Musical / comedy film
–Year: 1976
–Year in film: 1970s
–Country: Romania
–Who in bibs: boy ~11 ?, woman
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium ?
–Rating: 4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
–Comment: A boy in blue bibs, also sitting outside at 55. Pic 1 at 30. And also a lady in tight black non-jeans bibs at 47. Pic 2 from a promo. Completely on YouTube enhanced but in quite poor quality.
Correct title: Gloria nu cîntă. Aka Gloria nu cântă. English title Gloria Won't Sing. Found by coincidence during research (Google pic associated with another movie).
Not that bad. I don't like the 70s.
Rating ~4. Only briefly checked.
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