
Friday, August 31, 2012

Jockei Monika


Family series, teen girl+horse, 9 episodes
-Year: 1981
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: East Germany
-Who in bibs: Monika ~23
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low (?)
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: I'm not sure if she really wears bibs, but if so it's the main character Czech 22 or 23 yo Miroslava Safránková (pictured, "Arabela se vrací") as teen girl (13 yo?) Monika in blue bibs. (is that the girl on the very left?) Better pic which looks like bibs straps at

This was a suggestion for my Lederhosen blog (rating 4 as well with a very young boy in nappa or smooth finish Lederhosen and other older boys and girls, partly in tight shorts and jeans).

Quite interesting series. The teen girl is the sister of Libuse Safránková ("Tri orísky pro Pepelku / Three Wishes for Cinderella 1973", Kolja (see my Lederhosen blog, a boy, rating 2), Obecná scola / The Elementary School). Farm/ranch/rural/hay content but not sure if riding in these bibs as well.

I can't say much more for now and don't have the time to watch the complete series. Maybe Guillaume or someone else can help here.

Rating 4 for now. (Series might be better). There's a trailer on YouTube but not showing bibs nor Lederhosen.

Update: To illustrate the main character I have uploaded another pic (sadly not in bibs).

Update 2: Now I found better pics including bibs.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Flußfahrt mit Huhn


Kids film
-Year: 1984
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: Johanna ~11, boy Alex ~6 (?)
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low (?)
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Julia Martinek (pictured) in hickory striped bibs. Also Fedor Hoppe in blue shortalls and I think also a man in blue bibs.

Another one from Felix dungareemovies blog. Thanks. I think I have seen this movie but long time ago. Famous and successful movie but I think I don't like it. And I wonder why Felix gave a very high rating of 7 (and not even mentioned the boy).

Also some more older boy actors, but obviously none in bibs. I also don't like hickory striped bibs (on girls). I have to check this again the next broadcasting. I remember a movie with a young boy in blue lycra shorts, but not sure if this is it. The only famous actor I know is Andreas Mannkopff. Also starring  David Hoppe, obviously the brother of Fedor.

First I considered rating 2-3 but now 3-4 (for bib scenes) movie might be better but probably not more than 5-6. Currently completely on YouTube but no preview pics yet and I don't have the time to watch it completely and will check it the next broadcasting.

Update: A bit more scenes than assumed but mainly of the girl. Also sitting. Some more pics


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Annas Erbe

TV drama starring Jutta Speidel
-Year: 2011
-Year in film: 2010s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: Sascha ~18?,
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low ?
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: An older teen boy, maybe Dennis Mojen in blue non-jeans firefighter bibs. Maybe other actors, maybe women as well? At least a woman in an apron and also a woman in jeans and a blue top, almost looking like bibs, maybe also real bibs. Farm/garden content.

I only saw the last minutes of this movie by coincidence. Will be rebroadcasted on September 9th (channel mdr 22h).

I can't say much more yet. Probably a typical German drama/romance.

Rating 4 for now. But could be worse.


I now have seen most of it. No women (in bibs). 2 more pics at


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Diff'rent Strokes

Comedy series /sitcom, 189 ep in 8 seasons
-Year: 1978-1986
-Year in film: 1970s, 80s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Arnold 10, Willis 13 yo ?, girl
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low ?
-Rating:  5/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least Gary Coleman (1968-2010) as main character Arnold  in blue bibs and a girl in red bibs (pictured), probably also Todd Bridges (in blue bibs?) Maybe some more actors?

I found this publicity pic of I think Todd Bridges (Josh Foster in "The Waltons", see also that series entry and also in LHOTP) some time ago during research, but first couldn't find any episodes with bibs, but recently searched a bit and found this 2 episodes (dead image link TVland removed).

4th pic from s4e7 (?) on Adelaid's farm, 2nd pic from s3e5, 2nd pic from s2e2, pic 4 from s5e4. Pic 3 from s 7e24.

I don't know/don't remember this series. Obviously a typical comedy series of the 70s. There are some more, maybe better series.

If anybody knows some better episode and other actors/actresses/women in bibs, please comment.

Rating 5 for now.

Update also at least one man (painter) in white bibs in s8e1.

Update 2: Also 7 or 8yo Joey Lawrence in s5e4.

Update 3: Arnold in hickory striped bibs and cap in s5e21, pic 1

Update 4: 9 yo Danny Cooksey in blue bibs in s7e22

Update 5 (Sorry, pic missing): 13 yo Mindy Cohn in light blue bibs, girl in dark blue shortalls s2e22, s1e22

Update 6: 9yo Danny Cooksy in blue bibs in s7e24, rating 3


Monday, August 27, 2012

Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder

Kids series, 10 episodes
-Year: 1975
-Year in film: 1974
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: Mirko 11, Monika 13, men, woman
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: Mirko 11 in light red and raw denim bibs (always), I think brand Lee, Monika 13 yo in medium blue bibs, one woman and several men in bibs. One blond handsome boy in short and longer Lederhosen (also see my other blog, rating 7). 1st pic from ep 3, others from ep 10.

That's the other most famous German children's adventure series next to "Die Vorstadtkrokodile" (see my other blog, rating 7).

The bibs of the boy are way too short (cuffed up). Plot is about a bunch of kids and their playground. Typical 70s series, 70s education, long haircuts and clothing. As I told before, I don't like the 70s.

Rating 6-7 for now. but I have to check this completely the next broadcasting. Also finally on DVD,
but I think I wouldn't buy it. The Boy also in light red bibs, also peeing (update 2) and I think also cycling but mainly from a distance. Pic of 1 update boy sitting available.


Update: I now have bought it. Better than thought. Previously rated 6, now at least 7-8.


Red bibs also sitting and blue soaked wet (ep 5, see update 4). A woman in bibs ep (4).

/2016/02/09/update-3-krempoli/ (females, rating 3)


Pics of red bibs update 1 and lady update 3 now reuploaded in update 5

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hellphone (2007)

Mystery film starring Jean-Baptiste Maunier
-Year: 2007
-Year in film: 2000s ?
-Country: France
-Who in bibs: teen girl
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: very low
-Rating:  2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least one older teen girl/young woman, maybe 16 or 17 (?) in tight, dark blue shortalls (pictured). I don't know her name and haven't seen this complete movie yet.

Originally I planned another movie for today (She's All That), but I already had that.

I like Jean-Baptiste in Les choristes (2004) but I'm not sure about this, completely different movie. Probably nothing special. Novel by James Huth and also starring Jennifer Decker, but I don't know any of the other French actors.

I have to check this again. Obviously very few and short bib scenes. According to the YouTube clip which I found by coincidence.

Rating 2 for now (for this lady in shortalls).

Saturday, August 25, 2012

7th Heaven – Season 4

TV series, 11 seasons. Here season 4
-Year: 1999
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: teen girls, teen boy, woman
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, some TV recordings
-Bib occurrence: low ??
-Rating:  6/10 ??
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Here I will collect and describe all bib scenes in season 4. The season has just started rebroadcasting. (Only 2 ep a week). At the end of the season I will only keep the best 4 pics here (that are not already included in other separate episode entries or the main entry). For more see those. If necessary I will create further separate episode or story entries. Episodes not mentioned either have none or no notable bib scenes (very brief scenens, toddlers, incl young Ruthie or very old people).

Episode 1: Only mom in dark blue, probably non-jeans shortalls (pic see update s4e5). She's not pregnant anymore.

Ep. 2: A black older teen boy in dark blue bibs (1st pic, only this short scene front view only), Lucy in dark blue almost raw denim bibs (also front only), one older teen girl at school in olive bibs with light blue straps (pic in update s4e21). Some more supporting actresses but very far in the distance. Simon wearing short, spiked hair and first shaving.

Ep: 3: Toddler twins in blue bibs, Simon in a white apron

Ep. 4: Lucy and mom in blue bibs (woodwork) see separate entry.

Ep. 5: An older teen girl/young woman in khaki bibs maybe Alicia Willis, (last pic) and a very young girl (Madison McReynolds, blue bibs, see s4e5)

Ep. 7: Maureen Flannigan ~25 as Shana, friend of Matt sitting at Matt's home and just one other supporting actress. Stone washed bibs. See separate entry

Ep. 9: Ruthie in black skirtalls, Shana in blue bibs, and one girl ~10, friend of Ruthie in blue bibs (but + jacket), darkhaired pigtails and glasses

Ep. 10: Mary in stone washed blue bibs (see main entry for pic), one teen girl in green bibs (back view only at the beginning, last pic), Ruthie in light green/gray shortalls (or bibs) all brief scenes except for Mary

Ep. 11: Lucy in black bibs (front+back), Adria Dawn and Many Freund (?) in green grey and blue bibs, all short scenes. see separate entry

Ep. 12: Shana in blue bibs. Short scene and not shown completely.

Ep. 13: Ruthy in beige bibs (full length) with some applications, few and short scenes

Ep. 14: Mary in blue bibs (maybe the same as in ep 10). 3 scenes, not showing her back.

Ep. 15: Lucy in beige working bibs and rare bibs with a light pink front and a light beige back (separate entry coming soon)

Ep. 16: One brief scene of a girl in blue bibs ~8 yo (separate entry)

Ep. 19: Allyson Call in blue bibs 7/8 length, see separate entry

Ep. 20: One blond girl in blue bibs and another girl in longer skirtalls, see separate entry and pic 3

Ep. 21: Lucy in black bibs, a bit baggy, also hunker down. No rear view. 1 short scene (separate entry coming soon, rebroadcasting tomorrow Nov 4

Ep. 22: Catherine Hicks in dark blue non-jeans bibs, shortalls or apron (only headshot), maybe same as in s4e1

Season 4 complete. Note: Series currently discontinued. Maybe season 5 in 2013 ?


Friday, August 24, 2012

Info 173: New stats

New monthly stats.

Surprisingly one with a boy (Eros, O Deus do amor) which is now also on top of the boys' stats. Also new: Leo (2006). Coyote Summer still on top (linked within the overalls board). New on TOP 10 7th Heaven S3.

Also new on the boys' list: Du er ikke alene (You are not alone). As the older teen boy is not handsome, most had obviously searched for downloads (like on Eros, O Deus do amor). Also many hits on Dallas.

Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel (1995)

Family film starring Constantin von Jascheroff
-Year: 1995
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: Tobi ~ 9 yo, girls, woman, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Clothing occurrence: very low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least 8 or 9yo Constantin von Jascheroff in blue (longer) shortalls or shorter bibs (pictured). Also 2 girls in orange shortalls (I have to check this).

Yat another film from Felix' dungareemovies blog. Thank again. I remember watching this movie and I liked it, but haven't seen it for a long time. Very good family / comedy film, English titel "Rudy the Racing Pig". Also starring Iris Berben, Ulrich Mühe and Angelika Milster.  Bavarian Film Award; novel by Uwe Timm.

There is also a 2007 sequel and a 2008 TV series (series rating 4 for now with a girl in skirtalls, series is still running) but with other actors.


I have to check it completely again (also the sequel). The movie itself is better than the series but von Jascheroff is very young here. Probably farm content (or at least a garden).

Rating 4-5 for now.

Update: Now completely seen. The 2 preteen girls in orange shortalls. One older teen girl or youg woman in blue bibs (brief scene) and at least 3 men in bibs (dad, most often shown, 1 man in the slaughterhouse at the end in blue jeans bibs and one farmer. Also a man in blue coveralls. Update and more pics coming very soon.(Still rating 4). Some other interesting scenes. Outdoor pool (speedo+swim shorts) and a boy in jeans shorts.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Big Bounce (2004)

Crime / comedy film starring Charlie Sheen
-Year: 2004
-Year in film: 2000s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Nancy ~ 22 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: low+
-Rating:  5/10 *
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least Sara Foster in tight, dark blue bibs (pictured). Looks almost like raw denim. Another pic at IMDb.

Quite interesting movie (PG-13) also starring Morgan Freeman, Owen Wilson and Gary Sinise. But I assume rathe few good scenes. Maybe I have even seen it, but can't say much more. Even tagged overalls at IMDb along some other interesting tags like skinny dipping.

Rating 5-6 for now. I prefer more baggier bibs, farm movies and younger actors.

Update: Completely checked. I think one longer scene at around 34-37 minutes.

Info 172: new blog features

I have added a "recent comments" section on both blogs and links to suscribe my blogs via e-mail (the last was asked several times, but previously only from spammers).

Wordpress bloggers also can click on the follow button on the top or use RSS blog readers (or just visit my blogs regularly). Thanks.

To all spammers: Please note that wordpress filters spam and I will approve comments first. However it's possible to comment anonymously.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Polizeiruf 110

Crime series 330+ ep. in 41+ seasons, still running
-Year: 1971-
-Year in film: 1974 (bibs)
-Country: (East) Germany
-Who in bibs: woman, (girl)
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating:  2/10 *
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least this woman, probably some more in (blue) bibs. Hard to tell her age. 20 or 40? Maybe younger.

Most famous East German crime series (early episodes partly in b&w). Unfortunately I know only very few episodes. I also have an entry on my Lederhosen blog (rating 5 for a b&w episode incl a tomboyish girl in shorts, another color episode coming soon, rating ~8).

Interesting and quite good series, but I assume rather very few good scenes (mainly in the earlier episodes).

I have to check this again. If someone knows some more good episodes (of boys, teens or women in bibs or Lederhosen), please comment.

For this woman and bibs, rating 2 for now only.

Also a girl rating 4. Unpictured a lady in fishing bibs in ep 368.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Die Tränen meiner Mutter

Drama starring Adrian Goessel
-Year: 2008
-Year in film: 1980s (bibs)
-Country: Germany, Argentina
-Who in bibs: Alex ~13
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: medium-
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: German Adrian Goessel ~ 13 yo as 10 yo (young) Alex in tight, blue bibs (pictured).

And yet another one from the dungareemovies blog. Thanks once more, Felix!

I don't know the complete movie. Looks quite good, but I'm not sure about it. According to Felix only some few bib scenes at the beginning (flashback scenes of young Alex). And there are maybe other and more handsome actors elsewhere in other films. But the bibs look good. Good fabric
almost raw denim.

I have to check this again and hope for a soon broadcasting.

Rating 6-7 for now. But I think I wouldn't buy it. So rather 6. I prefer farm and US films.
As usual some more high-res on Felix blog.(defunct)

Update: Completely checked (at high speed). Obviously rather few scenes near the beginning only. Bibs are not raw denim. And I don't like at all this boy and his haircut.

Previously rated (6)-7, now rather 5-6.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Paradise (1991)


Drama starring Elijah Wood
-Year: 1991
-Year in film: 1980s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Billie ~9 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, DVD
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating:  3/10 *
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Thora Birch (pictured) in blue shortalls.

This is an US remake of the 1987 perfect French movie "Le Grand Chemin" (The Grand Highway, by Jean-Loup Hubert, starring Vanessa Guedj and Antoine Hubert as the two kids). The French movie is much much better (but I don't remember bib scenes in there, Guedj wearing a short dress, but I haven't seen the original movie for a long time either).

I don't like this remake and have only seen it once or twice. Famous actors like Melanie Griffith, Don Johnson and 9 or 10 yo Elijah Wood, but there's missing the French charm and landscape. Elijah Wood in wet tighty whities (and Thora Birch in white underwear as well) at a lake but that's it. Thora Birch is very young here. However the coming-of-age plot is good.

Rating 2-3.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

7th Heaven - S3e21

The last 2 episodes of the 3rd season had been aired today. Julie Marie Berman as Shelby in black bibs (pictured) still wearing braces. Quite interesting. Lucy in light purple bibs (Also with a pigtail at the bottom at the bibs like the pink bibs (s3e11,/story 37).

Also later both together sitting on the same bed (Lucy showing from behind/side).

Julie Marie Berman also appeared in s2e5 and I prefer the baggy beige bibs.


Only this 2 short scenes. One more teen girl/young woman in blue bibs at the pool hall, I think she also appeared earlier (background, supporting actress).


No bibs in ep 22. 13 yo Simon and a girl had their first French kiss. No other actors in bibs, not even Ruthie. Rebroadcasting of the first ep. as usual tomorrow.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wildflowers (1999)

Drama starring Clea DuVall
-Year: 1999
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Cally ~21 yo, boy ~4
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: medium-
-Rating:  7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: At least Clea DuVall (pictured) in good blue bibs.

Another one from the "chicks list". Looks very good. But I have to check this movie completely. Not to be confused with Wildflower (rating 5 which is also very good, farm contents, older teen boys and girls).

Also starring Daryl Hannah, Thomas Arana and Eric Roberts. Rated R.

For what I have seen, I think there are better movies. However good actress and overalls. Raw denim would even fit better to her blond her. But I assume rather few good bib scenes. Not sure about real farm content (in bibs).

So rating 6 for now.

Update: Very good scenes of her, previously rated 6 now 7. Also a toddler boy in bibs.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Messengers (2007)

Horror film starring Kristen Stewart
-Year: 2007
-Year in film: 2000s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Ben ~5 yo ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating:  2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least one of the twin brothers Evan and Theodore Turner or both in beige shortalls (pictured). And at least one man (Brent Briscoe) in beige bibs. However 16 or 17 yo Kristen Steward in good regular and tight jeans.

I don't know/don't remember this complete movie. The movie itself looks very good.

I own the sequel which also is a good farm horror film. Even with (older) kids and a corn field. Reminds me of "The Children of the Corn" (see that entry). The sequel only has one old man in bibs and this first movie seems even be better (rating PG-13). Also starring Penelope-Ann Miller and Dylan McDermott.

For bib scenes I can't rate higher than 2 for now. Movie is much better. I have to check this again.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Little Girl Lost (1988)


TV drama starring Tess Harper
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1980s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Tella ~6 yo ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: I think I have seen the main character 5 or 6 yo Tella, played by Marie Martin in blue shortalls or skirtalls. On the DVD cover she wears a blue dress. Sorry, no pics and no clips yet.

German title "Tellas Story: Ein Kinderschicksal" (not stated on IMDb). Movie nominated for an Emmy Award, Marie Martin for a Young Artist Award.

Typical drama, maybe I've even seen it. The girl is very young. I have to check this again. Based on a true case (abuse). Also starring Frederic Forrest, Patricia Kalember and Kathy Trageser.

Rating 2-3 for now.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Danny Boy (1946)

Adventure film dog+scout starring Robert 'Buzz' Henry
-Year: 1946
-Year in film: 1945
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boys, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating:  2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least one or two boys and at least one older teen boy or young man in blue, maybe raw denim bibs (pictured). I think also a woman in bibs or bib looking apron. I think the main character Robert 'Buzz' Henry (1931-1971) not in bibs (but other good jeans).

I don't know this movie completely but looks quite good. Aka "Adventures of Danny Boy", 64 minutes. I like these classic movies. Looks like farm or rural setting. Typical, but good animal/after war movie.

Also starring Ralph Lewis, Sybil Merritt and Ace the Wonder Dog. This war dog also appeared in the Rusty series (see Rusty's Birthday (1949), rating 6).

I have to check this again completely.

Rating 5 for now.

Update: Only a young black boy in bibs. Pic 1 don't have bibs scenes and pic 2 is obviously a very old man. Now rating 2 instead of 5.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Info 171: Update Operation Splitsville

I already have this entry, and this is a very good kids' film about divorces, at least 3 boys and 2 girls in different bibs/shortalls. Rating 5(-6). I have seen it, but long time ago and still have to check it completely and more carefully again the next broadcasting. (I didn't care about girls and women and maybe even bibs then).

This pic showing a blond girl in good yellow bibs. I don't know her name.Also some handsome boys but I think the only boys in bibs are very young except for one 10 yo blond boy in light blue bibs. Pic taken from Felix dungareemovies blog. And I like this pic and it should be here as well. As usual more high res pics on his blog.

There are a lot of other divorce movies and maybe there are also women in bibs somewhere.

My entry at


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Doll Graveyard

Horror film starring Hannah Marks
-Year: 2005
-Year in film: (1905)/2005
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Sophia ~11 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low ?
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Hannah Marks (pictured) in light blue bibs (or maybe shortalls).

I don't know/don't remember this horror movie. I like those horror movies (directed by Charles Band who also did some other good movies even similar doll horror films).

But I assume rather few bib scenes and Hannah Marks is still very young here. Also starring Brian Lloyd, Scott Seymour, Jared Kusnitz and Kristyn Green.

The pic is taken from one of the official trailers. I have to check this again and hope for a soon broadcasting.

Rating 3 for bib scenes, rating 6 for now for the movie. Not sure if real farm content. But at least a  graveyard.

Update: I only noticed this very brief scene at the end.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Borderline Normal

Drama starring Caterina Scorsone
-Year: 2001
-Year in film: 2000s ?
-Country: Canada, USA
-Who in bibs: Beth ~19 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: low ??
-Rating:  5/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least Canadian Caterina Scorsone in medium blue bibs (pictured). But I prefer farm movies and raw denim bibs.

I don't know/don't remember this movie. Probably rather few or medium bib scenes.

Also starring Robin Dunne, Michael Ironside and Corbin Bernsen. Directed by Jeff Beesley.

I have to check this movie again completely. Probably a typical movie about a divorce.

Rating 5-6 for now.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Ballad of Cable Hogue

Western starring Jason Robards
-Year: 1970
-Year in film: 1908
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs:  boy ~8 yo ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: very low
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least one of the pictured boys in good blue bibs. I don't know his name as the kids aren't credited completely at IMDb. The other might be Matthew Peckinpah. At least 7 kids acting, but probably only this boy in bibs. Blue bibs are also very rare in westerns (I only have "The Last Train from Gun Hill", also rating 6 including riding, Little Big Man (rating 3), Bootleggers (rating 5), The Cowboys (rating 4), and series Gunsmoke (rating 9), LHOTP + Father Murphy).

I don't know/don't remember this movie and have to check this again the next broadcasting. Looks very good. Rated R, 121 minutes. Also starring Stella Stevens, David Warner and Strother Martin. The western itself should also be very good. Maybe there's also some interesting clothing for my other blog.

Rating 6 for now.

Update: Completely checked at high speed. I only noticed this very brief, but good scene. So still rating 6.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Info 170: Update Rhapsody in Bloom

Thanks to Felix dungareemovies blog I upgrade from rating 4 to 5 or even more. He gave rating 7. Also a woman in bibs (or shortalls) worn with a belt, maybe 33 yo Penelope Ann Miller. The light blue shortalls of the boy (now confirmed Miles Marsico) are also very good. Also 2 girls (including Katie Volding, other girl still unknown) in good shortalls. I already had 3 pics. I still have to check this movie completely.

Entry at


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Flowers in the Attic

Thriller starring Kristy Swanson
-Year: 1987
-Year in film: 1970s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Cory ~7 yo ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating:  2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: Ben Ryan Ganger (pictured) in blue Osh Kosh bibs (2 scenes).

This is taken from the dungareemovies blog (thanks again Felix! He gave rating 3, as usual more high res pics there). But the boy is very young he even looks much younger than 7 or 8, probably produced earlier.

1979 bestselling novel by Virginia C. Andrews. Also starring Louise Fletcher, Victoria Tennant and Lindsay Parker. Young Artist Award fro Kristy Swanson. I like mystery movies and have to check it completely. Might be an interesting film with a good plot. But I hate boys with curly hair.

For the sake of completeness. Rating 1-2 for now. And few bib scenes. Probably rating 1.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012



Horror film starring Robert Englund
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Angela ~21 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low ?
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least Amy Smart (pictured) in blue bibs.

And yet another one from the "chicks list".

I don't know/don't remember this thriller/ horror film (rating R). Looks quite interesting. I like horror movies and have to check this completely the next broadcasting. Also starring Kevin Gage, Elizabeth Pena, 23 yo Linda Cardellini as 15 yo Genevieve and Dee Snider (who also had written it).

Rating 4-5 for now (for bib scenes), movie might be even better. Even the movie poster looks interesting with the sewn up mouth.

Update: I have checked the complet mvie at high speed and only noticed this very brief scene at 12 minutes.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Cookie's Fortune


Drama starring Glenn Close
-Year: 1999
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Emma ~21, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least Liv Tyler (pictured) in I think very dark blue, maybe raw denim, sometimes black looking bibs or maybe both) and also a in other interesting clothes like tight ripped off blue jeans. And also at least one very old man in blue bibs (no need for a pic/see trailer).

Another one from the "chicks list". Quite interesting and tomboyish short hair. But I prefer real farm movies and blue bibs. But could be worse.

Directed by Robert Altman (1925-2006), also starring Julianne Moore, Chris O'Donnell and Patricia Neil. Rated PG-13.

I have to check this again completely the next broadcasting.

Some more pics here

Rating 4-5 for now. I assume rather few good scenes.

Update: One better pic, I also noticed an old man in bibs and a young man in I think light blue/grey coveralls. (Still not seen the complete movie).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Neon Bible

Drama starring Drake Bell
-Year: 1995
-Year in film: 1940s
-Country: UK
-Who in bibs: David 10+15 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: medium+
-Rating:  6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least David (10 yo played by Drake Bell, 15 yo by Jacob Tierney, both pictured) in stone washed blue bibs. Farm/rural content of the 1940s Georgia (US). Quite rare for an UK film. Not sure how many flashback scenes of 10 yo David during WWII, but I think a lot.

I found a pic of this movie by coincidence during research for something else (probably because of actress Diana Scarwid in Gold Diggers). I checked some parts of the movie and it looks quite good. I don't have the time to watch this independant coming-of-age film completely. I don't like watching movies online, especially if in a foreign language. So I hope for a soon broadcasting. The 10 yo is too young and I think I somehow wouldn't like the teen boy either. But unsure. However the farm setting looks very good.

Also starring Gena Rowlands, Diana Scarwid and Denis Leary. Novel by John Kennedy Toole. Directed by Terence Davies. Nominated in Cannes for a Palm d'Or.

Rating 6 for now. I couldn't find any clips on YouTube.

Tag sitting: I think both 10 and 15 yo boys.

Update: more boys than first assumed


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Info 169: Updates / 7th Heaven s3e17

Lucy in very good and not baggy light turqouise bibs in s3e17 (pictured). Sadly some few scenes and I think none or no notable showing her back well enough, mostly headshots.

8 yo Ruthie in black bibs (full length) in ep s3e18, also sitting outside on stairs. (no pics). I think there's no need for adding new pics to the series entry. Lucy already in light turquoise shirt and light blue bibs. But I will link to this post.

Also completely seen today "The Last Leprechaun" starring 11 yo Brittney Bomann in blue shortalls. I already had 2 pics, so no need for another one. Medium scenes at the first half of the movie only.  Rating 3-4. Could be much better. However quite good fantasy film. New tag farm.

Coming this week on German TV I think Friday: 11yo girl in blue skirtalls. "Klein Erna auf dem Jungfernstieg" (rating 3).

Also rebroadcasting soon "Was heißt hier Oma!" (firefighter teens, rating 6, see some posts below)

Felix (dungareemovies) has some good new pics (f/m) of "Operation Splitsville" (my rating 5), "Rhapsody in Bloom" (my rating  4) and "Kidsongs" (my rating 5, but maybe I should give 6 or 7 but have to check more episodes).



Friday, August 3, 2012

The Craft (1996)


Fantasy film starring Robin Tunney
-Year: 1996
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Sarah ~23
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least flying Robin Tunney in light blue bibs (pictured).

And yet another one from the "chicks list".

I don't know/don't remember this complete movie and only find this scene (showing from different angles, also more close up, but I don't know of any good scenes of her back).

Maybe a quite good "witch movie" (rated R) also starring Neve Campbell, Rachel True and Fairuza Balk. MTV Movie Award. Could be worse. But usually I don't watch those movies with grown up (b) witches. Advertised as teenage girls but they were mid 20s. Directed by Andrew Fleming, story by Peter Filardi.

Rating 4-5 for now.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Vykrutasy (2011)

Comedy film starring Milla Jovovitch
-Year: 2011
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: Russia
-Who in bibs: teen boys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: very low
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least 2 teen boys (therof at least one shirtless and barefeet, pictured) in good light blue bibs. I don't know their names. They are even shown on the movie poster/DVD in bibs.

I don't know this Russian comedy/romance/sports/family film yet. Looks quite good. I assume rather few or medium bib scenes and first had problems finding clips showing bibs.

International title "Lucky Trouble" and it's about a soccer coach who wants to marry.
Pic is from the clip below, also showing the backside of them.

Probably a quite good movie.
I have to check it completelyand can't rate higher than 5-6 for now.

Update: Thanks Felix for reporting very few bib scenes. But film should be great.

Update 2: Movie completetly checked. I only noticed this rather short beach scene at the beginning. So rating 5-6 is correct. Left boy in hickory striped bibs. Bib at low position. Also a nice somesault of the other. Nice sitting scenes also rear view shown.

Soon on my shiny shorts blog, rating 6. Many good Soccer scenes including wet and muddy scenes. Update with pic of the somersault:


Wednesday, August 1, 2012



Medical series, 182 ep in 9 seasons
-Year: 2001-2010
-Year in film: 2002
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Lisa ~21 yo
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating:  5/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Sarah Lancaster in blue bibs or apron? in ep s2e10 as Lisa the gift shop girl. Some pics at

I don't watch this series and can't say much more. I found it by coincidence during research (for something unrelated). She only appeared in 3 episodes (2002-2006) but there might be some other actors/actresses in bibs as well. (Please comment if someone knows).

Looks quite interesting, but I can't rate higher than 5 for now.

Update: I think it's just an apron.