
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Info 36: blog search gadget doesn't work properly

Yesterday I encountered problems using the internal search gadget when I wanted to edit older posts. Many posts cannot be found. Only 8 pages (maybe 40 posts results) are displayed, showing often unrelated or all posts (maybe because all posts have the complete A-Z listing with all titles in it). Today I read at blogger help that other bloggers have the same problem (at least since 2009), but others work fine. Search with a word which is not part of the title (eg actor) seems to work.

Another problem is, that a google image search also finds many unrelated images. (Perhaps same problem with A-Z list or because images have no caption titles.)

I try to fix this (changing the A-Z list, using another search option etc.) I also want to link each title in the A-Z list to directly access it. This must be possible, but might need external gadgets or manual HTML programming.

If you search for a film, try searching for the tag (label) with the rating # which is after the title in the A-Z list and click on that tag (eg Rating 5) and then flip through the pages.
Or use an advanced google text search on google with search limited on this blog website only.

Edit: I've read that this is all complicated. Might come from manually editing old posts. It could be solved by manually correcting all posts. Same with a link list. I tried 3 different search boxes and none worked. Now I have added a google search on the very top of the blog page. Now I transfer the A-Z list to a seperate post and have to wait for some days if google (image) search will have better results.

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