
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Update 4: Emu’s All Live Pink Windmill Show

Some more pics of this great show. Pics 1+2 from Footloose. Pic 1 Tammy Smallworth, pic 2 a boy, maybe Spencer Roberts.

Pic 3 a lady on a beach from s1e6. Maybe I should make a list about bibs on a beach.

Pic 4 from ep 9 showing more colorful bibs and also better showing yellow bibs. Teen boy Joe Greco on left. More pics including women coming soon.

Main entry rating up to 7

Tuesday, September 29, 2020



BBC 1 Educational series, 10 ep

Year: 1980
Year in film: 1980
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Tracy ~9 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Melissa Wilks ("Grange Hill") in dark blue bibs (not raw denim). At least in 3 episodes (also other shirts, turqouise). Pic from ep 4 At the Seaside. Also kneeing on the floor.

Another British school TV series.

I don't know all episodes.

Rating ~4-5 for now.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Book 104: Jones: Mark Twain Make Me Do It

I found one good description on Google Books.

One new boy at school is teased about the smell of manure, as he has to milk in the morning before school.

Set in Nebraska in the 1950s. Chapter Jackrabbit Vincent.

I don't know the complete book, but probably not (much) more of interest.

The author also wrote "The Farming Game". 2 mentionings of bibs, but obviously just 2 brief ones, set in modern times.

I had some  books before about smell, mainly of interest the smell of new denim in school.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Update 3: Emu’s All Live Pink Windmill Show

Some more pics of this one. The mentioned women are in "Emu's Wide World" s2e7 (coming soon).

Pic 1 from song "Footloose". I think a boy (probably Spencer Roberts) and a girl in faded bibs.

Pic 2 from "ep 4 (1986)" with a teen girl (pictured) and a girl in faded bibs.

Pic 3 from song Really Waltzing, better showing the light green bibs, probably from  Emu's Wide World s1e3 (see previous entry).

Main entry, rating up to 7

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Bears Love Me! (on TV)


Family film
Year: 2019
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: The Netherlands
Who in bibs: Jip ~7 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium-
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Layla Zara Seme in light blue shortalls and camouflage bibs-like dress, skirtalls or similar. Also sitting. The middle aged girl in dark blue shiny shorts near the end.

Tomorrow (SU) morning on German's Das Erste.

Girl is very young.

So rating ~3 for now only.

Update: Completely seen. Rather few good scenes mainly or only in the 1st half. So rather rating 2-3.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Update 2: Emu’s All Live Pink Windmill Show


I have checked (almost) all clips I found on YouTube. Some few more (teen) boys, also in colorful bibs, also young women (coming soon).

Pics 1+2 from ep 9 (song Car Wash, 1986) pic 1 on left Joe Greco, in pic 2 2nd from left, also lying on his back on the street (under a car).

Pic 3 from Emu's Wide World s1e3 (1987), one young boy (3rd from left) in yellow bibs. Some kids I don't know if boy or girl like on the very right. Another longhaired kid, but most likely they are girls.

Some good dancing scenes. I prefer the light blue bibs (see my earlier post like song Footloose).

Kids in swimwear in clip "Big Fun", shiny shorts in "Ease on Down the Road". Women in bibs in s2e7.

Main post, rating 7

Zig Zag (1984)


BBC 2 Educational series

Year: 1983-2002
Year in film: 1987
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Emma ~8?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: One young girl at a medical (ORL) walking and sitting in pink bibs, maybe corduroy. A boy sitting in regular jeans. I found it on YouTube. Episode "At the Doctor's". (I first found a brief scene in a compilation but here's the full episode)

I don't know all episodes. Not much more on YouTube. Probably also others in bibs. Aimed at 7-9 yo. 

Rating ~3-4 for now

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Susanne (1998)

 BBC German learning series, 5 ep
Year: 1998
Year in film: 1990s ?
Country: UK
Who in bibs: girls ~18?, men *
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+
Rating:  7/10 ?
Rating: *******
Comment: One older teen girl (maybe the main character?) in 2 different bibs. Also young men or older teen boys and teen girls in blue working coveralls. Also one older teen girl in blue shortalls (rear view walking from a distance).

Searching on YouTube and mainly the broadcastforschools wiki, I found this one some other intersting series (only girls in bibs, some more coming next, but younger girls and lower rating). Also non-bibs series on my other blog and my School TV Wiki.

Rather few scenes near the end but not bad.

So rating ~6-7. 

Not to be confused with a documentary of the same name. Both not on IMDb.

Co-produced by the Goethe Institute. Aimed at 13-16 yo.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

T.Bag and the Pearls of Wisdom

 Kids' comedy series
Year: 1990
Year in film: ~1990
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Sally ~13
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: As announced Kelly Bright in peach or pink, buttoned, non-jeans bibs or similar bibs-like dress, also sitting. Pic from s6e10.

Also the boy and a lady in sailor suits (costumes) on my other blog, rating 3.

Not that bad, but I prefer jeans bibs.

Much better: a teen boy in jeans bibs, rating 7 in a different series, I previously posted


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fudge (1995)

 Comedy series, Sitcom, 24 ep starring Eve Plumb
Year: 1995-1997
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Sheila ~10-12
Available on DVD: no?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Nassira Nicola in faded shortalls, skirtalls and I think also in long bibs. Skirtalls have a long white/red flowered skirt.

I don't know all episodes. Main character is a boy but I assume several scenes. Nice, but typical series. I think not on DVD.

So rating ~4-5 for now.

Novels by Judy Blume. 

Update: also cycling.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Update: Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn


2 new pics, both in better image quality. One showing the full length and the cuffed up legs (I think barefooted), the other showing the fabric and Zachary Bennett without the straw hat.

Pic 1 looking much better than pic 2. I don't like this fabric. He also looks younger in pic 2. Great actor, though. But there are better Tom and Huck versions (see my Western list).

I had a (different) update which was 2 pics in the main entry linked from a huge update. But they weren't better. (I showing rear a view).

Main entry, rating 5 (rather 4).

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Info 1351: Update info, blog search

I have changed/fixed the pics links of rating 10-9 and almost all rating 8 posts and removed those posts from blog 2. I also have bulk deleted rating 1- rating 4 posts (almost all without pics) on blog 2. But I forgot, that some posts I had later updated, especially series and mainly from 2011-2012. 

So, some text infos and links are currently lost (or defunct) in the main entries, but the additional posts are all there. Sometimes I also changed the rating (notable especially when upgrade from rating 6 to 7). Tags teen boys and teen girls missing (just tag teens).

Due to the import limit, I left the old posts here (with the tiny pics, but better than none). I maybe revisit these old posts later, adding the texts (I have on backups), links and maybe reupload larger pics. 

Rating 7 and up posts already have larger pics and many major series have fixed links (most series are rating higher than 4 anyway). 

When making a blog search, there used to be the newest posts, so the updates on top. The default setting is sorting by relevance. After reuploading some larger pics to older posts, the old posts will be displayed first (missing update infos) and maybe sometimes the updates don't even show up.

The search box on top (advanced Google search) is still very weak, especially the Google Image search. Latter one still can only find 2011 and 2012 posts.

I uploaded some few larger pics to older posts (rating less than 7) like Mama ist unmöglich (pictured, rating 6). And some updates were missing rating tags, and so missing pics.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Hawk's Eye

BBC Wales kids series
Year: ~1990-1992 ?
Year in film: 1990s
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Menna ~30s ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Menna Roberts in probably different blue bibs with a belt. Pic from ep "New From Old" (1990). No entry on IMDb. I don't know all episodes.

New uploads on YouTube.

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Update: The Mountain Minor

I now have checked the complete movie, mainly at regular speed.

Some good scenes like when walking. Bibs are sometimes baggy (see pic in the main post, adding that tag), the legs are then cuffed up, but most of the time, the bibs are worn not (that) baggy. One good scene near the beginning while leaving the outhouse fixing one of the straps. Good rear views, also dancing in bibs.

I like baggy bibs, but somehow I don't like the actor, especially the quite long haircut. The toddler is even younger than first remembered. Brief farm work, but rather from a distance. Good music and setting. But the plot and actors could be better.

So still rating 7 "only".

Main entry

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Mag (1997)


Channel 5 series
Year: 1997-1998
Year in film: 1990s
Country: UK
Who in bibs: lady ~19 ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least this young lady sitting in raw denim or similar bibs.

Rating ~6-7 for now.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

T.Bag and the Sunstones of Montezuma

Kids' comedy series
Year: 1992
Year in film: 1990s
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Tom ~15, Penny ~13 ?, woman
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium *
Rating:  7/10
Rating: *******
Comment: Simon Fenton as Tom Sawyer in faded bibs, also sitting, with and without a straw hat (several scenes in s8e4). A girl, probably Evelyn Sweeny in dark blue shortalls with a pink belt (also at least in s8e9), and a lady in faded and I think ripped bibs.

In T.Bag and the Pearls of Wisdom, there's a girl in a peach, bibs-like dress.

I found this by coincidence on YouTube. 

Rating 7. I even considered a higher rating. I don't assume better scenes in other series.

Also on my other blog, rating 3.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Model Millie


CBBC Kids' comedy series
Year: 1994
Year in film: 1990s
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Wendy ~26
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least this lady, must be Sue Devaney ("Coronation Street") in raw denim shortalls and colorful leggings underneath. Also sitting and making a handstand.

Searching for some entries on my rare movies list (here Bailey Kippers POV), I found this on a movie blog. A clip is on YouTube. No entry on IMDb. I don't know all episodes. Rating ~4-5.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Fightin' Fools (1941) Our Gang


Classic comedy short film (Little Rascals)
Year: 1941
Year in film: 1940s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Mickey ~8, Leonard ~7
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: Robert Blake again in his typical dark (blue) bibs. Also Leonard Landy in faded bibs. Also the gang in swim shorts.

For bibs rating ~3-4. I previoulsy forgot it adding to my list. F/m rating up to 7

I have about 4 movies to come, but they are all very similar, I think Robert Blake only.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Update: Santa Fe (1997)


One completely new pic, showing a bit more of the bibs.

I think, I have to recheck the complete movie later.

Main entry, rating 5 (looking older there)

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Mountain Minor

Year: 2019
Year in film: ~1930s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy Charlie ~12 ?, boy ~1?, men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: often ?
Rating:  7/10 ?
Rating: *******
Comment: At least Asa Nelson barefooted in very faded bibs (also sitting) and some men (at least 2) in darker bibs. Also a toddler. Farm setting.

Looks very interesting. Pic from the trailer. I haven't seen the complete movie, yet. So needs to be rechecked. I assumed several good scenes. Although I don't like faded bibs.

Rating ~7-(8) for now.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Updates: Highway to Heaven - s1e16, s2e12

Has been re-aired long time ago. I didn't recognized, that I already had this. Pic (full view, distance, farm setting) was previously lost as rating 4, so a completely new pic.

I also reuploaded the pic of the girl in s2e12 (rating 4, pic below)

Main episode, rating 4 (series, f/m rating up to 5 for bibs, much higher for the series itself and on my other blogs, I think even up to rating 9 or 10)



Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Schloss Einstein - ep 951


Teen girl Caro (Paloma Padrock) in dark blue coveralls carrying heavy stuff. Brief scene. The woman in blue working bibs, I posted before.

Usually, I don't post coveralls, but why not.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Rain for the Earth

PD short film, documentary
Year: 1937
Year in film: 1930s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boys ~5, 10, 12?, men
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium-
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: One boy in dark bibs as pictured in pic 2 and another, much younger boy sitting. I previously missed a boy and man at the very end (pic 1) brief scene.

From the Prelinger archives. 8 minutes. On there's this and another 10 minutes film of the same name (part I), on YouTube called "Dust Bowl: Rain For the Earth", with obviously same people (and a young, barefooted boy standing. So there must be an even longer version (at least 14 minutes). Maybe part 2 has a different title?

For now the last movie from the USA National Archives and similar series, I recently found. No entry on IMDb.

Monday, September 7, 2020



Comedy series
Year: 2020-
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Ava ~5 ?
Available on DVD: not yet ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: very low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Jayda Eyles in dark blue bibs. Pic from the trailer.

I don't know the complete series. Season 2 has not been aired, yet. Girl is very young. Probably more and better scenes in upcoming episodes.

So rating ~2-3 for now only.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

You Can't Do That on Television - update 6


Some re-uploads of pics, that were missing.

Pics 1+3 from ep Fairy Tales, pic 2 from Safety, pic 4 from Rip offs.

I have also finished checking the newer snapshots, so no more notable "completely new pics (of existing posts)". I'm still busy replacing the rating 10-7 pics that were embedded from the 2nd blog.

Main entry, rating 7

Die Stripsenjochhütte (alpha-retro)

Documentary, alpine hotel, color
Year: 1975
Year in film: 1970s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: woman ~20 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: very low
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least a young, I think blonde hippy lady in tight, faded blue 70s bibs with a zipper till the top. Also boys and men in Lederhosen (other blog, rating 3).

Has been aired yesterday. I only have seen the first half. Sorry, no pics. I also haven't found this on the mediathek.

Friday, September 4, 2020

What We Found (2020)

 Thriller starring Elizabeth Mitchell
Year: 2020
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Holly ~17 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: I think Oona Laurence in faded long bibs.

I don't know the complete movie, yet. But bibs looking good. Not sure about the amount of scenes.

So rating ~5-6 for now.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Isis (1975)

Family/fantasy series, 22 ep
Year: 1975-1976
Year in film: 1970s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Rennie ~25, Cindy, Andrea 23, man
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: A least Ronalda Douglas (pic 2 of s2e1) and another lady (not Joanna Cameron  who is on right) in s1e15, both in tight bibs. Joanna Pang also in faded bibs (in an intro, s1e8 and publicity pic). Joanna Pang also in rare skirtalls in s1e6 and a young man in bibs with zipper till the top in s2e7. I don't know all episodes. Riding (lady) and boys like Mike Lookinland, but probably both not in bibs.

I don't like tight bibs, nor simple straps, nor the 70s.

So rating ~3 for now only. Aka The Secret of Isis.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Info 1348: Webfinds

After finding the great pics about a farm day, I've rechecked the albums there, and one is called old fashion day.

I have briefly searched for that term (as said, Google Image search finds less and less, even on their own hosted blogs maybe due to the bug of de-indexing. Often, there are just one or 2 pics shown for every blog. So, someone has to search all pics on a promising blog himself).

First link 2 boys, around 11 yo and men

2nd link 4, mainly younger boys

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Update: Auweia!

One completely new pic of Cedric Fingler (pic 1, I found it by coincidence on an older PC while searching for something else) and pic 2 used to be on my other blog (showing height of the bib which is at low position). Captured in 2010, but maybe recorded earlier.

By a quick search, there's just 2 clip on YouTube showing him briefly, but good rear view. I hope for a rebroadcasting.

There's a new upload on YouTube, very similar as pic 1

Main entry, rating 9