
Friday, February 21, 2025

Updates: The Rising Place, Father and Scout


2 more pics taken from Felix' galleries. Thanks very much! Pic 1 from Father and Scout (rating (5-)6). There's mainly a brief rear view in the dark but that's nice. Here's the best headshot. Bib at low position. Nice camp movie with Brian Bonsall.

Pic 2 from The Rising Place (rating 7). At least 4 boys/teen boys in bibs and Laurel Holloman. I still have to re-check the full movie. Here's one pic I didn't have before. There are even better ones, like sitting (see main post).


  1. Hers’s a new tip from DB1 for a boy in overalls. In the 2004 reality series Wife Swap (U.S.) in S 3, Ep 19 and in
    S 5, Ep 18 the Silver family has son Curtis who wearing overalls.

  2. Another show that would be worth checking for overalls and other outfits is 1980s sitcom Valerie’s Family/The Hogan Family with 3 boys that appeared in the show as regulars. Jason Bateman, Danny Ponce and Jeremy Licht all appeared in the show for 6 seasons during their years as pre-teens to becoming teenagers.


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