
Monday, February 17, 2025

Info: AI video improvement


On my uploads I have mainly 2 quality issues. First I have clips with (severe) artefacts from a poor satellite recording (above, "Ein ehrenwertes Haus (1998)", 3 minutes, no bibs). After some filters, I tried a pro AI tool. Very good results, here de-noise. Only the faces/eyes often look weird. Probably there are even better tools like used for the Our Gang restoration with similar artefacts/scratches. Or retouch every frame manually.

The 2nd issue is low resolution 320x240 (and compression artefacts), below from Moving to Marlborough. I tried de-noise and enlarge, both have similar results. Much better and sharper, especially clothes and hair. Maybe it's possible to better identify brands. Unfortunatley it's a trial version (3 clips/tool) and the calculation takes much time. For a 3 minute clip de-Noise 30 minutes, enlarge 1.5 hours on my old 8-core PC.

I have uploaded clips of pic 1 and will upload 1 or 2 more comparison clips. Update: Comparison below

1 comment:

  1. As I mentioned before, I think AI still has some work to do to get really good results. As a comparison look at Knokken voor twee, on YT there is an AI upscale uploaded in 2023 and a original quality uploaded by someone else in 2013. The AI upscale does look better in some ways, but there is also a lot of detail lost. I noticed this also in an upscale of The Courage of Kavik the Wolf Dog (1980) it looks better in some ways, but for instance in a shot of the rear of his dungarees, the AI has simply smoothed out the back pockets and they are no longer visible. So some detail has simply been lost.

    At the moment I'm more interested in finding re-releases of old films as web versions on streaming platforms like YT etc. But even there, there are issues. For instance my recent discovery of "Questo si che è amore", as I said at the time, it's not perfect, it's 1080p and much better than anything that was released before, but there's a huge amount of compression artifacts. This is a choice by the distributor which makes it even more frustrating because it means they almost certainly have a better copy sitting somewhere with less compression artifacts, but chose to release this one...

    I found some more 1080 upgrades but I'll post another comment once galleries are available. I did galleries for Prehysteria! 2 (1994), Was im Leben zählt (2016) and Operation Neighborhood Watch (2015) yesterday.


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