Bonhomme de chemin (2004) has 12 yo Nicolas Marais in dark blue bibs. Suggested for the 2nd time, like "Dein Tod ist die gerechte Strafe", but I still can't find pics or clips. There's was one headshot on the web showing just the straps. Maybe rating 5-6?
Unser Opa ist der Beste (1995) has a boy in tan and a girl in blue overalls. I also can't find pics or clips of that TV movie showing bibs. I have Rebecca Horner in Mein Opa und die 13 Stühle (1997). And I have Michael Menger in Ein Richter zum Küssen (1995), not sure if they wearing bibs here as well. Maybe rating 4-5? Available on DVD as "Mein Opa ist der Beste".
"Carpool" coming soon. Boy rating 5.
American tv movie Anthrax from 2001 has boy in dark blue overalls. French movie Après l'amour from 1992 has boy in light blue overalls. American tv movie Dead Before Dawn from 1993 has boy in blue and white overalls.