
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Info 1704: Clay Farmers - overalls brand , webfinds


I searched some shops for vintage overalls and I'm sure that the bibs of Clay Farmers is from JCPenney Big Mac. The Label reads Big Mac, Square Bak. Penneys. (3rd line "Penneys" in the 60s. Removed in the 70s). A 70s and 90s pair from that brand has a label on bib: 64% cotton and 36% polyester. An earlier series (40s 50s was Pay Day (instead of Big Mac) even longer rear pockets.

Note the red seams front and rear. Squared white label and squared diamond seams of the jeans. On front the hole above the bib "\".

Sears Roebuck has a similar front but different rear.

The time setting is probably at presence (mid/late 80s) despite the haircut of the boy and the 60s car. Mainly due to the men's haircut and tight jeans. I'm currently watching the full movie again. At the end there's a description about the 30 anniversary film restoration.

Some webfinds (some are taken from my blog)

Update 3: Operation Splitsville


This was also on the playlist. I made some new caps. And I also re-uploaded 4 older pics I forgot (although rating 5-(6), 2016 update and 2012 posts). Very good the girl (in yellow bibs or more likely shortalls, update previously missed a rating). Handsome boys, but the boys in bibs are very young. The handsome blond boy is probably younger than 10. Rather 6-7. The boy on front pic 1 even younger. I haven't checked the full movie revently. At least 8 kids, 4 boys, 4 girls.

3 boys incl headshots and hickory stripes, 2 girls

Girl in yellow

Update 3: El árbol azul


As announced a final update. I forgot 2 scenes. Pic 1: Older teen girl sitting in faded shortalls in ep 4. Pic 2 a young girl sitting in green bibs (are these bibs ?) ep 30. Pic 3 the very young girl in dark blue bibs in ep 9 (next to the boy). Pic 4 rear view of the girl in rare bibs in ep 48 (other leg beige in ep 117). 

Unpictured: Rare bibs sitting on lap of lady in ep 68. Shortalls (girl in yellow shirt) outside in ep 121. Older teen girl sitting ep 137.

Main entry f/m rating 4

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Backstreet Boys (band) 1997 Frankfurt


And yet another music clip from the deleted playlist. (Some few to come and some plays). Clip is called "Backstreet boys 1997 live in frankfurt full with solos" by KTBSPAsince1996. Length 1h20.

2x blue, 3x white. Sitting and standing. Rather short scene ~8-18 minutes. I mainly liked Nick Carter (17 yo in 1997), but I prefer Aaron. Maybe there are more clips and pics of them in bibs.

Rating ~3-4 for this.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Update 2: Clay Farmers (rating 6->7)


By coincidence I found a new stream in much better and color fixed quality. (I still haven't found a DVD or BD). I have checked most of it in regular speed on my TV screen. The bibs are great (rear view, rear pockets and fit reminds me of Honkytonk Man and The Sugar Creek Gang). Bib at high position. I have to check for the brand (and other movies) white diamond I think with a "P" turned left.

The movie is quite short (1h) and rather few good front views. No good sitting scenes (but kneeing), one is at the end on a tree. I don't like his longer hair. Is this supposed to be set in the 80s or 70s? (60s car). The California setting looks rather British. 2 different shirts (white is much better) or shirtless. Brief dressing-on after swimming (~35). Pic 1 at 13, pic 2 at 12, pic 3 at 3 (also good walking rear at 4).

One more updated pic (kneeing at 27, even better, also rear) and older pics (1st update)

Main entry, previously rated 6-(7) now at least 7 (considering 8)

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Feng kuang de dai jia

-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1980s ?  
-Country: China
-Who in bibs: girl Lan Lan ~15 ? 
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium-
-Rating:  3/10 
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Teen girl played by Jing Li (李靖, one of the main characters) in simple, light blue bibs. Also sitting inside and outside on stone steps. Pic at 1h17. Also wearing bibs and backpack.

Looks almost like a boy. Then, I wasn't sure if it's really Jing Li or if that's the name of her older sister. But it's indeed the younger teen girl. Exact age unknown. I don't know Chinese.

Chinese title:

Girl from Tobacco Row


Western/musical/comedy Ron Ormond
-Year: 1966
-Year in film: 1960s ?  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: men 
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  3/10 
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Some men (one might be an older teen boy) dancing in raw denim bibs. Ladies in raw denim dresses. Mainly of interest this brief dancing scene at 57. Also a man with bibs and a tie (would be a good "story" entry, I only have The Sugar Creek Gang with Tom Till wearing bibs and tie). 

Rating ~2-3. (Click pic to enlarge).

The 2nd movie by Ron Ormond. First was


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Update 2: El árbol azul


I have now completely checked the full series (at high speed). I also have found the missing episodes; they were just not added to the playlist 2 but are on the top of the uploads. There are also clips from others in (slightly) better quality. No more boys (but some more scene of the young boy), some more scenes of the girls and 1 or two more girls including teen. One more post to come.

Pic 1 from ep 184 white shortalls, pic 2 ep152 long bibs (also sitting), pic 3 from ep 124, pic 4 from ep 141, probably same girl as in pic 2.


Girl in yellow shirt and faded shortalls (update 1 pic 4) also in ep 121, 116 (standing), 198+180,179 (blue shirt), 197 (white shirt sitting), 122.

Girl above in yellow shortalls also in ep 192, 193, 169.

Blonde girl in pink shirt and faded longer shortalls or bibs in ep 172

Very young girl in shortalls/ skirtalls in ep 166, 165, 123.

Older teen girl pic 2+4 also in ep 138, 137. 

There are also some more episodes of the girl in rare bibs like in ep 117 with the beige part on her left rear leg, so there must be at least 2 pairs.

Boy in 107, 105 (sitting), 132, 121, 119 (sitting).

Other scenes of interest: swimwear outside at pool f/m ep 169, 168, 167, 163 (3 boys incl chubby boy), 159.

Main entry currently rating 4-(5)



Sitcom, 184 ep
-Year: 1982-1990
-Year in film: 1980s   
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Georgie 14, men  
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low ?*
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least Jason Marin (Back to the Future) and a man in s7e20 (1989). This b&w scene is a flashback scene. Also an old man (Tom Poston) in the regular present color plot in bibs in this and several other or even all episodes like s1e6, s4e20, s8e16. I assume more actors f/m ? There are so many guest stars. I bet there are more.

I don't know all episodes.

Tight bibs, I think sitting and standing up, also rear view.

Rating ~4 for now. I have to recheck the full series.

The Furry Fortune

Family film
-Year: 2023
-Year in film: 2020s ?  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Zoey ~10 ? 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: I think Juju Journey Brener in dark blue shortalls. Rather few scenes near the beginning.

Typical family film. 

Rating ~3-4.

If Footmen Tire You What Will Horses Do?


Drama Ron Ormond
-Year: 1971
-Year in film: 1960s ?  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy ~10? 
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: One young boy doing farm work. Also standing on the right. Brief scene at 21 minutes. I haven't seen the full movie at slow speed, maybe there are another few scenes like headshots.

Interesting movie. In fact a series of 3 with that Reverend (I haven't checked the other 2). I first found one other movie of that director with mainly men in raw denim bibs, coming soon.

Rating ~3-4. Movie rating ~5-6.


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Update: El árbol azul (f/m)


I have checked more than 100 episodes (so half of the series). Some episodes are missing, so I have ~70% of all available. There is also a young boy ~6 yo appearing in many episodes, first in ep 9 (pic 3), there's also a very young girl in dark blue bibs there.

Pic 1 from ep 81 also sitting. Boy also in ep 92 doing gym and pushups, sitting ep 91, ep 68, 67, 59, 55, 43, 10.

Most often shown is the girl in the rare buttoned bibs and beige neck (main entry pic 2). The rear has a beige right half. shown in ep 48. Standing front, hands in pockets in ep 91, sitting in 90, ep 68 and many more.

Pic 2 blonde girl in faded buttoned bibs and pink shirt just in ep 73. Pic 4 girl sitting in faded shortalls or similar in ep 122. The other girl wore a dress.

I forgot a girl in shortalls sitting in ep 4. Girl sitting in medium green bibs (?) in ep 30. More to come.

Other scenes of interest:

2 boys shirtless in ep 73 +68, Soccer scenes in ep 62, chubby boy in red shiny shorts in ep 25+5. Also some good tight jeans scenes of boys in many episodes.

The boy in bibs is very young. Much more scenes than assumed. Main entry, currently still rating 4-5

Tom Sawyer (2001 Cos Cob play)


And still another Tom Sawyer play from the playlist. Mainly Huck in bibs played by Jason G. (full names of all the cast at the end). Clip is 1h13 long. Legs cuffed up, one strap down and hat. Tom is on left (pic 1). Pic 3 showing 2 girl in bibs (Shiori and Sachi, brief scene at 27, I almost missed that).

Bibs are not bad. But I don't remember good rear views and I think no sitting scenes. Maybe I have to recheck that. Uploader Frank Ceci.

Rating ~4-(5).

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Price She Paid (1992)

-Year: 1992
-Year in film: 1990s ?  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Lacey ~46 
-Available on DVD: VHS only ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: I think Loni Anderson in bibs with a belt. Rather few scenes. Also sitting, side view.

From the playlist. I think this was the last feature film from that. Bibs are not that bad, but she's quite old. And few scenes.

So rating ~4.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

El árbol azul


Kids telenovela, 200 ep
-Year: 1991-1992
-Year in film: 1990s  
-Country: Argentina
-Who in bibs: girls ~6- 15, boy ~6 
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium+
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least some young girls in bibs and shortalls. Pic 1 from ep 1 (also sitting), pic 2 from ep 94 (rare, buttoned bibs standing, sitting), pics 3+4 from ep 200. English title: The Blue Tree. I thought, I already had this.

I still have to check all episodes (have checked some few). Maybe much more and maybe also boys (maybe also ladies) in bibs?

For now rating ~4-5. Probably rather 5 or higher. At a first sight there seems to be rather few scenes and few girls. There is also a Mexican adaption called "Una luz en el camino". There should be a DVD from that one but I haven't found much clips or pics.

Update: Also a young boy in bibs. More scenes than assumed, mainly the girl in pic 2. Also a teen girl (update 2) and white shortalls and some more scenes of the boy and very young girl and some good swimwear scenes (f/m)


Take 5: I Give (music clip)

And another music clips from the playlist. Pic 1 all 5 members (14-17 yo) dancing in black bibs (baggy, bib at quite low position) from I Give 1998 by fritz5132. Similar (HQ Video and Lyrics) by Shirley Temple. Pic 2 from Take 5 Trouble TV 1998 .m4v by Charmaine Nicky. Blue bibs sitting.

There are some more vids and pics. Typical boy band. Blond TJ and Clay (the only 14 yo) were handsome at the beginning.

I first had trouble finding good pics on the web. Best maybe on facebook official fanclub Philippines (take5ofcp) including these black bibs (pics + this clip).

I like baggy and dark bibs and I like the younger boys but somehow I can only give rating ~5. Clip is quite short and image quality quite poor. Same for clip 2. I prefer others like Aaron Carter (rating 7).

Monday, January 22, 2024

Rose (2020)


Horror film, Rose: A Love Story
-Year: 2020/2022
-Year in film: ~2020 ?  
-Country: UK
-Who in bibs: Rose ~31 
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Sophie Rundle in faded black (or less likely dark blue bibs). I think rather few scenes inside (bad lit) at the beginning, mainly headshots.

The trailer was on the playlist. I have briefly checked the full movie. Pic at 8 minutes.

Bibs are not bad. For the headshots, I first considered rating 2, now rating 3-(4). There is an undressing scene but I haven't noticed notable scenes of either bibs or body. (Snow) setting is quite poor (typical cabin in the woods). Movie's main release obviously delayed to to Covid. Rose: A Love Story 2022 (2020). Not to be confused with other (romance) movies called Rose (2020) or Rose (2022). I haven't found an official DVD release.

Ode to Billy Joe


-Year: 1976
-Year in film: 1953  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boys ~10, men 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating:  3/10 
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Next to some men (mainly Sandy McPeak) there are some few boys in bibs, mainly at the barn dance (53-57 minutes, brief scenes). 2 boys sitting (one in the background and out of focus). 3 boys standing/walking from a distance. Another scene in the school bus at 47 one boy headshot but that partially. 

Very good 50s Mississippi setting. But for the bibs scenes rating ~3-4 only.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Update 2: The River (1984)


I have again watched my DVD (mainly boys, rating 6). The movie starring Mel Gibson and Sissy Spacek (both also in bibs but Spacek very briefly) is still great and I like handsome Shane Bailey (jeans scenes rating 9 at 44). Unfortunately, there are rather few good scenes of his bibs. I've uploaded these 2 new pics and re-uploaded 2 from the 1st update also showing another boy. 

About 4 rear views, one partial, one partial with a jacket, one muddy from a distance (see 1st update) and this full but dark lit scene at 1h34. Cycling is also very brief. Only one sitting scene in bibs while welding (also partially close up at 35). Rear view of chubby Billy is extremely brief.

And no really full front view like some good publicity pics (like pic 18 on IMDb) but they did not appear like this in the movie and is mirrored.

There is also a Blu-ray, but the DVD has perfect quality to me (unless you have a large plasma TV or need print-outs).

I also checked the 1985 novelisation by Stephen Bauer. 2x overalls and 3x coveralls. But I think only mentioned with men wearing them.

Main entry with 3 pics also showing the little girl and Billy (front)

To Kill A Mockingbird (2011 Denver play)

And another play from the (deleted) playlist. This time To Kill A Mockingbird, showing Matthew Gary and Caroline Rosenblum. There's also a better sitting scene of the girl, but I want to show both boy and girl. There's also an album on flickr (user denvercenter). Also standing, both hands in pockets. The boy also wore other clothes. (They also had a 2011 Tom Sawyer play, young man in bibs).

Clip is 1'33 and called To Kill A Mockingbird Sizzle Reel. By Denver Center for the Performing Arts. They also shown the 2022 Chicago play with Richard Thomas (lady rating 5) where most webfinds are about.

~Rating 5 for now.

Annabelle: Creation

Horror film, Conjuring universe Annabelle 2
-Year: 2017
-Year in film: 1955  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Kate ~13 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium ?
-Rating:  2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least Tayler Buck probably as one of the orphans in long, dark blue simple bibs. I think 1955 farm setting. Pic from the trailer. Some few better ones (full view) on IMDb. I don't know the full movie, yet. Part 1 is very poor. Poor movie and no bibs at all. At least the setting seems much better here.

Bibs have simple, buttoned straps. Also simple straps and below buttoned as well what is rare. Probably thin fabric. I assume several scenes.

Rating ~2-3 for now. Movie probably higher, maybe ~5-6.

I mentioned this in another part (girl shortalls, rating 3)

Saturday, January 20, 2024

You did it!

 ELT course
-Year: 2023
-Year in film: 2020s 
-Country: France (, USA)
-Who in bibs: girls
-Available on DVD: yes *
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low ?  
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least 2 young girls, one sitting in long bibs, one running in dark blue tight shortalls.

Pic from the official book resources site from publisher Editions Bordas. (Used under fair use license). Probably this is just a general photo from a book and not appeared as video. Currently there's just a course for level/grade 6e. Not sure if there's (already) a DVD, DVD-ROM or just online clips.

Unpictured: a girl in shortalls in unit 1 Middle School is Cool! (book preview on calameo). As this is a new course I have to recheck this when more is available.

At least some clips were filmed in the USA, school and camp with US kids. For more info see my school TV blog. One short clip is taken from series Anne with an E.

Update: I have removed the pic as it turned out to be a stock photos. It's possible that the other pic I found is a stock pic as well.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Sammy (1977)


Family film
-Year: 1977
-Year in film: 1970s 
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: teen girl ~15 ?
-Available on DVD: VHS only *
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least this older teen girl (I assume it's a girl) in denim bibs. I only noticed a very brief scene at 12 minutes. Mainly this rear view walking and another distance view.

From the Christian Movies channel.

Good movie. Main character is a young boy. Also other boys shown in jeans. I think not officially on DVD.

For the brief scene rating ~4-5. Movie ~rating 6.

TFBoys (band)


And still another clips from the (deleted) playlist. Chinese band TFBoys (chinese 加油男孩, 加油少年). Established in 2013. 3 boys. At least 2 in bibs. There were some few clips on the playlist. I haven't watched all other clips. At least one also in a sailor suit. Some more clips often with just one in bibs. Clips 7 years ago by @tfboys9288.

Clip 1【TFBOYS 十年一顾杂货铺】[160614]TFBOYS《守护家》打榜ID[1080P] - YouTube Pj__9fJm5fc

Clip 2 【TFBOYS 十年一顾杂货铺】[160602]TFBOYS守护家花絮版[480P] -YouTube kTJQ0LY4-hA

Unusual bibs. Look like denim but not that dark. Also rare pockets (at bib and rear). Rating 4-5. Maybe there are some better ones. I think also regular bibs. One might have snow bibs.


Kids United (band)


Another clip from the (deleted) Playlist. Clip pic 2 showing Kids United Nouvelle Generation (2018-2020 New Generation) song Sauver le monde (2020). One teen girl sitting.

Searching by a Google Image search I found some other girls, also a young girl in different bibs and shortalls, maybe some from the 2015 first generation.

2015 Gen: Very young girl Gloria 8 yo (probably pic 4), also Carla 12 yo in bibs or shortalls (pic webfind unknown if there's a clip). 

Last girls and boys were 14-19 yo (in 2018 ?). Last album in 2020. Dissolved in 2021.

I haven't checked all clips. Was an UNICEF project.

Other pics I later found myself. Pic 3 is from Summer Medley 2018. Much better. Also sitting like in "Mille Colombes" pic 1 and "Liberta". Pic 3 from L'oiseau Et l'enfant (2016) showing a young girl in faded shortalls.  

Rating ~4 for pic 2, rating ~3 for pic 4, rating ~5-6 for pics 1+3 but I have to check more. There are also dark or black bibs or shortalls. Also a dark red dress.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Tom Sawyer (Universal Dynamics Academy) 2020 play


And yet another Tom Sawyer play. Again very long 1h59. Uploader Margo Johnson. At least 5 boys and a young man. Also some very good sitting scenes and standing up near the beginning on the rocks. Handstand and another sitting scene at 12.

Different bibs and different ages. One boy is very young ~6 yo in beige bibs. Another boy ~8 yo medium blue. Tom is ~14 I think in denim bibs, pic 2 on left and pic 1 sitting. Another boy in faded bibs.

Rating ~5. Maybe I have to recheck it at slow speed. The uploader also has "Pete's Dragon" 1h37. At least one boy in bibs as well.