
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Schloss Einstein – ep 880

Again Dominik (15 yo Yannick Rau) in blue working bibs in Monday's episode 880 (new season 20). Full view, hands in pockets, brief rear view and even lying on his bed (distance and close-up).

One rather short scene. But not that bad. He's still very thin. Bib at low position. And the good thing is, that despites the new location of this boarding school, they continued showing bibs. So there's hope for more scenes (f/m). Maybe also of the new actors.

As already announced, new episodes weekdays at 14.35h on Kika or online.

Main entry rating up to 9 at


Update: Also some scenes of Dominik in ep 883 (Thursday). Barn scenes/farm work. Rebroadcasting FR 14.10h

Update 2:  Dominik also in ep 894 in bibs doing farm work. Also being tied to a chair.

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