
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

O Brother, Where Art Thou?


Comedy film starring George Clooney
-Year: 2000
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: USA, UK, F
-Who in bibs: boys ~ 9, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurence: low *
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: 3 or 4 boys and several men in bibs. Some shirtless, most barefoot. I don't know all their names.

Had been aired some days ago. Completetly seen except for some few minutes at the beginning. I wonder how I could miss this one. Probably because there are rather few scenes of the boys.

One white boy shirtless in at least 2 quite good scenes, sitting on books because he's too small (pic 2). Unfortunately bibs only partly shown and scenes often dark lit.

Later 2 black boys (rear view only, brief scene)  and at the very end one black boy cycling in light blue bibs, but very brief scene and in the background only.

Good setting of this famous movie, but somehow I expected a bit more. But at least there are this scenes, better than nothing.

So only rating 3-4 for this one. Is anybody reading my texts anyway?

Good clothing, one boy reminds me of "Honkytonk Man" with brown clothes and a cap. Good scenes of yong girls in dresses. Reminds me of The Sugar Creek Gang movies (which are set in the 50s). Many background actors but surprisingly few kids in bibs.

Also thanks for the recent suggestion of the series "Gogglebox" (teen boy, coming soon).

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Me, Myself & Irene


Comedy film starring Jim Carrey
-Year: 2000
-Year in film: ~2000
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl ~10
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: very low?
-Rating:  2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least Heather Hodder as rope jumping girl  in blue shortalls or similar. Looking more like a dress. Scene at 18 minutes. She also gets wet in a fountain.

Had been aired some days ago. But I missed about the first half.

Generally I like comedy movies but not this one. Obviously very few bibs scenes. And the girl is very young and I don't like this shortalls. For the sake of completion. Rating 1-2 only. Wet and rope jumping in bibs aren't bad, but of course depends on the actor/actress and amount and quality of the scenes.

Also starring Renée Zellweger, Robert Forster and many others.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Felix und der Wolf


Family film
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: East Germany
-Who in bibs: boy ~10 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: very low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: One blond boy called Markus or Thomas at school in dark green, probably non-jeans bibs. Scene at 22 minutes. No full view and I think no rear view.

From the "missing Felix list". I only found this scene of interest. I don't remember it but I think I have checked this complete movie some time ago (at high speed). There is also a very young boy in Lederhosen without suspenders (but no need for an entry on my Lederhosen blog).

Typical East German movie. Bibs are not bad but and boy is handsome, I can't rate any higher than 3-4 for now. I will recheck it the next broadcasting more carefully.

But there are definiteley better (bibs) movies. Green bibs are very interesting and would be a much higher rating if more scenes.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Update: Family Matters, The Horse Whisperer


As announced some more bibs scenes I have recently seen. They are taken from episodes s5e4 and s5e5.

First pic a young lady in very good medium blue bibs sleeping while sitting.  I think this is Kellie Shanygne Williams (s5e5?) Brief scene at the beginning. Pic 2 is from the intro Jaimee Foxworth in pink shortalls.

Pic 3 is from s5e4 (A Matter of Principle) probably Michelle Thomas in thin patterned red cotton bibs. Wide flared legs. Looks almost like a dress but are overalls. Funny scene with Steve Urkel with her in the hammock.

About 17 yo Darius McCrary in quite baggy dark blue bibs sitting and standing in s5e5. Legs cuffed up as bibs are too long.

For more infos and pics see the main entry at


Previously rated 3, but now rating 5-6 at least for these episodes.

Also a minor update and 2 new pics of The Horse Whisperer (boy, girl, rating 5)



Monday, April 21, 2014

Tiere bis unters Dach - new episodes season 4


3 new episodes had been aired today on Easter.

One very old man in green working bibs (including cycling)  in ep 45 (unpictured) and about 9 yo Tabea Hug in blue bibs and blue rubber boots doing farm work (also later cycling in a bibs-like dress) in ep 47 (s4e8) in some scenes. Can be watched again at checkeins-de /daserste-de mediathek. (Rebroadcasting of season 3 episodes and upcoming new season 4 episodes on Sundays on German channel Das Erste.

Nobody else in bibs (also see my previous entries on this series including older teen girls and a  woman in bibs and girls in shortalls and teen boys in firefighter bibs (rating 6).



Good, exciting plots in all episodes.All kids are of course older now. Good bedroom scene of 2 blond girls (cousins, wooden high sleeper bed). Unfortunately no one else yet in bibs or shortalls.

I also have seen most of The Horse Whisperer (update coming soon). Also coming soon an update of Family Matters (f/m).

Due to her age, I can't rate any higher than 3 for this episode for bibs scenes. But good series.

Update: Same women in s4e5 and s4e6 (see season 3), so adding tag women, and Tabea Hug in s4e5. But all few and short scenes.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Books 32: several 70s f/m

I had bad experience with usual novels, so I turned back to children's books often including illustrations. I found many interesting German books of the 70s, ordered some and even already have read 2 books. One problem is, that some books depicting kids in overalls on the cover but there are no illustrations or text involving bibs inside. But some have. Often cover images changes and the cover illustrator is not the same as the other illustrator. Most books I found are boys' Wild West / cowboys adventures. Denim overalls are quite rare in westerns of the 1870s (see also some western movie entries, especially Gunsmoke, LHOTP and The Last Train From Gun Hill.) Most books are from the most famous German publisher Schneider Verlag.

First of all series of author "Sheriff Ben"

There are 8 or more books and 3 depicting a very handsome, orphaned blond boy in different overalls.

Danny und die Bankräuber (own, blue bibs, also bibs illustration and text inside), Danny verfolgt den Goldgräber (blue bibs), Danny und die Flußpiraten (beige bibs).

Illustrations are quite poor and simple but at least similar to the cover and good plot. Some kids rule a Western city and have to face the robbers while the grown ups searching for gold. I have ordered some more, also with no bibs on the cover. More details later. The author also wrote books about girls in the Wild West.


Jo Pestum: Cowboys weinen nicht. A 13 yo farm boy meets Billy the Kid. More deeply youth novel, also about farm living and friendship, but very poor illustrations (pants with suspenders) and no text concerning bibs. The author is mostly known for detective stories.

Some other books I don't own:

Ein Junge und 1000 Autos (young boy repairing cars. Most likely wearing working bibs)

Erika und Erik (by Erica Lilleg, boy brown bibs)


Some other books, I think mostly younger girls in bibs (on the cover):

Ein Pony für Laura

Schlampi auf Gut Rosenheim

Dick und Dalli und die Ponies

Das Internat am Genfer See

Polly und Pippa

Unsere Freunde Poldy und Paulinchen


Happy Easter to All my readers!

Thanks for more than  400 hits today (mostly from Germany). Which is twice as much as usual.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

U.S. Marshals

Action film starring Tommy Lee Jones
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Cosmo ~48
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low ??
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least LaTanya Richardson in stone washed almost light blue appearing bibs worn with a black belt. Also a base cap.

I guess it's time for an older lady. From the "chicks list".

I can't say much more about this yet. She also wears regular jeans, so probably rather few scenes.

I don't like action movies nor older women but it could be worse. Tough looking and real bibs which is maybe a bit rare for older women. Maybe there are also other supporting actors in bibs?

Also starring Wesley Snipes and Robert Downey Jr..Directed by Stuart Baird.

I also have new stats pics (on all blogs).

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Info 276: Update Dino Dan


Finally a pic of Dino Dan and Cory (on the left) possibly in snowbibs. No pics of that on the web.

They are definitely not his usual cotton cargo pants. Also some good pics of his bedroom, soon on my other blog.

Main entry


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mees Kees

Comedy film set in school, 3+ sequels
-Year: 2012
-Year in film: 2010s
-Country: The Netherlands
-Who in bibs: Lisa ~ 11/12, girl ~10
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least one or maybe 2 girls in bibs in movie 1 and at least one teen girl in very short turquoise shortalls (backside thin straps only) in film 2 (also taken from a trailer which shows rear view too).

Time for a "woman" entry but first this new one which had been aired 2 days ago.

I missed most of it and only noticed a young girl in blue bibs at the very end of the movie (pic 2). I haven't recorded it and the pic is from the trailer. I zoomed it up as they are in the background. Not sure if the girl on the left wearing black bibs.

Funny family movie in bright color. I like Dutch movies but prefer old fashioned ones in natural colors like movies of the 80s (see that entries, tagged non-usa or blog search Netherlands). Kids are quite young here (6th grade ?)

Pic 2 showing the sequel "Mees Kees op Kamp" (2013). A 3rd movie coming in end 2014.  (Mees Kees op de Planken). Famous book series by Mirjam Oldenhave.

I have to check it again. Also quite good other clothers. Sport shorts in film 1 and speedos in film 2.

Rating 3 for now only.

Update: Now completely seen. Girl on pic 2 and 1 (1 from film 1) is called Lisa (played by Whitney Franker). Other girl probably in rare skirtalls. But both very brief scenes. For more infos see the update


I now have seen the end of film 2. Rating 3.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Errance (2003)


French Drama
-Year: 2003
-Year in film: 1968
-Country: France
-Who in bibs: César ~ 5 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low ??
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least a very young boy, maybe Mattéo Tardito in blue bibs (or shortalls). Sorry, no better pics yet.

And yet another one from the "missing Felix list". Aka Errances.

Maybe a quite interesting drama/romance set in 1968, but I can't say much more yet and have to check it completetly.

But I assume few (good) scenes. He also wears regular pants. He's very young and small anyway. So rating 2-3 for now only. Movie maybe higher. Not sure if farm content, but probably not farm work involving bibs.

Pic of Dino Dan also coming soon. Looks indeed like snow bibs, but closed jacket.


Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction s3e2

A young girl, about 7 yo in blue bibs or shortalls in s3e2. Sorry, no pics yet.

See also the main entry and separate entries (mainly females)


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Unlikely Angel


Christmas comedy film starring Dolly Parton
-Year: 1996
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Sarah ~13
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: very low ?
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Allison Mack (born in Germany) in black bibs. Few scenes (or one scene only?) at about 15 minutes. Mainly inside the house and bibs only partly shown. Have seen most of it on YouTube.

From the "Missing Felix" list.

First I thought that she looks like a girl. Then I was sure that this is a teen boy due to clothing (black leather jacket), voice, short hair and behavior (and I heard the name Tommy). But this is a girl.

Typical family Christmas movie. Also nothing special. Young boy actor but obviously not in bibs.

Directed by Michael Switzer. Also starring Roddy McDowall and Brian Kerwin.

Rating 3 only. Might be better if more scenes. Also soon on my bedroom blog, rating ~6.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

webfinds: Yvonne Gabriel 13 yo teen girl red overalls

I recently found a vinyl cover image of the daughter of Gunther Gabriel, 1979 song, vinyl single "Tina, weine nicht".  No need for pics, it's easy to find online. Maybe they are shortalls or just a dress? (but according to the clip which shows a bit more they are most likeley real bibs, probably full length. Bu thin and simple suspenders).

Maybe they even occured in shows, commercials or elsewhere so it's possible that there are clips or at least more pics and other views of her. If someone knows, please comment.

Dino Dan (snow bibs ?)


Kids series
-Year: 2010-
-Year in film: 2010s
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: Sven 5, Dan 10, Cory ~10, mom 30s, Claudia 9
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: I recently have seen the end of s1e6 (A Winter Tale) and maybe 10 yo Dan wearing snow bibs under his jacket (not sure). Also a younger boy ~5 yo (Sven) I think in snow coveralls or similar.

I found one streaming clip on TVO but that doesn't work, probably due to the different country. I don't like downloading huge files, so I rather check the next episodes and wait for reairings or later online clips. Maybe someone else can help?

Good and funny series with handsome actors and also other good clothing like sports shorts.

Rating 3 for now for snow bibs. Rating 6 for series.

Update: Now I have seen Dan (Jason Spevack, on the right) in beige snowbibs (?) and Cory in dark blue or purple snowbibs. Pic showing ep. "Lunch Bag Bandit s1e8).

He usually wears beige cotton cargo pants with pockets. In the summer he wears beige knickers. In the winter beige snowpants or snowbibs with some black parts at the side.

I'm still not sure if bibs as the jacket is closed.

Update 2: Also girl Claudia in light grey snow pants of snow bibs and also Dan's mom played by Allana Harkin in dark blue snow pants or bibs and some other kids s1e4 (Tooth Or Consequences).

As all their jackets are closed I still can't be sure if bibs or just snow pants. Maybe partly at least the thicker ones like Cory.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Schloss Einstein - s17e13

schlosseinstein-ep805 schlosseinstein-ep805b

2 seasons later finally another overalls scene in ep. 805 (s17e13).

14 yo Johna Fontaine as Daphne in purple working bibs. Maybe Domink (Yannick Rau on the left is wearing green bibs under his jacket but most likely not. Legs looking too tight for that. He's very thin anyway.

Funny plot about a black boy, friend of Dominik fell in love with the much older Daphne and they tried to let her know.

Only one short scene with her in bibs. The rear view remids me of fishing bibs or snow bibs (white plastic braces ?). So not sure of the fabric. Either thick jeans fabric or synthetic. I try to recheck it on big screen. Update: Probably not jeans.

Anyway, I don't like purple bibs (depending on the actor/actress of course).

Can be watched again online (kikaplus) or rebroadcasting next Saturday.

See also the main entry and some other separate episodes entry (f/m, rating 5-9)

Rating 3 for this.

I also have completed the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". One more interesting scene on the last page (dad undressing bibs of Scout), tag books.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Say a Little Prayer (aprons only?)


From the "missing Felix list", but I have heard about this Australian movie in 1993 and seen a preview.

Now I found an online stream but only found the main character 11 yo Sudi de Winter and a young man in green gardening aprons at the very end of the movie.

I only checked the complete first half and almost every minute of the rest.

I like this kind of movies but I was a bit disappointed. The best is definitely the song.

Can Felix or anybody else please tell, if there are real overalls scenes?

So no bibs scenes rating. Movie rating 5.

I somehow thought of light blue bibs (Sudi de Winter) but yet unconfirmed. Maybe a publicity pic?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Commando (1985)

Action film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
-Year: 1985
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jenny ~12
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium-
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least 12 or 13 yo (but looking much older to me at least her face, but she isn't tall) Alyssa Milano (nominated for a Young Artist Award) in light blue bibs worn with a belt. At least 2 scenes, at the beginning at at 1h06 (pic 2) also partial rear view.

From the "missing Felix list".

I don't like action movies, I don't like girls with curly short hair and I don't like those typical 80s bibs with belts. But could be worse.

I haven't checked the comple movie but there seem to be several quite good scenes with her in these bibs (also tied to a chair) but also other clothes.

Rating 3-4 for now. Maybe someone like it. Two more pics (better headshot, rear view wet) more scenes than 1st assumed
