
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Dennis the Menace Strikes Again!


I previously had this under the main Dennis the Menace post, but in a small and poor quality (headshot only) and later no pic left, so I have re-uploaded this some time ago and I think I haven't announced it. Justin Cooper. 

More famous are Mason Gamble (1993) and Jay North (1959 b&w series). Some older pics are still missing. But I have better and newer ones of both.

Currently all still rating 3 only for this reason or another. I think, I prefer the classic (there are also much more scenes) but b&w and baggy cotton bibs. I don't like this red pair. There's also Dennis the Menace: Dinosaur Hunter (shortalls in main entry)

Li'l Abner (1959)


Musical based on Comic, remake
-Year: 1959
-Year in film: 1930s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Lil Abner ~27, man, woman
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium ?
-Rating: 3/10   
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Next to the 19 yo main character, played by ~27 yo Peter Palmer in dark blue bibs with one strap down (pic 2), there's also at least another man in faded (cotton) bibs and a lady in ripped off shortalls or similar, sorry, obviously more likely a dress. 

There's also a 1940 b&w movie and some rarer sequels. I only have checked this briefly without sound. Previously, I found a 1980 college stage play on flickr with 2 young men/older teen boys in bibs by billdarron. Probably there are also other stage plays of interest.

Typical movie of it's kind/time. 

Rating ~2-3 only (for bibs scenes).

Pic 1 from song Jubilation T. Cornpone, pic 2 from bloopers VistaVision.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Oh Gloria (on TV)

Comedy film
Year: 2018
Year in film: 2010s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Jutta ~59, Jan ~54
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium-
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: Dagmar Manzel in faded bibs and I think rubber boots, also wet scenes (going into water and also outside, about in the middle of the movie). Also a man (Rainer Sellien, unpictured) in dark blue bibs at the beginning and I think man and woman in coveralls. Many farm contents.

Old lady and I also don't like the bibs. Few scenes of the men.

So rating ~2 only. Typical modern family TV movie (aimed at women).

This friday on daserste. Aka  Gloria, die schönste Kuh meiner Schwester. Also now on the mediathek.

Clip: City: Am Fenster

Toni Krahl (man with moustache) in tight, hickory striped bibs (also rear view) in at least a live version. 1978 song. Full album version 17'40 minutes. Perfect pop song (East German) including violin, but I think it's nothing special for men/musicians wearing bibs in the 70s (and 80s). So no need for pics here. Man/bibs rating ~2. Song rating 10.

Blog search: music clip.

Update in documentary aired in April 2022 (5oth band anniversary he's also shown in white bibs. And also other men in different including faded blue bibs.

There are several versions of the song including remixes, some also 17 minutes. I think the live version is best (7 minutes). Previously I had Frank Pfeiffer as singer, but he was an earlier member (not sure if he wore bibs as well).

LG (2021 ad)

Usually, I don't post recent commercials, but I make an exception for this one, showing a black teen girl in faded shortalls. It's very often shown and not that new and not for a specific product, but rather general for LG. 

As I always miss the brief rear view, I searched online and found on YouTube the official (German) clip which is much longer (1 minute) and also showing a sitting scene at the end. LG Deutschland.

Great song "The Smart Good Life". There's also a French version, but I haven't checked that one (maybe the same but dubbed or maybe original version).

I had bad experience with modern washing machines (not LG), but most modern machines don't last long. The technology might be smart, but it doesn't save money at the end. So I would rather spend money for an extended guarantee or even buy a used one. But true for almost all brands and all electronics.

I don't like much shortalls, but I have to give rating ~6. Also nice voice.

There are quite many recent commercials with girls in bibs, but almost all are very young ~8 yo. Mainly for food. Main overview f/m

Monday, August 23, 2021

Danny's Egg

TV family film, 27 minutes
-Year: 1984
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: Danny ~10
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low- ?
-Rating: 4/10   
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least this boy, I think main character played by Ken Talbott in blue/grey appearing bibs. But I think rather few scenes at the end. Maybe farm/rural setting.

Novel by Colin Thiele, also depicting Danny in blue bibs on the cover. Illustrations by Gwen Harrison. Obviously no mentionings as text, maybe some illustrations? There is or was a DVD (and VHS) but probably both OOP.

Needs to be rechecked. Rating ~4 for now.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Hideous Kinky


Drama aka Marrakesch, Kate Winslet
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1972
-Country: UK, F
-Who in bibs: Bea 8 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+ ?
-Rating: 3/10   
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least one young girl, probably Bella Riza as 7 yo Bea in long bibs. Scene pictured at 46 minutes. I have briefly checked it some time ago. I think rather few (good) scenes. Also jumping on the bed and sitting on the ground (but with a vest or similar over them), both shown in the trailer.

Rating ~3. (Too young, few good scenes)

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Update 2: Dragonworld


And another rating 4 re-upload. Cortland Mead ~7yo. I used to have one more pic, previously in the main entry but standing, showing top half and in poor quality.

Main entry

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Update 5: Naranja y media


Pic 1 from ep 38 showing a young lady in probably long faded bibs, pic 2 from ep 39 showing a teen girl in red checkered shortalls, pic 3 from ep 86 showing a new, young girl in long faded bibs (also rear view), pic 4 from ep 16 showing a lady painting in red shortalls, kneeing and also standing.

Fewer and fewer bibs scenes in later episodes. I currently have checked until ep 108. Many episodes without any scenes (none in ep 86-108). But I might have missed some.

Main entry rating 4

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Update 2: Karlas kabale


Another rating 4 re-upload (previously no pics left). I had 2 more (older) pics (both headshots, one with one strap down and hand at the chest)

Main entry (no more pics)

Friday, August 13, 2021



TV show, traditions, 1971-1989
-Year: 1977
-Year in film: 1977
-Country: Sweden
-Who in bibs: Kerstin ~23, others ?
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low- ?
-Rating: 2/10   
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least Kerstin Forslund in tight, silky blue bibs with flared legs in a 1977 episode. Reminds me of Abba. I found this on YouTube during research for my new blog. I found a short clip, but there's also the complete show, she appeared at the beginning and end, also sitting. Full view standing (distance) at the very end. Maybe some more in other episodes? 173 episodes.

Rating ~2.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Pup Academy

Family series
-Year: 2019
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Morgan ~9, (woman, man)
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium- ?
-Rating: 3/10   
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Canadian Christian Convery in long, light brown (cotton) bibs with wide, dark brown straps, also sitting. Pic from s1e7. Hands in pockets in s1e9. And in dark blue coveralls in s1e2. A young lady and men in dark green coveralls in s1e2 and s1e6.

I only have checked some episodes of season 1. I don't like this actor. Bibs are not that bad.

Typical, silly series with talking animals.

Rating ~3 for now.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Update 4: Naranja y media


Pic 1 from ep 11 showing the blonde lady in checkered, I think long bibs (also hands in pockets), pic 2 from ep 53 showing the teen girl sitting in checkered shortalls (I mentioned both episodes before),

pic 3 from ep 58 showing the teen girl in faded long bibs (also some rear views), pic 4 from ep 74 showing her in checkered, I think long bibs.

I left out some episodes in between, mainly of the teen girl in bibs already shown. Some good pics later.

Main entry, rating 4


Saturday, August 7, 2021

Update 2: The Attic Door


Some more rating 4 re-uploads. Back to March 2018 I have many updates. I used to copy the best pic from the updates to the main post, but here I had a poor pic on the 2011 main post, so better have these pics here as well. Not sure why I left that pic, probably as it shows him standing full view. 

I also had a 3rd pic showing him with a cowboy hat but showing the straps only. Also a man in bibs. Added tag sitting.

Text of 1st update:



Christian drama aka Silver Birches
-Year: 2019
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: Jenny ~41
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+ ?
-Rating: 2/10   
-Rating: **
-Comment: British Cathy Sara in a long bibs-like dress. Bib at high position, buttoned bib. Pic at 32 minutes. Some few scenes, mainly sitting. Has been aired yesterday on, but I only have seen some parts on TV and later checked briefly the complete movie .

Movie is obviously very poor. Only older grown-ups and 95% scenes in the house.

Rating ~1-2.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Update 3: Naranja y media


Time for some more episodes. Here, mainly the teen girl and mainly in shortalls. Pic 1 from ep 45 showing a short, orange dress with overlapping straps. Also from a distance, appearing more yellowish, but probably not the same as in ep 29.

Pic 2 chequered shortalls from ep 40. Also standing outside but with closed jacket. Same or similar sitting in ep 53 (distance but full view).

Pic 3 from ep 16 another chequered, white/blue shortalls (sleeveless shirt). Pic 4 from ep 61 showing a lady cycling in long beige bibs.

Unpictured: An older firefighter man (closed jacket, also sitting and on bed) in ep 60, 61, 65, 74 and 79.

Main entry, still rating 4 (currently too few good long bibs)

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Update 2: A világ legrosszabb gyereke


Another rating 4 re-upload. I used to have some more pics but with the same actors, so I've chosen just these. Boy in pic 2 also kneeing. Boy in pic 1 also getting his strap fixed by his mom. The legs can be zipped off to turn into shortalls. Also in Lederhosen on my other blog.

Main entry

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Urcellen Ellen

Educational series, 5 ep
-Year: 1978
-Year in film: 1970s
-Country: Sweden
-Who in bibs: woman ~28
-Available on DVD: yes  
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
-Rating: 4/10 ?  
-Rating: ****
-Comment: One young lady acting as little girl, it's Bergljot Arnadottir in at least dark blue and orange bibs and obviously another, light colored bibs, probably yellow like the girl in the animation. I found a b&w publicity pic. Pics from ep 4 Smaken (taste). The series is about the 5 senses. The title character wearing the pink dress.

Even available on DVD (60 minutes in total), but I don't know the other episodes. Subtitle: Urcellen Ellen - Snart i ett mikroskop nära dig.