Game show. Host Wayne and Annemarie Carpendale
–Year: 2016
–Year in film: 2016
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: Annemarie ~38
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: very low ?
–Rating: 5/10 ??
–Rating: *****
–Comment: At least host Annemarie Carpendale in blue bibs in season 2.
I have just seen by coincoidence a publicity pic. I can't say if she wore or will wear bibs in the show as well. Maybe also other candidates or someone in the audience in bibs as well?
One pic here
Here are some new movie suggestions:
ReplyDeleteWas im Leben zählt:,Was-im-Leben-z%C3%A4hlt , Lara Sophie Rottmann wears overalls in two scenes in the movie
Timber - Ein echter Schatz:,Timber---Ein-echter-Schatz- , Averie South wears overalls nearly the whole movie
Die Weissagung:,57b2db16f033af5c8b87a44e.html , tomorrow on ARTE