Indigo denim 11.75 or 12 and duck 12 oz. I found ladies pairs with 73% cotton. Carpenter pairs with 8 oz. Maybe for dancing they need more spandex or polyester ? I think currently made in Mexico. Maybe not these ones. I found remakes like Dee Cee "Style" (Suisse) made in Italy during research for Jim-Bob's tan pair.

Jin *1992, youngest member Jungkook *1997. So in fact too old for a boy band. I don't know other episodes. According pics, they rarely wear bibs.

Rating ~3-4 for this one.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Zomer Zonder Mama

TV drama, 68 minutes
Year: 2019
Year in film: 2010s?
Country: NL
Who in bibs: Suzan ~10
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+?
Rating: 4/10  
Rating: ****
Comment: I think Polleke van der Sman ("Mees Kees"/Mister Twister 2017) as 10 yo main character in probably 2 different shortalls (faded ones, bib at low position and darker or dark appearing ones, both high back) and rubber boots. Pic 1 at 18. Also scenes at 11 (dark appearing, red/white striped shirt), 48 (yellow shirt full view, distance) 1h04 (appearing darker, headshot). And in a dark green shirt. Sitting scenes like on bed, on a swing and at a shore.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks! English title: Summer With Rana. 

I think rather few (good) scenes. Other scenes of interest swimwear, cycling, riding but not in shortalls.

The darker ones are much better. First I considered giving 3 but I think I can give 4. Maybe needs to be re-checked for the other pair and sitting scenes. Obviously some good rear views. Movie/plot rating 3. Friendship with a refugee girl (Rana). Too few boys and quite young girl. Used at schools.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Arctic Camels


Documentary, 1h15
Year: 2019
Year in film: 2017, earlier
Country: Norway, others
Who in bibs: Torarin 11
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low-
Rating: 7/10  
Rating: *******
Comment: Handsome 11.5 yo Torarin (*2005) in Old Navy (ladies') overalls with 2 bib pockets, front one pointed. Rather few but very good scenes starting at 48. Also his dad in snow coveralls at 13. 

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks very much! He would give rating 8. I give ~7-8 (what means I would buy it). I first had troubles finding the full movie but found a stream under a literated foreign title on a site starting with film. 

I've seen the full movie at regular speed (without sound). Quite interesting documentary but unlike movies it's enough to watch it once for the plot. They could have made much more out of it when filming for several years (even a series). He's shown as 8 or 9yo but not in bibs. He mainly wore dark grey pants with suspenders. Later also blue and black jeans.

The trailer has some of the best scenes like at a beach being flipped over (at1h08, mainly rear view) and hands in pockets (rather baggy) but with a closed jacket and cap (at 55).

Cycling at 49 (from a distance), then a close up, pic 1+3 and headshots (I've added the rear tag). Walking front at 51 and then rear/side view (pic 2). The beach scene is a bit longer and also showing him lying on the sand (rear view).

Other scenes of interest, he and his family watching a neutering scene at 29. He and others also later milked a camel. Also riding on a camel but not in bibs and also crying.

Great bibs, unfortunately few scenes (no sitting) and no others. Too much camels. Aired in 3 parts in Germany. I haven't found a DVD. That brand has many different styles. Some vintage styles with a half lap.


Het Smelt (2023)


Coming-of-age drama (girl)
Year: 2023
Year in film: < 2010
Country: B, NL
Who in bibs: young Eva ~16
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating: 4/10 * 
Rating: ****
Comment: I think 16 yo Belgian short haired Rosa Marchand as 13 yo main character (actress much younger looking, awarded at the Sundance Film Festival) in faded, buttoned shortalls. Also cycling at 54 (but distance views). And sitting on a hay bale. Brief scenes. Pic at 1h07. 

English title: When it melts. Based on the 2015 bestselling novel by Lize Spit. Directed by Veerle Baetens. Filmed in 2021.

Very interesting plot.

For the few scenes rating ~4. Movie itself much higher, maybe ~7.

'Ford S-Chords (Haverford College choir)


As announced the clip of the choir Laurent found. Title 2023 Alumni Show (38th Anniversary), November 11th, 2023. I'm sure he also had this on the Passion Salopette playlist. There are even much more members, at least 40 in this clip. Mainly men but also some few ladies in white bibs. Some with one strap down, some men with the bib down.

Very few ladies and few good scenes. Very long clip 1h18. There are also some other short clips like Someone New (opb. Hozier) with legs cuffed up (but few young men only).

Monday, June 17, 2024

TU Wien Chor (2024 Bad Ischl Competition)

During research for another suggestion from Laurent (Haverford College Ford S-Chords, many men and some few ladies in white bibs, coming soon), I found this one on the YouTube recommendations. A mixed adult choir from Vienna, Austria with 2 young ladies in faded bibs. One younger one shirtless in tight ones with a zipper.

Pop category in this competition. Not sure if there are more scenes of these or other ladies (or men). TU means Technische Universität.

At least 3 similar clips, also 2024 Bad Ischl Grand Prize. And Happy Together.

I think only or mainly this front view.

Also a brief headshot of a lady in red patterned bibs or similar in Online-Konzert 1. Juli 2021.

Rating ~3. Musical clip. Different songs.

VARMiNT (2012)


Short film, coming-of-age, 21 minutes
Year: 2012
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Trevor ~14 ?
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating: 4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: Mason Ford shirtless in stone washed blue bibs. Few and brief scenes at the beginning and dark lit. Also rear view, one strap (and parts) down. Later another shirtless, similar looking cool boy (Cory) in regular jeans but I think from a distance. Main character, 12 yo boy Varmint only wore underwear. Also starring younger Chase Ford, probably brother of Mason.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks very much! 

In the dark and being muscular he first appeared much older to me. Quite interesting. But for the brief dark scenes rating ~4-5. (I think this time Felix would agree?)

Better pics (behind the scenes) and info in the official booklet (much more than just a poster), but I prefer pics from the actual movie. This one is not that dark.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Coming-of-age-drama (girl)
Year: 2024
Year in film: 2000s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Doris ~18 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating: 5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: Obviously Nico Parker (* Dec 2004) as main character in long faded bibs (unknown length) with a zipper and sweater bound over them and even better sitting in long regular faded bibs. Also standing in them looks better (no sweater around) and a bit oversized, not tight.

Maybe also in simple green bibs but more likely that's a dress, top or similar shown in the trailer. I first thought it would be 23 yo Daniella Taylor as 16 yo Laci (similar hair but not in this movie).

Sundance Film Festival. Semi-biography by Laura Chinn who also directed. Found during research on purewow (best teen movies, this at number 1). Filmed in 2022-2023.

I don't know the full movie. Maybe more supporting actresses? Not sure about amount of scenes.

Rating ~5 for now.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Somewhere Between (2017)


Mystery series 20 ep
Year: 2017
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Serena 8
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+
Rating: 4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: Aria Birch (*Sep 2008, Sol (2020) rating4,  "Pup Academy")) in blue bibs in ep 8, 9, 10. After finding her as 10 yo in Sol, Felix also found her in this series. He would give rating 7.

Some good but few scenes like sitting, s1e10 pic 1, also good rear view sitting on that fence. And underwater and over water scenes in same episode.

But she's very young and looking even younger and I don't like much this actress. I only have checked briefly ep 8+10. Also starring (grown-up) Devon Sawa (not in bibs).

Rating ~4-5.


Brand #31: The Waltons - season 5 part 2


Discs 2 and 3 checked. Some few disc issues. Pic on top left from disc 3 ep 7 at 17 showing 5 Waltons in bibs. Jason in (I think Dee Cee, also rarely in season 4) and Elizabeth at 29 in hickory striped (high back, probably new pair, overlapping straps, not sure about brand). Ben also in Dee Cee. Erin in dark blue cotton pair. All pairs getting more and more faded.

Below in the middle Jim-Bob's bib (middle blue low back) and comparison with Ben at 51. The other pics are from the barn dance disc 3 ep 8 (Germany: 7) showing Jason in a new pair, obviously Penney's with "Square_Bak" With tags front and rear. Last season of Jason in bibs, he later wore in ep20 a faded maybe same pair. He's getting very old, so most of interest now Jim-Bob and Elizabeth (and some supporting or new actors).

And also 2 men with tags including Zeb. Jim-Bob dancing with Patsy in his tan Dee Cee carpenter pair.

Unpictured: Very good scene of Jim-Bib sitting in a cinema (dark lit front row in this medium blue pair, low back) disk 2 at 48. Zeb in Lee (ep 5), ep 6 2h15 shirtless young man Laurin. Elizabeth grabbing the bib of Jim-Bob ep 7 at 28. And riding 3 on 1 horse (Jim-Bob in the middle, Patsy Brimmer on front, Elizabeth behind).

Gila and Rik


TV drama
Year: 1987
Year in film: 1980s
Country: Italy
Who in bibs: Gila ~10 ?  
Available on DVD: yes? 
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating: 4/10 * 
Rating: ****
Comment: A young girl roller skating in dark blue bibs. Probably Francesca Passadore as main character. Very brief scene. I don't remember where. I think near the beginning.

Other scenes of interest: Also boys playing Soccer in shiny shorts including Adidas red at 37. I think I don't had this on my shiny shorts blog. And undressing/swimming in the sea but boy in underwear.   

Handsome boy. Interesting movie.

Rating ~3-4 for the brief bibs scene. Much more for the movie ~7.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

VERIVERY: Veri-Chill (music clip)


Music clip K-Pop
Year: 2019
Year in film: 2019
Country: South Korea
Who in bibs: teen boys  
Available on DVD: no? 
I own: no
Bib occurrence: always
Rating: 8/10 
Rating: ********
Comment: All seven members of band Verivery (베리베리) dancing in Dickies raw denim bibs. Front+rear views, kneeing etc. 3 minutes.

One of several new suggestions from Laurent. Thanks very much! Finally a great boys post.

Rating ~8. Unfortunatley brief clip.

Come on Eileen I already have f/m rating 4.

Ich kann auch 'ne Arche bauen


TV adventure film
Year: 1974
Year in film: 1970s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: boy ~11 ? 
Available on DVD: no 
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating: 3/10 
Rating: ***
Comment: At least a black boy in tight black bibs. Filmed 1973 in Hamburg. Not sure about his name either Thomas Hoffmann or Christoph Pfeuffer. Directed by Hark Bohm, starring Uwe Bohm then Uwe Enkelmann (1962-2022, "Nordsee is Mordsee", "Moritz, lieber Moritz").

Probably also cycling.

I haven't seen the movie yet.

Rating 3-4 for the bibs. Movie itself maybe a bit higher.

Some better pics and info here,id853,ich_kann_auch_ne_arche_bauen_hark_bohm_film_1973.html

Update 3: Bunk'd


Some more pics/episodes/actors I found some time ago. I haven't checked all episodes and I currently won't check more.

Pic 1 from clip "Hand Fishing Lessons" (unknown episode) nice waterproof bibs.

Pic 2, teen girl in tight bibs from clip "Then and now from oldest to youngest 2023" unknown episode. Maybe same girl but now older as in update 2 pic 1? That is Destiny.

Pic 3 from season 6 preview showing one or more younger girls in shortalls.

Unpictured: A very young girl (Kyriana Kratter as Nadine) in dark blue bibs in s5e16. Teen girl in dark bibs in s6e8. Young girl (probably Scarlett Estevez as Gwen?) in dark bibs in s4e24. Pics on the fandom.

Main entry f/m currently rating up to 5


The Beaker Girls


Family series
Year: 2021-2023
Year in film: 2020s?
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Jess 11-12
Available on DVD: no? 
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium-*
Rating: 4/10 
Rating: ****
Comment: Emma Maggie Davies (*2009) in long faded bibs (almost low back, unknown brand, no buttons on bib pocket) and dark blue shortalls (high back, large bib pocket, no buttons) in s1e1, latter ones also in s1e2 and light blue bleached shortalls in s2e1 (no bib pockets), also sitting. Another shortalls in s2e2 (I forgot to check) obviously dark blue (pic on IMDb).

Another suggestion. Thanks very much! I assume Felix has checked all episodes.
Quite good rear view especially of the long pair. But rather few good scenes. I also don't like much this actress.
So again rating ~4-5 only.

She also starred in My Mum Tracy Beaker (probably not in bibs). There are also some other related series. I had this ((teen) girls, man, rating 4, 2 pics re-uploaded.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



TV family film
Year: 2017
Year in film: 2010s?
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Zoe ~12 ?, man
Available on DVD: no? 
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating: 4/10 
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Talia Barnett (age unknown, main character) in dark blue shortalls and black pants underneath (bib pocket with flap on right) and it first looks like in long black bibs, sitting, legs crossed. But I think they're the same blue shortalls just appearing black as dark lit inside (I found a pic on lola-post, out of foucus in that pink jacket appearing dark blue and showing the pocket flap). Pic 1 at 39. Pic 2 I don't remember.

Also an old man (probably Burt) in tan bibs at 24 and white aprons.

During research for "My Petsaurus" one month ago, I found this one. 2012 childrens' book by David Williams. Character there is obviously much younger. I haven't found a DVD. There's also a play.

Better pic of the shortalls here

I think few good scenes. Rating ~4-5.