
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Petite maman (2021)

Indepedant drama
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: France
Who in bibs: Nelly ~8
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating: 4/10  
Rating: ****
Comment: Joséphine Sanz as 8 yo main character in long blue and tan bibs (I first thought that's her real-life twin sister Gabrielle (pic 1 on left not in bibs there) in tan bibs as she has a similar white shirt but I found a pic showing both in white. Not a sister in the movie.) I think much more often shown the blue ones. Several scenes but also with jacket (usually opened), often a pullover under them. Sitting scenes as well.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks!

Several scenes but rather few good ones, very young girl, makes rating ~(3)-4. Movie/plot seems quite good. Several awards.

English informal title:


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