
Sunday, November 20, 2016

No Child of Mine (1997)

TV drama starring Brooke Kinsella
Year: 1997
Year in film: 1990s ?
Country: UK
Who in bibs: girl ~ 10 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: At least this blonde girl in blue shortalls. Also cycling (rear view, brief scene). I don't know her name. Also not sure about her age.

I found this by coincidence.

As usual only checked briefly. So maybe more actors.

Rating 5 for now only. Looks like a typical drama.

Summer's End (1985)

Short film
Year: 1985
Year in film: 1940s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boys ~8-11
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least 4 boys around 10 yo in bibs, most in faded blue, one in beige bibs. Also at least one man in blue bibs. At least one boy sitting.

Searching for some better pics and clips of the more famous 1999 Canadian movie with the same title (soon on my shiny shorts blog), I found by coincidence this one on YouTube.

30 minutes only. But nice setting (Arkansas) and plot. Playing Baseball in bibs (reminds me of a different, even better post, with raw denim bibs). There's also a girl (tomboy) but obviously not in bibs (hiding her long, blonde pigtails under a cap). Soon on my pigtails blog, rating 6.

As usual, I only have checked it at high speed. It was splitted in 3 parts. I think I will recheck it.

Rating 6-7. Many awards and even on DVD.

Today on TV: Vater braucht eine Frau (not on DVD).


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Update 2: Operation Splitsville

I have rechecked "Operation Splitsville" but as usual at high speed (currently on YouTube in very good image quality).

At least one more older boy, around 10 yo, makes 4 boys and also 2 more girls makes 4 girls. But rather few good scenes, mainly at the beginning.

Most often shown is the young blonde boy, around 6 yo in hickory striped bibs. I don't like him.

The movie is good, some handsome boys. But there are lots of similar family movies. I first thought of Eric Hendershot as director. But due to the few good bibs scenes still rating 5-6 only. Needs to be rechecked again more carefully the next broadcasting.

Main entry



Friday, November 18, 2016

The Faculty (1998)


Horror film. Robert Rodriguez
Year: 1998
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girl ~16 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes, partly TV recording
Bib occurence: very low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this older teen girl (supporting actress ?) maybe around 16 or 17 yo in blue bibs at 18 minutes.

Has been aired some days ago but I missed the 2nd half.

Quite interesting movie, but obviously with very few and brief scenes.

Also starring Elijah Wood, Jordana Brewster and Clea DuVall.

Rating 3 for this scenes. Movie maybe higher. But there are lots of (better) movies.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thunder Alley (1994)

Sitcom. Haley Joel Osment
Year: 1994-1995
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Harry ~6, Jenny ~9, Claudine 11, woman
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: 5 or 6 yo (s1) Haley Joel Osment (pictured, wearing blue bibs here but hidden behind a toy, bib at low position), the blonde younger girl (pic 2), must be Lindsay Felton in long, light blue bibs with a black belt, and dark blue bibs (also light blue skirtalls), the older sister 11 or 12 yo Kelly Vint Castro in very good, at least a bit baggy blue bibs and red chequered bibs, ~41 yo Diane Venora in blue jeans bibs (also sitting, mainly as working bibs), at least one man in blue bibs, another older man in light blue coveralls and maybe more actors.

Thanks very much for this suggestion!

The problem is, that this sticom is rare and not available. I only found some short promo clips on YouTube. But Haley is very young anyway. Pics from Full House & Thunder Alley ABC promo also showing a bit more of Haley's bibs (side view and headshot with the straps). One pic of the young girl in bibs is here

Many better pics of all on Gettyimages.

Rating 4 for now for Haley, the girls are even more of interest, rating 6 for now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trem da Alegria (clip)

Music clip
Year: 1985
Year in film: 1985
Country: Brazil
Who in bibs: boys, girl
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium *
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: I think 2 boys, around 7+9 ? and one girl, maybe 9 yo in beige bibs, I think the boys also wearing belts. Band: Trem da Alegria, song: "Uni duni tê" (1985). I think Luciano Nassyn on the left (wasn't sure if it's a girl).

Lucianao also in light blue bibs (at least on an album cover of "Do Clube da Criança") and the boy on the right (Juninho ?) in black shortalls. The girl (Fabiola ?)  in red bibs

I also found 2 headhots of Luciano wearing hickory striped bibs (or shortalls) best is this

Maybe more bibs scenes in other clips of them? Or probably in the Kids TV shows like Clube da Criança .

I found this by coincidence and got this as a result for a completetly different movie.

Boys and girl are quite young (here) maybe better in later years. At least 2 other girl later in this band.

Rating 4-5 for now. Needs more research.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Unknown 80s shiny shorts movie


Maybe some knows the title of this movie or series. 2 more pics on my other blog including grown ups. Obviously early 1980s.

Update: Found: The Comeback Kid (1980)

Gunsmoke (1955) s20e13

Finally some more bibs in this series. At least 2 young boys (uncredited). One blonde boy in light blue bibs (bib at low position) and one in light brown bibs. Episode: The Colonel (1974).

Some scenes, mainly of the boy in the light blue bibs.

Boys are quite young, so rating 4-5 only. There are better episodes. At least blue bibs which are quite rare in westerns.

Main entry rating up to 9 at


For other episode please also check out my Western clothes blog.

Update: This episode now also on my Western blog, rating 5 (found under s20e02 on YouTube). Starring Todd Lookinland.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Now on TV: Gunsmoke

Some boys in bibs. Pics coming soon.

Update: Chissà perché… capitano tutte a me


As announced there are some good scenes, I have previously missed. Cary Guffey in hickory striped bibs like in the other Bud Spencer movies. But there are 1 or 2 very good sitting scene, also close-up.

And also boys in white, partly shiny Soccer shorts (rating 6 on my new blog). Unfortunately few scenes only.

Main entry here, boy, women rating 5


I also have rechecked Piranha (1978) rating 7 which is maybe even better than rating 7, sitting, rear view, wet. But unfortunately only one good, but short scene. Hickory striped bibs as well.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Update 3: The Waltons – Season 6

I'm quite busy and currently watching less the Waltons. But here are some scenes of disc 4 + 5 of season 6. Rather few good scenes. At least nothing much new.

Pic 1 showing Elizabeth riding in raw denim bibs (disc 5 at 13 minutes, ep 18). She wore raw denim bibs before (even dancing). Also again in light blue, almost white bleached bibs like sitting. There's a young girl Katherina in beige bibs (sorry, I forgot to make pics).

Pic 2 showing Jim-Bob walking (disc 4 at 1h36, ep 14). Bibs are not hickory striped which he often wore especially with that shirt.

Pic 3 showing Jim-Bob and Ben painting in coveralls (disc 5 at 1h59, ep 22). Maybe they wore pants or even bibs underneath. Also quite interesting.

Pic 4 showing Jim-Bob dancing (and standing up, brief scene). I think these bibs are hickory striped. Fabric is more sturdy and often in the butt crack. Disc 5 at 51 minutes.

Some few more scenes soon descibed at the season 6 entry.




Thursday, November 10, 2016

Terms of Endearment


Comedy film starring Shirley MacLaine
Year: 1983
Year in film: 1980s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy ~5 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes
Bib occurence: low
Rating:  2/10  *
Rating: **
Comment: One very young boy sitting in blue bibs and walking in light brown bibs. I don't remember his name.

I own the DVD for some time time but rarely watch it. Probably I haven't posted it before as the boy is very young.

Also on my shiny shorts blog (no pics, rating 7, although 2 brief scenes only) and on my bedroom blog rating 3 (boys sharing 1 bed). Also starring 10 yo Troy Bishop (blue swim shorts, brown corduroy pants, also sitting) and young Huckleberry Fox (red speedo), both shirtless. Kids are not often shown.

Although 5 Oscars, the movie itself is quite boring and there's no real plot (they are just living). Some scenes of Jack Nicholson are quite funny. And I like the early 80s, but is this worth buying for just some few seconds? Definitely not for the bibs scenes.

Update: Maybe Huckleberry Fox wearing bibs, but bib hidden under a shirt.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wishbone's Dog Days of the West

Family film
Year: 1998
Year in film: 1990s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girls ~12, woman ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least a girl in white shortalls and a young lady in beige bibs or similar. Latter pair with plastic braces.

Another dog movie I found by coincidence.

Quite funny, partly Western setting. But probably nothing of interest for my Western blog.

I can't say much more and as usual only have checked it at high speed. Needs rechecking for names and maybe more actors.

Rating 6 for now.

Monday, November 7, 2016

My 6th blog: Shiny shorts


I always wanted a shiny shorts (and swim shorts) movie blog. Now I have started it. Also a historical fashion mainly in the 1980s.

Please note, that I use less pics and don't show too indescent pics. As all my blogs, it should rather be a list or database, as I have a bad memory. And sorry for a different design. Both my themes are retired.

"Chissa perche... capitano tutte a me" aka “Everything Happens to Me” and “Why Did You Pick on Me?” (1980) starring Bud Spencer and 8 yo Cary Guffey (hickory striped bibs) rating 5 has recently been aired. Some quite good scenes of boys in white shiny shorts (pictured).

The entry here will also soon be updated.

My new blog is at

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Lindenstraße – ep 782

Finally another bibs scenes in Friday's episode 782 (year 2000). I think it's Tobias Beyer (later played by Jannik Scharmweber) as Nico aka Nicolai Zenker (son of the now grown-up Iffi). Dark blue bibs. Also on the arm of an older (unpictured) man, maybe his granddad.

Another pic here

There's also a young woman in the recent 2016 episodes (coming next).

Young boy, few and brief scenes, so rating 3-4 for this boy/episode.

Main entry (boys, girls, women) currently rating up to 5 at


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Now on TV: Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick


DEFA family series. 7 ep
Year: 1978
Year in film: 1970s
Country: East Germany
Who in bibs: girls ~6, Martin ~6 ?, others?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no, partly TV recording
Bib occurence: low ??
Rating:  2/10 ?
Rating: **
Comment: At least a boy in light blue bibs (pic 1 from episode 1), a girl in short, red shortalls or dress and a girl in black, short, skirtalls-like dress (today's episode 3). On MDR.

Pic 1 from ep 1. Available on the mediathek.

Kids are very young.

So rating 2-3 for now only. Needs to be checked more carefully.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Zeit für Frühling

TV drama starring Simone Thomalla
Year: 2016
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Katja ~50, Lilly 8 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: Helena Pieske (pic 2) around 8 yo but even younger looking as well in light blue jeans bibs (or shortalls ?) and dark blue fishing bibs. And 50 yo but much younger looking Simone Thomalla at least in dark blue fishing bibs and rubber boots.

Part of the movie series "Frühlingsreihe". In "Frühling zu Zweit (2015)" Thomalla wearing rather tight, dark blue jeans bibs and rubber boots. Farm setting in Bavaria, maybe more actors?

In Frühlingskinder (rating 2) there's another young girl in rare, dress-like bibs and also a young man (Jan-Hendrik Kiefer ?) in Lederhosen (Lederhosen blog rating 3). I haven't checked more movies of this series.

Also on my pigtails blog, showing the face of the girl, rating 6.

I haven't seen the complete movie. Rating 5 for now.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

A-Z list part 2 D-F

  • D.A.R.Y.L. (3) M

  • Da uomo a uomo (3) M

  • Da wo das Glück beginnt (6) M, F

  • Da wo es noch Treue gibt (1) F

  • Dad, the Angel & Me (2) F

  • Daddy’s Girl (1996) (6) F

  • Daddy, I'm Their Mama Now (ABC Afterschool) 6 M, F

  • Daddy’s Little Girls (3) F

  • Dahoam is Dahoam (7) F

  • Dallas (1978) (7) M, (F)

  • Daltons, De (4) F, M

  • Daltons, de jongensjaren, De (5) F

  • Daltry Calhoun (5) F

  • Damocles (4) F

  • Dance Flick (5) F

  • Dancing on the Moon (1997) (6) F

  • Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The (5) F "Lost Heaven"

  • Danny Boy (1946) (2) M

  • Darkroom (1981) (6) M, F

  • (4) F, M

  • Dave’s World (1993) (3) M

  • Davis Rules (6) M, (F)

  • Dawson’s Creek (3) F

  • Day After, The (1983) (5) M

  • Day the Loving Stopped, The (5) F

  • Day-O (6) M

  • Days of Thrills and Laughter (3) M

  • De ce are vulpea coada? (2) M

  • Dead Before Dawn (1993) (4) M

  • Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare (4) F

  • Deadly Web (4) F, M

  • Deadly Sunday (3) F

  • Dear God (1996) (3) F

  • Death Valley Days (1952) (6) M

  • Deep End of the Ocean, The (3) F

  • Deep Impact (1998) (4) F

  • Deep in the Heart (7) M, F

  • Dein Tod ist die gerechte Strafe (5) M

  • Demandez la permission aux enfants (2) M

  • Dennis the Menace (3) M

  • Des kleinen Lokführers große Fahrt (3) F

  • Det skaldede spogelse (3) F

  • Devil and Max Devlin, The (5) M

  • Dexys Midnight Runners: Come on Eileen (4) M, F

  • Diagnosis Murder (4)  F

  • Diary of a Mountain Girl 1927-1939 (8)

  • Dicke Tilla, Die (3) F

  • Dictator, The (2012) (3) F

  • Dienstagsfrauen – Zwischen Kraut und Rüben, Die (3) F

  • Different Kind of Christmas, A (1996) (7) M, F

  • Diff’rent Strokes (5) M, F

  • Dilhiroj (3) M

  • Dino Dan (3) ? snow bibs M, F

  • Dinosaur Hunter, The (10) M, F

  • Diplomatic Siege (4) F

  • Disappearance (2002) (5) F

  • Disappearcances (3) M

  • Disciples of the Crow (5) M

  • Diva (1997) (4) F

  • Diving In (1990) (3) F

  • Djecak je isao za suncem (5) M

  • Do pervoy krovi (6) M

  • Doc Hollywood (5) M, F

  • Docklands (2010) (4) F

  • Dolina miru (3) M

  • Doll Graveyard (3) F

  • Do Not Disturb (4)

  • Doctor Zhivago (1965) (1) F

  • Dogtown (1996) (4)

  • Dogville (4)

  • Dolè (3) M

  • Dollmaker, The (5) M

  • Dominus (1990) (4) M

  • Don Camillo (3) F, M

  • Donikkl (Dirndl! Fertig! Los!) (4) F

  • Don’t Go to Sleep (1982) (3) F

  • Don’t Touch (ABC Afterschool Special) (4) F

  • Donnie Darko (5) F (story entry)

  • Dorothée, French lady in pink bibs (Info 105) (4)

  • Double Act (2002) (6) F

  • Down to You (2000) (5) F

  • Dr. Mag (5) M

  • Dragonfly (2002) (3) F

  • Dragonworld (4) M

  • Dreamgate (3) F

  • Drei Väter sind besser als keiner (7) F

  • Drexell’s Class (5) M, F

  • Drowning Mona (6) M, F

  • Du er ikke alene (2) M

  • DUFF, The (4) F

  • Dunston Checks In (5)

  • Durango Kids (5)

  • Dying Young (5) F

  • Dziewczyna i chlopak (4) M

  • E.T. (5) M

  • Earth 2 (4) F

  • Eat Drink Man Woman (4 ?)

  • Ebba och Didrik (5) F

  • Echo of Thunder, The (5) F

  • Echo Park (1986) (6) M

  • Ed (1996) (2) F

  • Edison Twins, The (5) M

  • Educación de las hadas, La (4) M

  • Education of Little Tree, The (4) M

  • Eight is Enough (1977) (7) M, F

  • Einspruch für die Liebe (2) M

  • Ekstase (1933) (2) F

  • Election (1999) (4) F

  • Elf Who Didn’t Believe, The (4) F

  • Elisa antes del fin del mundo (7) F

  • Elizabethtown (2) F, M

  • Ella ja kaverit (6) F

  • Ellerbeck (3) F

  • Ellis in Glamourland (3) F

  • Emergency! (1972) (3) M, F

  • Encounter with the Unknown (7) M

  • Encyclopedia Brown (5) F

  • End of the Spear (5)

  • Enfant d’en haut, L’ (5) F, M

  • Engel für Alle, Ein (2008) (5)

  • Enid Blyton Adventure Series, The (8) F

  • Enid Blyton Secret Series, The (7)  M, F

  • Ente gut! (6) F

  • Erben, Die (1983) (6) M

  • Eros, O Deus do amor (3) M

  • Errance (2003) (3) M

  • Es geschah am hellichten Tag (1997) (5)

  • Escape to Witch Mountain (1995) (5)

  • espinazo del diablo, El (2001) (4) M

  • Even Stevens (4) M, F

  • Everything Relative (3) F

  • Everything That Rises (7)

  • Eve’s Bayou (4)

  • Explorers (1985) (3) F

  • Extr@ (2003) (5) F

  • Extra Zigda (5) M

  • Extreme Brat Camp (6) M coveralls (see Ab in die Hölle)

  • Eyjafjallajökull (5) F

  • F.T.W. (1994) (5) F

  • Fabrixx (3) M

  • Fabulous Dorseys, The (4)

  • Facts of Life, The (1979) (6) M, F

  • Faculty, The (1998) (3) F

  • Falcon Down (3) F

  • Fall für TKKG, Ein (3) M

  • Fame (1982) (5) F, M

  • Family (1976) (8)

  • Family Album (1993) (5) M, F

  • Family Holvak, The (10) M

  • Family Matters (5) F, M

  • Family Ties (1982) (6) M, F

  • Family Tree (8) M

  • Famous Five, The (1978) (4)

  • Famous Jett Jackson, The (6) M, F

  • Fantasy Island (1977) (2) M, (F)

  • Far til fire pa landet 83) M

  • Fatal Passion (1995) (5) F

  • Fatale Mutterliebe (3) M

  • Fatale-Station (3) F

  • Father of the Bride Part II (3) F, (M)

  • Father and Scout (6) M

  • Father For Charlie, A (6)

  • Father Is a Bachelor (6) M

  • Father Murphy (6)

  • Father’s Choice, A (6)

  • Fathers & Daughters (3) F

  • Fathers and Sons (2005) 5 F

  • Feed My Lambs (7) M, F

  • Felix und der Wolf (3) M

  • Ferien vom Leben (2) F, M

  • Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (3) F

  • Fest im Sattel (1988) (5) M, F

  • Festigal (2002) (6) M, F – Festigal (1997) (3) M, F

  • Field of Dreams (4)

  • Fields, The (2011) (3) M

  • Fifteen and Pregnant (4) F

  • Fighting Smile, The (3) F

  • filles d'à coté, Les (4) M, F

  • Fils, Le (2002) (5) M

  • Fils du Francais. Le (3) M

  • Fils du requin, Le (2) F

  • Finding Buck McHenry (5) F

  • Finding Kelly (6) F

  • …First Do No Harm (1997) (5) F, M

  • Fish Hawk (3) M

  • Fiume di dollari, Un (5) M

  • Flashdance (3) F

  • Flash Forward (1996) (5) F

  • Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (6) F (info)

  • Flipped (2010) (4) F

  • Flipper (1996) (4) F

  • Flirting with Disaster (4) F

  • Florida Orange Juice (advertisement) (4) M

  • Flowers for Algernon (2000) (5) F

  • Flowers in the Attic (2) M

  • Flubber (3) F

  • Fluch des Falken (4) F

  • Flußfahrt mit Huhn (4) F, M

  • Fly Away Home (1996) (5)

  • Fly Boy (1999) (6) F

  • Flying Eye, The (1955) (5) M

  • Flying Doctors, The (5) M

  • Fool Killer, The (6) M

  • Fools Rush In (1997) (7) F

  • Footloose (1984) (4) F, M

  • Follow Me, Boys! (7) M

  • Follow That Bird (3) M

  • For My Daughter's Honor (6) F

  • For Parents Only (3) M

  • Forest, The (1982) (5) M

  • Forest Warrior (5) F, (M)

  • Forgotten, The (2004) (3) F

  • For Hire (1998) (3) F

  • For Hope (3) F

  • Före stormen (2) F

  • Forrest Gump (5) M

  • Fort Apache (2013) (5) M

  • Forteresse suspendue, La (5) F

  • Fortress (1986) (5)

  • Fortsetzung Folgt: David… (5) M

  • Foxfire (2012) (4) F

  • Foyle’s War (4)

  • Frankie & Hazel (5)

  • Frauds (1993) (6) F

  • Frauentausch (4) F, M

  • Freaky Friday (1995) (7) F

  • Freddy uner fremden Sternen (4) F

  • Freedom Writers (4) F

  • Fremdes Land oder Als die Freiheit noch zu haben war (4) M

  • Frida – med hjertet i handen (5) F

  • Friday the 13th: The Series (4) M

  • Friends (1994) (4) F

  • Friendship’s Field (6) F, (M)

  • Fritt vilt III (3) F

  • Frog and Wombat (5) F

  • Frog Dreaming (1986) (5) F

  • Frühlingskinder (2) F

  • Fugues (4) M, F

  • Full House (1987) (4) F, M

  • Fun (1994) (4) F

  • Fun Food Adventures (5) M

  • Fun House (1989) (5) M, F

  • Funny Games (5)

  • Für immer und immer (4) F

  • Further Adventures of the Wilderness Family, The (5) M, (F?)


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Schloss Einstein – ep. 233


This girl in green colorful chequered short (3/4th) bibs in ep 233 of season 5 (available on the first compilation DVD).

I only noticed this brief scene and haven't checked the later surrounding episodes (except ep 234, 235) as they aren't available on the DVD. Rating 3-4 for now for this scenes.

New episodes (season 20) starting in February after a long break, hoping for more scenes (f/m).

Also on my pigtails blog (girls, women, rating 7).

Main entry here f/m rating up to 9 including firefighter bibs and farm scenes at



Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Update 6: Chiquititas Brasil (1997) season 4

Few overalls scenes in season 4 and still not Jonatas Faro but in mechanics coveralls (pic 2, video #565 and also earlier). Also a fat teen boy in bibs with one strap loose (video 594).

Pic 1 showing a woman with bibs and apron (video 526).

Pic 4 another pic of the girl lost in the woods (not wet here). Video 502.

Other bibs scenes:

Video 498 Girls in light blue bibs or similar

536: Girl in long red dress with straps and braces, another girl in chequered red bibs or similar

556: Woman in blue bibs

545: Girl in red dress

575: Boys in motor racing coveralls
