
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Info: Dream #8: Me as blogger, crocodile creek

I think, my 1st dream involving me wearing bibs and me as blogger. Some interesting explanations, maybe they help others, understanding their dreams better as well. Often, I ask myself, how old am I in my dreams, as I can't see myself (either when a spectator or being involved, as 1st person view). Usually, I can identify one or more of my friends and most dreams are set in my childhood and I'm ~12 yo. On the other hand, there are often facts, showing that I'm at least grown-up or set at presence.

Now I have the solution! It's (often) both at the same time. And not only me has a representation to the presence, but also other people and items have.

As usual, the locations (although set in my childhood) are completely new/fictional.
2 days before, I've seen the beginning of Sugar Creek Gang #1 where Dragonfly fishing barefooted at the Creek.

So, I must be ~15 yo in this dream, so older than usual. I wear rare bibs (I haven't seen anywhere, in real life/movies). Color: dark blue but a greyish melange. No or few double seams. Oversized/baggy, similar like Tom Pizey's in Enid Blyton. But legs flared.
I'm walking to an hozizontal creek in my hometown (in reality there isn't any). It's not in the woods but inside the town. It's possible that the creek was 1st an indoor pool and then transforms into an outdoor pool and then a creek.
I'm going to sit on the root of a crooked tree like Tom Sawyer but am 1st afraid making me dirty (although bibs are dark and sturdy).
In the creek there are my classmates swimming or practicing. I don't recognize anyone. One boy (was) outside. On the left outside our female teacher (in reality it should be a male).

My classmates expect me wearing each day a different pair of bibs. Like my blog readers might expect me, posting each day. So the mates represent my readers, the teacher maybe represents my mom. I don't want to be recognized (by others than my mates). On the right is a bridge and my mates swim under it.

Suddenly, the back of a crocodile appears on left in the water heading slowly to the right. I can't remember the previous days, probably a different location, but I know from experience that the crocodile would come out of the water before the bridge. It's slow and I'm fast and clever. I'm walking away, uphill, checking if better go south or east. I wake up. Not in a nightmare. Probably I escaped.

Conclusion: There are some questions. Why did I not swim with my mates? Why was the crocodile heading for me? Does the crododile represent someone? Dad, or less likely God?

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