
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pizza Hut 1997 ad


By coincidence, searching for an entry without pic starring Courtland Mead, I found this one. At least one girl at school in blue bibs. Black or Asian.

As usual very few and brief scenes. But could be worse.

So rating ~3 only.

Happy Halloween!

Commercials list (f,m)


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Update 2: Robbers, Rooftops and Witches


3 more pics of this great movie. I think pic 3 is only available in the long Antaeus version (own exclusive pics). As said, all scenes are shortened by half in the short Robbers version. Pic 2, a very brief scene of TJ lying on the stomach is probably only available in the short version.

I still need the DVD but I think I must have almost the complete movie.

I recently found again the short story. Obviously no bibs scenes mentioned there.

Main entries rating 10 (I already had the best scenes)



Afterschool list

Halloween list

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tom Sawyer Project Bay Trail 2019

School project
Year: 2019
Year in film: 1850s
Country: USA ?
Who in bibs: girls ~16 ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: This time, 1 or 2 older teen girls in bibs. Not sure if this is the complete version.

Earlier versions (boys, rating up to 6) (some years they don't wore bibs)



Monday, October 28, 2019

Uf - oni jsou tady


Family film
Year: 1989
Year in film: 1980s
Country: CZ
Who in bibs: boy ~6 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: At least one young boy in dark blue bibs. I think few scenes but only checked this briefly. Not sure about his name.

Also at least 2 boys in shiny shorts, soon on my other blog, rating ~3-4.

For the bibs rating 2-3 only.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Het debuut


Year: 1977
Year in film: 1970s ?
Country: The Netherlands
Who in bibs: Carolien ~17 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: I think Marina de Graaf in blue bibs, also cycling but with a jacket. Rather few scenes near the beginning. Small bib. Or small sized. Not that bad. Tight bibs. Also an older lady painting in medium blue coveralls (non jeans ?).

English title: The Debut.

Rating 3-4 due to the few scenes.

Die Landärztin (2005) - ep 2


Has recently been aired. An older lady in bibs doing farm work. Ep 2 Diagnose Tollwut.

I only have seen this scene. Probably rather few scenes. Old lady, so rating ~2. Maybe the lady on the right as well?

Main entry (better, rating 4)



Thursday, October 24, 2019

Kak doma, kak dela?


Year: 1987
Year in film: 1940s
Country: Soviet Union
Who in bibs: boy ~13 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  3/10 *
Rating: ***
Comment: One older boy in khaki/green/gray or similar bibs at 44 minutes on left. I only noticed one brief scene.

I checked this for my still unknown, (Italian assumed) coming-of-age movie on my sailor suit blog. Interesting movie, similar to my unknown movie. Rather a documentary. Also nice swimming scenes and other scenes of interest.

For the brief bibs scene, rating ~2-3, much more for the movie itself. I think not officially on DVD.

Russian title: Как дома, как дела? what means How are you?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tattoo Stories - Das geht unter die Haut (on TV)


German reality TV series 1+ episodes
Year: 2019
Year in film: 2010s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Zoe ~35
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+ ??
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Zoe Scarlett in dark blue bibs, also sitting. Sleeveless shirt. This evening (Wednesday) on RTL II. Pic from a short trailer, I found on facebook.

No entry on IMDB, yet. I can't say much more. I won't watch this.

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Choo-Choo! (1932) Our Gang

Classic comedy short film (Little Rascals)
Year: 1932
Year in film: 1930s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Wheezer ~7, man
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low-
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: Wheezer in dark bibs with one overlapping strap. I only noticed few and brief scenes at the beginning, sitting on the ground and standing up, but partially shown. Also a man from a distance (standing, rear view at the very beginning).

Stymie in a jumpsuit (pajamas) near the end. The kids also starting to undress and swapping clothes but not much is shown.

IMDb has 2 entries. 1 without the "!".  I found a colorized stream but in very few image quality. Probably there are better ones.

Rating ~3-4 only.

Main overview list


Other list with better pics of Wheezer

/2012/06/27/the-pooch-our-gang/ ad

Currently, there's a young black lady in blue bibs at least on the German main page. Not sure about her nationality, probably American?

Probably it's copyrighted, so no pic. Not sure if there are more or larger pics.

Other commercials


Monday, October 21, 2019

Road to Avonlea – s7e5

Older Zachary Bennett in beige cotton bibs for work (very brief scene and I haven't noticed other/full views) and a teen girl in faded bibs with overlapping straps but with a jacket over them. Maybe again 14 yo Heather Brown. Brief scene as well.

So rating just ~3 for both. Few episodes left.

Main entry rating up to 10


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Goosebumps (1995) - season 3

And another Goosebumps update. Next to the great sitting scene of the teen girl in s3e3, I found the following

Teen girl in dark blue bibs in s3e10 (pic 1), I think full length. Obviously again Laura Vandervoort like in s4e7.

Pic 2 showing a teen girl in faded bibs and a belt pouch in s3e19. Obviously Caterina Scorsone. Same girl in long, orange bibs in s3e21 (pic 3).

Other seasons coming soon. Main entry f,m rating up to 8


Friday, October 18, 2019

Update: CBS Children’s Mystery Theatre


I recently found this, but I already had this. Completely rechecked and 3 more pics.

Some quite good scenes, especially rear view walking.

Also a man in coveralls. Soon on my bedroom blog.

There's a widescreen and fullscreen vid on YouTube (full screen is better, showing more and I think better quality as well).

Main entry, still rating 5


All Afterschool and similar specials here (f,m)



Thursday, October 17, 2019

Goosebumps (1995) – s2e14

I already mentioned this episode, but now some more and better pics. Probably showing Heather Bertram, around 15 yo (and or another girl but probably it's the same girl).

Nice faded bibs and pigtails but also open hair. Rating ~4-5. Scarecrow Walks at Midnight.

I now have checked the complete series. Season 4 just has 4 double episodes and just a teen girl in cotton shortalls, I already had (s4e7+8 Laura Vandervoort). More episodes and updates later.

Now also on my shiny shorts blog (f,m rating up to 4). Also soon to be updated on my bedroom and pigtails blogs.

Main entry here f,m rating up to 8 (teen girl)


Update: Three Smart Guys (Our Gang)


I forgot to post this school scene showing once more Robert Blake in bibs.

I think not a rural school (no one-room schoolhouse). I found another classroom scene in a different movie (unknown movie as from a compilation), none in bibs and room is too large for a one-room schoolhouse.

The other lake scenes are much better. Main entry, still rating 5 (more episodes, also colorized to come soon)


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Land & Lecker

Farm cooking contest series
Year: 2009-
Year in film: 2017
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Carina ~30, others?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least a young, thin lady called Carina, in her late 20s or early 30s in modern, tight brown working bibs.

Yesterday's episode 95 (s17e1) "Bierbrauerin vom Niederrhein". Good settings and interesting recipes. I never hear of a beer bread. I didn't remember that many episodes.

Available on the wdr mediathek. Aka Land und Lecker.

Rather few scenes at the beginning (before the cooking) as usual an introduction of the farms.

Maybe some more women (and maybe other family members, men/kids) in earlier/upcoming episodes? I think, I remember kids in bibs (later help serving) but could be in a different, similar series, like Landfrauenküche and Stadt, Land, Lecker. Mainly young kids and few good scenes. Older handsome boys but probably not in bibs. (If so then working bibs). Also nice shows are "Lecker an Bord" and "Viel für wenig – Clever kochen mit Björn Freitag ".

Man and women in green working bibs in Lecker aufs Land (s4e2).

Rating ~3 for now.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Road to Avonlea – s7e3+4 - f,m

At least one or 2 boys at a fair in s7e3. Faded bibs, several scenes but mainly from a distance. Many supporting actors, so it's possible, that I miss some scenes. Davey just in knickers.

~14 yo Heather Brown as Izzie in blue bibs in a barn doing farm work but with a jacket over them in s7e4. The 2nd teen girl in bibs in this series.

Main entry, rating up to 10


Sunday, October 13, 2019

1922 (2017)


Netflix horror film. Short story Stephen King
Year: 2017
Year in film: 1922
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Henry ~17, men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: Candian Dylan Schmid in dark blue (but I think not raw denim) bibs. Also shirtless and also sitting and doing farm work. And men in bibs mainly faded ones. At least one with the bib down.

Nice Nebraska setting like a corn field and a good plot. But the boy is quite old and almost a man. Sitting and standing up, walking rear view, grabbing own straps and similar scenes.

Several scenes but he also wore something else.

So rating ~3-4 only.

Another boy and teen girl in Road to Avonlea soon, still running.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Info 1135: SMA Video company defunct

School Media Associates ( "Robbers, Rooftops and Witches", rating 10 is defunct, I think in July 2019. They also sold PBS and several other educational videos. But probably most can now be found at the PBS and other shops. Others were already OOP, maybe some will soon be OOP or can just be obtained like on ebay. Rare VHS and 16mm films are getting more and more expensive. But many movies ending on YouTube, though.

I also sometimes confound "The Learning Group of America (LCA) and the Phoenix Learning Group. Though, some LCA titles are available at Phoenix.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Rufus M., Try Again

Short film, 13 min
Year: 1977
Year in film: 1918 ?, (1970s ?)
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Rufus 5
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: often
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: By coincidence/during hard research (blogging pause still not over), I found this movie from The Phoenix Learning Group ("Antaeus"/Robbers, Rooftops and Witches, rating 10, top 3). 5 yo main character in hickory striped bibs (or shortalls). There's also an older borther (and sister) but unknown if in bibs.

Even available on DVD (official DVDr), currently on sale for 10$. On Amazon it's GBP £75 +shipping.

I haven't seen the movie, just the cover. No entry on IMDb, so unknown actor. 1943 novel by Eleanor Estes (Newbery Award). Novel set in 1918. Not sure about the setting of the movie.

Rating ~3 for now only (due to his young age). Needs to be rechecked later. Currently no trailer and no pics available. Pic is a snippet from the official DVD cover.

Update: I now have seen this movie. Many scenes. Also on tricycle.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Big & Betsy

Belgian educational series, 78 ep
Year: 2000-2003
Year in film: 1979-80s
Country: Belgium
Who in bibs: Betsy ~25 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium ??
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: By coincidence, I found this one (YouTube recommendation). Obviously Maike Boerdam in pink long bibs. Bib at low position. Also sitting. Pic from ep De Windjesgeest.

I haven't checked all episodes. Probably much more episodes.

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Info 1131: Blogging pause

Sorry, I have to pause for a while (on all my blogs), maybe for several weeks.

I try to post ocassionally.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Read All About It! (1979)

Canadian educational series, 40 ep
Year: 1979-1983
Year in film: 1979-80s
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: Lynne (Samantha) ~11 (-13) ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: I think both Lydia Zajc (pictured) and Stacey Arnold in bibs. The darkhaired girl at least in a long, red, bibs-like dress. Pic 2 from s1e1, pic1 from s1e7, latter one in a different, green appearing pair with a zipper till the neck and simple suspenders on the back. Both also rear views. Lynne also sitting in bibs and also in dresses. I haven't checked all episodes, yet. I assume few bibs scenes.

First, I found a clip (YouTube recommendation) in a very poor image quality. But there are also better clips (as pictured), episode titles only, but uploader is called Readallaboutitseries.

Not to be confused with a British series. TVOntario.

Rating ~3-4 for now only.