
Monday, April 20, 2020

Sugar Creek Gang foreign book editions international - exclusive list

I'm currently re-reading my English and German books of the Sugar Creek Gang and some books are better than I remember. Some of the German editions have illustrations inside and I think also some of the Norwegian books.

I haven't found any complete list of foreign editions on the web. There's the SCG info site with pics of the Norwegian, German and one Korean book but missing many. So I did some research. I first found 10 Indonesian editions (top left), just one French one (top right) and 2 more Korean titles. There must be even more translations like Hebrew, but I haven't found them, yet. Please comment, if someone knows more editions or editions with illustrations.

There are different Indonesian editions. Most boys wore pants with suspenders, but at least one or 2 also overalls. It was difficult to find the Korean titles. I have to add all titles,
especially the Indonesian ones. Norwegian and German can be found on the info site.

Norway: Bjerkvikgjengen, Publisher Indremisjonsforlaget (some illustrated ?)
Germany: Zuckerbachbande, Publisher Hermann Schulte/ Schulte + Gerth (some illustrated)
Korea: 폴 후친스의 모험이야기 , Publisher: 멘토, Translator: 독고 앤 2002
French: Collection des Compagnons d'Aiguevive, Publisher: Le Grain de blé / (Maison de la Bible )
French title: Le Mystère Du Vieux Sycomore
Indonesia: Kelompok Kali Tebu, Publisher Lembaga Literatur Baptis (LLB), translator? : Rohyati Salihin
China: 糖溪帮探险记

Some Korean translations:
Paul Hutchens 폴 후친스

Sugar Creek Gang:
폴 휴친의 모험 이야기
pol hyuchin-ui moheom iyagi (Paul Hutchin's Adventure Story)

Swamp Robber:
늪에서 잡은 강도
ISBN 9788988152317

book2 (Killer Bear) 9788988152324
곰을 잡은 아이들

book 3 Grandpa in Danger (Winter Rescue) 9788988152331
위험에 빠진 할아버지

List of Indonesian titles I found, not sure if complete. different editions

1. Perampok di Hutan (Swamp Robber ?)
2. Pencuri Misterius (Mystery Thief)
3. Peristiwa di Rawa (Mystery Cave? or Swamp Robber ?)
4. Berkemah di Tepi Danau (Lost Campers ?)
5. Rahasia Semangka Besar (Watermelon Mystery)
6. Sepuluh Ribu Menit (Bull Fighter)
7. Kucing Pembunuh (Killer Cat)
8. Rahasia Pondok di Pohon (Treehouse Mystery)
9. Anjing Hantu (Ghost Dog)
10. Rahasia Tenda Hijau (Green Tent Mystery)


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