
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Five Gold Rings (2024)


Romance/ Christmas film
Year: 2024
Year in film: 2000s ?
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: Audrey ~11 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: Myla Volk as young Audrey in faded bibs, few scenes at the beginning. Not sure about her age. I think she's younger than thought/appears (first teeth in 2021 film), so maybe ~10-11 in here.

Another suggestion from Felix including gallery. Thanks very much!

Nice bibs, cute girl, rating ~(4)-5. There are also 2 current publicity pics of her (headshot) on IMDb. And earlier ones on X and more on insta (shortalls and bibs).

French title:

She also starred in Made for Each October (2023) with at least a lady (Alexandra Turshen ?) in bibs, and maybe also Myla in faded shortalls and/or bibs coming soon.


1 comment:

  1. It hadn't occurred to me to check social media in this case, thanks for the tip, the extra photos are nice. Gallery now available of Made for Each Other (2023), sadly Myla is only in it for a very short scene and her male friend is in it only in out of focus in the background. But the woman is in it at the start and again later in dungarees, so not too bad.

    BTW Médico de familia is great!! I consider upgrading to 9/10, and there are many more episodes with Chechu, although usually a short scene, and some covered by a shirt. Also a blond friend in another episode of season 1. Chechu seems to wear them in two episodes of season 7 and then none in season 8 (but feel free to check in case I missed something). I've uploaded some galleries, but more to come. This is a super find, and I'm still considering getting the entire series, just for the amazing Chechu.


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