TV crime movie
–Year: 1999
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: Rachma 13
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Bib occurrence: medium
–Rating: 6/10
–Rating: ******
–Comment: Yasemin Büyüksapci (Bueyueksapci on IMDb) in long dark blue bibs and an open shirt over them. Cycling, at least pushing a bike, also wet scenes lying in a sewer with a rat. Later in other clothes and undressing. Set in Hamburg. One man driving an open 1950s US car. Number plate Arizona RINGO. Hiding pets in cages underground. Recorded in or around 2004.
Kids detective series in Hamburg, I first thought of "Die Pfefferkörner" (rating 5), but I haven't seen anyone from the gang. Then I thought of "Ki.Ka" (rating 4) but I also couldn't find it.
One other boy with a bit longer dark hair wearing round glasses. The boy pictured is a Soccer fan.
Although wearing a shirt, some nice scenes including rear views.
So rating 6.
Thanks very much Michi, for pointing out this title!
It has to be this movie:"Der Hund aus der Elbe"