
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Info 1519: Films with scents - Scent science and technology - olfaction - past smells

There are new attemps of scent science. Scientists of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History found and reconstructed ancient scents. They examine archaelogical artefacts and somehow extract the scents. There are also other approaches of scanning old books and paintings with AI to detect descriptions and sources of odor.

Currently this is mainly used for tours in museums and the like so visitors can smell paintings.

But there are also new attemps for scent films, most are still in development but obviously almost finished. Previously there were mainly scratch and sniff cards and Smell-O-Vision. New technologies are smelling screens, feelreel and the Architecture of Smell ® by OVR Technology. Latter 2 ones in combinating with VR glasses. Editors for movies are already available.

I first found very good desriptions of scents in one-room schoolhouses (smell of new overalls and starched dresses). But this is only true for the first school days (September) as long as the bibs hadn't been washed. And in winter there's also smoke from the coal oven. And other smells like manure, sweat, turpentine, chalk, flowers from outside etc.

The new studies are soon to be published, but they mainly examined scents from ancient egypt. But I think there are also other scent databases, projects and samples. So maybe there will be scent movies soon. Although even 3D movies (without glasses) are still not wide spread.

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