
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Update 3: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


Season 5 checked. Still some great scenes of Chechu, now ~10 yo. Nice orange shirt. Pic 1 from s5e4. Same shirt also in s5e2. White T-shirt and open and closed white shirt in s5e11. Bibs can be said for sure due to the tag on the rear and later the shirt is open.

Pic 2 from s5e3 showing the little girl, now older in skirtalls, also sitting. Fewer and fewer scenes, I doubt that there will be much more, but who knows.



  1. Search for 2, 9, 12 and 13 in season 6. Maybe also in 4 under red pullover.

  2. In season 7 only in episode 1 and 2.

  3. In season 8 I noticed Chechu only once in his bib overalls (quite small now) in episode 5 at the end. In episode 4 there is another boy who has similar bib overalls like Chechu. That´s all. Nothing in season 9 noticed.


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