
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Book 39: Ouida Sebestyen: Far From Home

The best book yet! Many and very good and detailed overalls scenes. It's about a (white ?) 13 yo farm boy called Salty set in 1929 Texas. He has to take care for his great-grandmother since his mom died and moved to a boarding house with the couple Tom, Babe and their son.

Previously I only had "On Fire" from that author on my list (already ordered). That is about a 12 yo boy in 1911. Much more famous is her debut novel "Words By Heart" showing  a black teen girl on the cover (not in bibs but 2 men). Most books are OOP and very rare and expensive outside the US. And without having any details except for some summeries and critics, it was risky.

Even in the first sentence there is an interesting overalls scene. And each day it's getting better and better. One one edition there's a white boy shown in light blue bibs sitting on the stairs of a porch. In the novel (at least at the beginning) they are obviously raw denim bibs. As a non-native English speaker it's a bit hard to read and the plot and setting is a bit unclear and not good described , maybe I read too fast. But the setting and time reminds me of The Waltons (but fewer kids) or To Kill A Mockingbird.

The page details are for British 1990 hardback edition from Cascade. Novel is from 1980. 191 pages.

Page 3: Sleeping in bibs. Going downstairs. Barefoot.

P 5: note from bib pocket

P 12: Wiping his sweaty hands at his bib pocket (reminds me of Jim-Bob Walton)

P 17: Grapped by the straps

P 35: His other pair is washed so he can change after bath. He used a bathtub for the 1st time. Babe  brought him new underwear as she noticed he didn't wear any.

P 36: The new double stiched bibs chaffed but he can stand it the next 2 weeks. He puts the underwear back.

P 37: Babe grapped him and the new bibs crinkled.

P 41, 48 minor interest scenes (bib pocket ?)

p. 53:  Babe puts her hand in his pocket. He was afraid that she would check if he wears underwear. (taking out coins)


Update now completety read. Unfortunately nothing much more of interest,

p. 85 pib pocket

p109 being grabbed

p 110 bed in bibs

p 148 redressing into bibs after wearing opera costumes

p 164 dust off bibs (costumes)

p 172 grabbed girl by her straps

The rest of the book was also hard to read and understand. There's a plot but I already forgot most about it. In the 2nd half nothing much about overalls and about the historic setting. Sometimes mentioning that somebody is barefoot. Some dramatic and some violent scenes, a baby is born etc. 4th of July festival at the end. But why an opera stage play? After finishing my other books I might read it again more carefully to fully understand all of it.


Some details of wearing no underwear and brand new bibs I mainly read on some non-fiction books.


I also have bought and read all 8 of the Danny book series and bought one Rocky and Peggy book. Rocky is a boy and the later Sheriff Ben. No illustrations and no descriptions of bibs yet. The Ralph Moody book I currently paused.

And thanks to 150 followers.

I added the tag book to my latest story entry about one-room schoolhouses as there's a complete book to download.

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