
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Bares für Rares (2018 Abendshow)

A young girl, around 10 yo in dark blue shortalls in yesterday's special (episode s4) May 31st. Scene at around 30 minutes (Andy Borg segment).

I haven't recorded it. So sorry, no pics.

An earlier entry, long bibs, older girl, rating 5


Little House on the Prairie – s1e2


Although I somewhere have (partial) TV recordings, I bought this on DVD. I wanted to have a better image quality and there are nice one-room schoolhouse scenes. LHOTP is a classic anyway. Though, I hoped for even more and better scenes.

The blonde boy (uncredited) is obviously older than first thought (maybe around 15 ?), and his suspenders are non-jeans and detachable (maybe brand BOSS), rear view see pic 3 below.

The redhaired boy is Robert Hoffman as Sandy. I found a third boy in bibs (pic 1 on the far right and pic 3 on the left) who I even haven't noticed when watching it, but when making this caps.

Season 2 is also very good, especially Clay O'Brien (rating 7), but probably no need for buying that one. There will be a new LHOTP movie in ~2019 or 2020 by David Gordon Green, maybe it will have bibs scenes as well.

More posts on my Western and soon on my pigtails blog. Main entry, rating up to 8 and one girl (season 4, rating 9)




Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Highway to Heaven – s5e4


Drama series starring Michael Landon
Year: 1984-1989
Year in film: 1989
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Ruth~ 7 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: One young girl, this time in long, dark blue bibs also sliding in s5e4 "The Silent Bell". Not sure about her name, probably Ashley Bank. Also inside at school (mainly rear view). Rather few scenes, like usual.

Very young girl, so rating 2-3 only. There are better episodes.

Main overview entry at


Monday, May 28, 2018

Update: Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf (2012)


One better and larger pic of this one (headshot). Rating 5.

Also a slightly better and larger pic of Cold Prey 3


Main entry


The Cookie banner now disappears when clicked once. But it's not really solved and can't be individualized.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Divot Diggers (Our Gang)

Classic comedy short film, silent, (Little Rascals)
Year: 1936
Year in film: 1930s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Harold ~10
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium+
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: One boy, obviously 10 or 11 yo Harold Switzer (brother of Carl "Alfalfa") in blue bibs. As announced another Our Gang movie. Perfect colorized image quality (also in b&w). Unfortunately rather few scenes and I haven't found the key pic of this YouTube clip. Probably a publicity still.

Funny scene of the Rascals sliding down the grass on a piece of a fence. But brief and high speed scene at the end. In total 20 minutes. Tragic early death of both brothers.

Rating 5-6. I also have this on my pigtails blog (black boy Buckwheat) and obviously missed the bibs scenes. Some other movies also on my sailor suit blog. I have to check more Our Gang movies. I think the early ones haven't been colorized, yet, mainly these later Spanky movies.

Main overview list


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Highway to Heaven – s5e2


Drama series starring Michael Landon
Year: 1984-1989
Year in film: 1989
Country: USA
Who in bibs: "little girl" ? 8 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: very low
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: One girl, maybe April Brotherton in a light blue bibs-like dress sitting on a hospital bed. Brief scene at the end of this episode.

This series is currently still running weekly on Bibel.Tv. This one has not been aired yet. I've briefly checked the remaining episodes. I only own seasons 1-3.

Brief scene, no real bibs, so rating 2-3 only. One other 3rd entry soon on my shiny shorts blog (older teen girls).

Main overview entry, rating up to 5


Info 812: Cookie banner bug

There's a bug displaying the cookie banner. It doesn't go away. First I only had this under a subpage/single post, and maybe only occurs to me, now it's always there. First, there was the possibility to enter a time, when it disappears automatically, but this was disabled. Now they are still experimenting. I hope they'll fix it soon.

Friday, May 25, 2018

The Champeen (1923) - Our Gang

Classic comedy short film, silent, (Little Rascals)
Year: 1923
Year in film: 1920s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Mickey ~9, other boys
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium+
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: Some boys in bibs, also sitting scenes. Most of interest: freckled Mickey Daniels (pics 1+4) in dark, heavily ripped bibs, bib at low position, too long legs. Some other, mainly younger boys, mainly in faded bibs.

Another "new" DVD release. Not sure about that quality and if there's also a colorized version. Pics from a YouTube clip. Unfortunately in a poor, probably not (much) remastered image quality. In total ~23 minutes. Probably there aren't much better versions after almost 100 years.

I like classics, and freckled Mickey. So rating 6. I just found another, much better and colorized movie, coming later. Another update of great sitting scenes, I missed


Main overview Our Gang list, rating up to 6




Year: 2017
Year in film: ~1936, 1931
Country: Finland, Estonia, Sweden
Who in bibs: Pauli ~6, women, men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low-
Rating: 3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: Eeti Salovuori in black bibs also sitting, and some men and women in bibs or bibslike clothes. Farm content. Set in ~1931 up to 1937.

I found this on IMDb (recent movie releases tagged farm). Few scenes only. The boy appeared in bibs near the end, starting at ~1h12. Also in long johns. Pic 3 at 26 minutes, I only noticed this headshot. Some more boys and kids but probably not in bibs and mainly shown far from a distance and bird's eye.

I've checked many parts of the movie but haven't seen it completely, so I might miss some scenes. English title: The Eternal Road.

For now rating 2-3 only.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Grace Under Fire

Sitcom, 112 ep
Year: 1993-1998
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Libby 7-12, Grace ~35, Patrick ~5
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating: 5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: Kaitlin Cullum in different bibs and shortalls, also a lady, maybe Brett Butler in bibs. Also a toddler boy, played by Cole and Dylan Sprouse.

Searching for new DVD releases, I found this one. Most often shown in bibs is the girl. Pic 3 from s4e1 in faded shortalls. Pic 2 from s3e14. Pic 1 from s5e14 (long red bibs).  Pic 4 from s3e16. Also a nice sitting scene of her in dark blue bibs in s3e8. Other blue shortalls in s4e2. I haven't found the boys, yet. Must be in later seasons, probably 3-5. One pic on IMDb (white striped bibs), black bibs on seasons 1-3 DVD set. I don't know all episodes. I think also men and women in coveralls.

Rating 5-6 for now.

The James Boys: Hello, Hello (clip)

Musical clip/show
Year: 1974
Year in film: 1974
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Stewart ~12 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: always
Rating: 4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: I think the youngest brother, Stewart Glen Palmer, *1962, so 12 yo in 1974 in blue bibs with a Rolling Stones tongue on the bib. Pics from the German show "Disco" (early 1974).

There are some good cover pics, also showing him sitting. I have to check for other and better clips. On the 1975 cover "Wake up Little Suzie" there are both shown in dark grey or similar bibs with light grey bib pockets. The brother Bradley Grant is 14 months older, so ~13 yo then.

Rating 4-5 for now.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Doctor Who (2005)

Sci-Fi series
Year: 2005-
Year in film: 1879, 1979
Country: UK, CDN
Who in bibs: Rose ~23, Clara ~30, Sylas ~13
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating: 4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Billie Piper in a blue, ripped off bibs-like jeans dress or similar. Pics from yesterday's s2e2 Tooth and Claw (2006). Maybe more actors? She also appeared in several more episodes but unknown if in bibs. I have to check more episodes later.

Not that bad, especially the side views. But as they are not real bibs, rating 3-4 for now only.

I never liked this series. Now I think it's a great series, but too much action (and too few bibs scenes). 2 better pics in the update

Also a Jenna Coleman as Clara in orange coveralls in s9e5 and 13 yo Lewin Lloyd in brown bibs in s12e3

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Brewster Place


Drama series, 11 ep, Oprah Winfrey
Year: 1990
Year in film: 1967
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Matthew ~10
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low ?
Rating: 3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Jason Weaver in faded blue bibs. Set in 1967 Chicago.

Another suggestion from db1. Thanks very much.

I don't know all episodes. I assume few good scenes. Maybe other actors? He only appeared in 5 of the 11 episodes and obviously not always in bibs.

Rating 3 for now only.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Lionel Playworld - 1977 ad


TV commercial, toy store
Year: 1977 ?
Year in film: 1977
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girl ~9 ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurence: often *
Rating: 4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: Some time ago, db1 suggested a pinterst page with several commercials. This is one of them. I don't add them all. Most kids are very young and the image quality is often very poor.

A girl in blue bibs kneeing on the floor, playing with her redhaired brother (not in bibs). Maybe more in other commercials of Playworld of Kiddie City. Maybe women? There's a female shopkeeper in a 1988 Playworld commercial with a yellow bibs-like dress or similar.

Rating 3-4.

Main commercials list at


Please also note my recent post about disabling the blog following.

Info 811: disable blog following

I've almost finished my GDPR page. I think, I have to remove the follow by email function in ~2 days, on May 24 or 23. Not sure if it affects the old subscriptions or even comments.

Currently, it shows that I have 251 followers by email. But in my dashboard there are just 19. And of the 19, I can only identify just one (in 2012) who is clearly interested in this subject. And maybe even he isn't following anymore. I think he also never commented like every of the 19. Obviously almost all are referrer spam.

The other, internal follow button is also not necessary, as someone with a wordpress blog can follow my blog within his blog or put it on his feed or news reader. Latter one probably also works with other blogs.

I think I also have to disable the Gravatar pics. I think, the comments remains but just missing that Gravatar icons.

Same thing for my other blogs.

I also will update my 2 old blogspot blogs. Probably the same issues. Something is a bit different. No ads, but therefor captcha and Google+.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Update: Christy (1994 movie)


2 better and larger pics of this one. Previously smaller pics and from a distance only.

Nice setting, barefooted and cuffed up legs. But I think rather few good scenes.

Main entry, still rating 4 for this pilot. (Series rating 6, linked there).


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Update: Mr. Deeds


2 much better and larger pics. The previous pic had a very poor image quality. The short scene pictured is at 1h00. There's also a man in bibs, I previously haven't noticed.

Main entry, still rating 2-3 at


Friday, May 18, 2018

Info 808: GDPR page, blogging functions

I've started a subpage about the data protection law, also linked on bottom of the right column. Still work in progress.


I've disabled the social media buttons of posts, I think there were just 2 or 3 (not sure if anybody has used any of them). Only left, the (internal) like and reblog function.

I've added another follow button, I think this is only for people who also have a wordpress blog (different count). The other follow function is via email. Maybe I have to disable one or even both. But it's unlikely.

As said, I might have to disable more, like stats, blogroll, commenting function or other parts like embedded vids. But I don't think so.

Please save any important stuff. Maybe comments or the A-Z lists.

Los Parchís contra el inventor invisible


Musical family film, part 4
Year: 1981
Year in film: 1980s
Country: Spain
Who in bibs: boy ~11
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: One of the 2 younger boys, I think blonde David Munoz in blue bibs with overlapping straps. The other 10 yo boy with rather red curls (Oscar Canada) is also shown in blue bibs on publicity pics. There is a similar looking previous band member called Francisco Diaz Terez aka Frank (but not credited on IMDb). The white and red look like coveralls, but probably aren't. Unfortunately, the image quality is quite poor, like most clips of them. Only one scene in bibs at the beginning only.

Also shirtless scenes in underwear (briefs).

The redhaired boy also in bibs in Las locuras de Parchis, rating 3.

Another movie, I have (teen girl Gemma, rating 3) is


There are some more clips showing all in different colored racing coveralls (eg YouTube clip in good quality: Mitica cancion del grupe Parchis "Parchis chis chis..." en la pelicula Ritmo a todo color. (1980 movie). But this blog is not about coveralls.

Rating 3 only.



Update: The Nice Guys (2016)


Another update. A much better pic showing the complete bibs and sitting of Angourie Rice. Pic from the B-roll.

I still have to recheck the complete movie. But I assume rather few (good) scenes.

Main entry, still rating 6


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Update: Gunsmoke (1955) s20e13


I now have an entry on my Western blog with 2 new pics. I found this clip under s20e02, but it's obviously s20e13. Starring 8 or 9 yo Todd Lookinland (probably pictured), brother of Mike Lookinland ("The Brady Bunch"). He looks different in both pics, so I've uploaded both.

Faded blue bibs, also another boy in brown bibs and 4 other boys in pants with suspenders.

Rating 4, on my Western blog, rating 5.


Main overview entry, rating up to 9



Die Jungs-WG: Sommer. Sonne. Elternfrei


Kids reality TV, 5+ seasons, 2009-
Year: 2016
Year in film: 2015
Country: Germany/ Italy
Who in bibs: Ole 15
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurence: low
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: Ole in dark green water bibs in yesterday's episode 6. Scene at ~18 minutes. They even talk about the pants, that they don't want girls watching them in those. Unfortunately brief scenes especially this sitting scene. Mostly shown in shorts in the other episodes. Most handsome boy in this season is 14 yo Nils.

Also on my shiny shorts blog (rating 6) and also this and other seasons on my shiny shorts and bedroom blogs. My favourite season is season 3 in Tyrol, Austria (snow). There's also a series about girls Die Mädchen-WG. Both teen girl and teen boy from there (also animal care), I have in


And on my Lederhosen blog: Das erste Mal ... Europa!

Info 805: stats this blog


Some stats, this time for this blog. Not sure, how long I have this.

The numbers under the graphs are for the highlighted full year 2017.

In total, I have 3178 posts, 744640 views by 165446 visitors. Average 441 views each day.

Visitors: all time

USA 267,000

Germany 104,000

UK 72,000

NL 29,000

Spain 28,000

CDN 28,000

then Japan, France, Sweden, Russia, Austria, Italy, Norway.

Stats for the posts, I collect on the right column.

Most popular days SA and TH.

TOP categories (last 2 weeks ?): boys 613 , girls 574, TV 489, film 410, teen girls 329, farm 295, shortalls 294, sitting M 265, teen boys 263, women 226.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Info 804: Stats old blogspot blog


Due to the new GDPR data protection law (please make sure to read 2 posts earlier), I have visited my old Blogger/Blogspot blogs.

I still have ~70 visits each day on each of them. So I probably will keep both blogs online.

Total stats of most visited posts - old blog: 2011-2018


Info 13: Historic photos of boys  7771

Homeward Bound II 5496

Because of Winn-Dixie 4829

Info 101: Suggestions 3959

Info 138: Last post 3167

Neues vom Süderhof 3030

Disciples of the Crow 2731

Info 22: The Overalls Forum - closed 2258

Info 2: Bib overalls images 2212

You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's Sleepover Party 2097



USA 256,361

Germany 51,218

Russia 33,375

UK 16,482

France 15,698

NL 14,613

CDN 10,013

Spain 5,892

Ukraine 4,908

Japan 4,439

Info 803: Felix' blog hacked - or sold?

Not sure if Felix is still following. His blog was disabled, but now is active, but with a different content (spam links). His Gravatar (pic) is still shown in the browser's tab. Posts written by a different author.

I removed the feed as well.

Info 802: GDPR - DSGVO data protection law

On May 25, there's a new European law called GDPR (in Germany DSGVO) in were users have more rights about their data and Websites have to give more informations.

Concerning blogs, this especially includes the functions of commenting, following, feeds, stats, embedding vids , social media sharing, spam checking and maybe some more plugins (widgets) as data, like the IP-address are stored.

I'm not sure, if personal blogs are also affected. Automattic, the company said, that they would provide plugins to fulfill this law, but recently they said, that someone can't get a needed contract on the free blogs. I also can't disable some functions and plugins on this free blog (unlike

I will add a legal notice soon, but it's possible, that I have to disable the commenting function and maybe even delete comments or make this blog private. Also maybe removing links in the blogroll, but there aren't many left.

My old blogs on Blogger/blogspot (Google) are also affected. In fact, someone has to write a written letter to Ireland including return postage. Someone also must write his name and address to the blog.

But probably, I will continue blogging.

Make sure to save anything you need and maybe comment and suggest movies.

Las aventuras de Los Parchís


Musical family film
Year: 1982
Year in film: 1980s
Country: Spain
Who in bibs: Gemma ~13
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low+ ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: As announced another movie of the Parchis, the final 7th movie. First I thought, that this is a boy, but obviously this is both a teen girl, obviously Gemma Prat, and all in different colored coveralls. Pic 2 from movie Las locuras de Parchis (rating 3)


I think rather few (good) scenes.

I also found a younger boy in bibs in another movie and all in coveralls, coming soon.

There are many clip and stage performances and I haven't checked them all. I have to search for more and clips of better quality.

Rating 3 for now only again.

Aka La gran aventura de Los Parchís.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Loca por el circo (1982)


Musical family film
Year: 1982
Year in film: 1980s
Country: Spain
Who in bibs: boys, girl ~6, man
Available on DVD: VHS only ?
I own: no
Bib occurence: medium- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least 2 very young boys at school, one in blue the other in red bibs, both with one strap down. Pic 3 maybe showing the same boy in a different shirt (strap not down). Also at least one young girl in blue bibs outside. Also a man in blue bibs.

I found this by coincidence searching more for movies of the kids' band Parchis


(Boy, teen girl, update coming soon). Also another movie (Parchis entra en accion) on my shiny shorts blog, boys, girls, rating 5.

I don't know the complete movie. I think not on DVD. Not to be confused with a 1958 Danny Kaye movie "Merry Andrew" which is on DVD and has the same Spanish title.

As the kids are very young, rating 3 for now only.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Update: Home Improvement – season 1


2 more pics of Pamela Anderson in season 1.

Pic 1 from s1e18 showing her in tight, pink bibs. I think also in pink bibs some few episodes earlier.

Pic 2 from s1e8 in tight blue bibs as mailwoman. In both with a tool belt. And rather few scenes. Few or no sitting scenes here, few rear views.

I'm currently very busy. More updates of season 1 later.



Sunday, May 13, 2018

Update: Fort Apache (2013)


3 new and better pics of this short film. Better, larger headshot and rear view.

I think, I have to recheck it once more for the sitting scene.

One old and one new pic in the main entry, still rating 5


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Update: Hank Zipzer


Some better pics of Madeleine Holliday.

She also appeared in bibs in later seasons (which hadn't been aired in Germany then). Pic 1 aged ~10 yo in s1e13 (also sitting but with a pillow on her lap), pic 2 from s3e2.

But I still haven't seen all episodes. I don't like her.

Also a better pic on my bedroom blog (boy, rating 3).

Main entry here, currently still rating 2-(3)


Friday, May 11, 2018

Oscar Mayer Bologna - ads


TV commercials, meat
Year: 1974, 1984, others
Year in film: 1974, 1984
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Andy ~4, Eric 3, Beverly 4, others
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurence: often *
Rating: 3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least 5 different singing kids in different years. Pic 1 showing the most famous one, child actor Andy Lambros in 1974 in blue bibs. Pic 2 from 1984 showing Eric Gradman in red striped bibs sitting. Also another younger toddler in 1978 outside on stone stairs unpictured. Also at least 2 girls. Maybe even more?

Quite interesting but very young boys.

So rating 3 only.

Update: Also Beverley Mitchell ("7th Heaven" in the 80s. ~ 1985 aged 4, pic 3) and another girl or boy, blond curly hair in white bibs or similar and blue shirt in 1986.

Also different boys/men on my shiny shorts blog, rating 2.



Update: Lemonade Mouth


I have checked this movie at high speed and couldn't find my previous scene of Hayley Kiyoko. Probably very few scenes. The bib is at very low position and she sometimes wore vests over them.

But I found Bridgit Mendler ~18 yo in blue shortalls at 1h14. But very brief scene as well.

Also shiny shorts scenes (I think males only), soon on my other blog.

Main entry, previously rated 5, now 3 at


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Update: Le fils du Français


And yet another movie completely rechecked. 2 much better pics (these ones).

Obviously only one longer scene at ~19 minutes. Handsome boy, bib at low positon, few good scenes, no or few rear views.

So still rating 3.

Main entry (no more pics)


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Party of Five (1994) - on TV

Family series, 143 ep in 6 seasons
Year: 1994-2000
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Claudia ~11 (s1), Owen 6 (s4)
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  5/10 *
Rating: *****
Comment: Season 1 is currently running weekdays on German's "One". By coincidence, I have seen parts of an episode. At least Lacey Chabert in different bibs. Also a toddler boy Owen in blue bibs, probably Andrew and Steven Cavarno (*1992) At least in blue bibs until season 4, so 2 to 6 yo.

Pic 1 from season's 1 intro (faded bibs), pic 2 from s4e19, pic 3 from s3e20 (bibs appear darker and bib at low position), pic 4 from s2e20 black or similar. Obviously several scenes. Maybe also other actors ? Also sitting.

Rating at least 5-6 for now. I have to check more episodes.