
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Cebollitas ep. 65-74

I already have posted some of the best scenes, especially of the blonde, longhaired boy Fede. So here some details and some few more scenes. I already have checked back to episode 50. Later episodes also coming soon.

Pic 1 showing the older girl (Roxana ?) in dark blue bibs with long overlapping straps hanging out in ep 74. They seem quite baggy. Unfortunately the boys don't wear bibs.

Pic 2 showing Fede, this time in a red shirt, also sitting in the locker room (side view distance only). Bib at high position. Ep 68.

Pic 3 showing another girl (Maru ?) in blue bibs kneeing on the floor. Bib at high position. Ep 65.

Pic 4 is a funny scene. Fede in blue bibs and 2 girls (not in bibs) clinging each other tight in fear. Only from a distance or headshots. Ep 65.

Other scenes

Ep 65: Girl in yellow bibs (long) standing

Ep 66: Fede in faded bibs and light blue shirt, bib at high position, girl beige dress,

Ep 67: Roxana standing in blue bibs, Fede sitting (open bib)

Ep 70: Girl blue bibs standing , girl yellow bibs sitting,

Ep 72: Girl blue bibs sitting, girl red bibs standing, Roxana sitting in blue bibs,

Ep 73: Fede standing and walking in blue bibs (first noticed him)

Ep 74: Gamuza in blue bibs, Andrea in blue bibs, girl in yellow bibs, girl in yellow long dress

No other non-bibs scenes of interest


pic1 cebollitas74  8/16

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