
Friday, October 22, 2021

Bei Neuhaus zu Haus


Family series, 13 ep
–Year: 1988
–Year in film: 1980s ?
–Country: East Germany
–Who in bibs: Marcus ~9, Tina ~7 ?
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low ??
–Rating:  3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Looks like one girl in beige bibs and one boy (9 or 10 yo Marcus Görner) in light blue bibs with overlapping straps. Probably long bibs. There are 2 sisters, Franziska and Tina, but who is who? The younger sister is Tina, played by Chantal Feierabend, so it's most likely her in pic 1. There are also other kids like a friend of Tina, Jeanette but I doubt that they show others in the trailer.

Searching for some East German movies with Lederhosen, I found by coincidence this one.

Pics are from a combined trailer including 2 other movies. And including the prequel series "Bei Hausers zu Hause" (1985, 10 ep). I'm not sure, but I think the pics must be from "Bei Neuhaus zu Haus" as there are different actors. I can't say much more, or if there are bibs scenes in the other series as well.

Seems quite funny. I don't know both series.

Rating 3-4 for now only.


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