
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Info 93: Blogger problems 10+, Stats, Java

Lots of problems. 

"There was an error while fetching stats. Please reload page."

But not only the stats don't work, but I couldn't publish. The box for writing a post didn't appear.
This is a known issue at blogger's help since 1 year and obviously still not fixed.

I had installed a new Open Java yesterday (IcedTea in Ubuntu Firefox), but doesn't work and I deleted it and blogger still doesn't work. Problems with installing new Java package. This official sun-java6 isn't available in the automatic DRM packages so I had to install it manually, but problems with defective packages and dependencies.
I'm not sure if I have fixed this Java problems (Flash was after that also defective). At least It seems like a can publish now.

If you won't see any new post the next days than I might have massive problems. (Though not sure if this was an USUAL Blogger failure or else or if Java was the cause for that.) Don't know how this new Blogger UI works.

After writing a normal entry with pics, I got 2 different bX- errors and didn't saved that entry.
Update 2:
After updating an entry it says invalid page ID and box is empty.
Stats now working, but still problems with updating. Same errors. Sometimes it works after trying it several times.

Update 3:
A lot of others now (and since weeks) have this error bX-3nlqxx. However bX-eqy0iq seems rare. Also blog feed is very slow (more than 15 minutes).
Also some other minor problems (reading list is empty, you don't follow any blogs).
Google has so many problems I can't work like that getting more and more worse. I think I have to move to tumblr or other blog hoster. Obviously not my Java problems.
I checked my Java and Flash installation (original test sites) and they are OK.

Update 4:
Today (one day later) no problems with blogging posts, but now again with the blog search. Please use the search field on very top line of this blog.

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