
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Grande Pá! - ep 24-43


Some more episodes. Now also other, older teen girls or women, and another boy. Many scenes have partial views like headshots, so length of the bibs is sometimes unclear.

Pic 1 from ep 28 (Nancy Anka ?) in I think long blue bibs. Pic 2 from ep 43 a blonde unknown lady in faded shortalls (confirmed). Pic 3 from ep 24 a teen girl (maybe Julietta Fazzari) in dark red bibs also sitting, pic 4 from ep 31 a (same ?) teen girl in beige bibs or shortalls with non matching straps.

Unpictured: Toddler boy ~4 yo in long blue bibs sitting on a swing in ep 32 (the previous boy seems older ~9 yo), Julietta Fazzari in probably short blue bibs-like dress in ep 25, teen girl in a long bibs-like dress also sitting in ep 30.

Other scenes of interest: Bikini scenes in ep 43, shiny shorts Soccer scenes in ep 36 (black+blue).

Main entry, currently rating 5

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