Drama movie series, 8 ep
–Year: 1996-1999
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: France
–Who in bibs: Céline ~9 ?
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: very low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least Marie-Charlotte Dutot *Nov 1988 in longer faded shortalls in ep 8 Ordonnance mortelle (clip says ep 7, 1999, aired 2002). I think few and brief scenes at the beginning only.
She also starred 2003 in Regards d'enfance: Le monde de Yoyo.
I have very briefly checked most episodes. I don't assume more scenes. Filmed in different countries.
Rating ~3-4 for now.
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