-Year: 2021
-Year in film: 2020s ?
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: Jule ~21
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating: 5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Ella Morgen in long, blue bibs. Also jumping on a trampolin (another interesting action). Pic 1 at 17 minutes, pic 2 a bit later. Monday on ZDF. I already have checked most parts on the mediathek. Some scenes in the first half or third.
Main plot is a father/son plot.
I think rating ~5.
Update: Also in the last 5 minutes, see comment. Should be quite baggy, but probably not enough for tagging as such.
The last 5 min or so as well...I love how baggy and loose they are on her!