
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Update 4: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


Season 6 checked. Pic 1 another boy sitting in s6e9, pic 2 a lady faded bibs, unknown length in s6e10 (probably long as in s7e2), pic 3 little sister longer shortalls in s6e8. Being lifted up also rear. Also walking in yellow bedroom and also in s6e6. I haven't noticed scenes of Chechu. 3 seasons left.

Update: I obviously missed scenes (Chechu ?) in ep 2, (4), 12, 13.

Main entry currently rating 6

1 comment:

  1. This is a great find! It's difficult to rate because of many episodes without dungarees, but I really like the actor playing Chechu, even not in dungarees he is great. So I think I have to rate it 8/10.


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