
Friday, November 1, 2019

Book 95: Jane Buchanan: Hank's Story

I've recently ordered this book. After the typical search for farm, one-room schoolhouses and the like (I think I have to search for Great Depression), I stumbled by coincidence on "Orphan Trains", set I think mainly in the 1910s.

There was only a snippet view on Google Books, but with a great undressing scene outside on the porch. Nebraska farm plot and 2 brothers. The author also did other books with girls on farms, but I haven't checked those.

There are also (other) movies (and books) about Orphan Trains. But few notable bibs scenes. More posts and infos much later after finishing my blogging pause.

Update: Completely read. Only this one scene which is at p 81. A bit better than thought. Undressing (including underwear he wore) and being washed in a tub by a lady.

Not directly stated, but I think he only wore these bibs as farm working clothes (including milking). Nice setting. But most plots about birds. Could be much better.

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