TV sports drama
–Year: 2005
–Year in film: 2000s ?
–Country: France
–Who in bibs: Vincent ~10, woman ?
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: medium
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Arthur Vaughan-Whitehead as 10 yo Vincent (younger looking, around 7 yo) in faded blue shortalls and a sleeveless shirt, and I think his film mom, played by Patricia Richard in green bibs with her bib down and a sleeveless shirt doing farm work.
One pic of the woman is here
Another suggestion. Thanks very much, also for the new suggestions!
Rating 3-4 for now only. Obviously not on DVD.
Here is the full length Celle qui reste movie found on youtube with link: