
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Books 59: several

I found some more vintage books showing kids in bibs (at least on the cover on some editions)

-Harry Baerg: Prairie Boy (1 boy) illustrated by the author

-Jim McGugan: Josepha: A Prairie Boy's Story (1 boy 1900) illustrated by Murray Kimber (32 pages, picture book ?)

-Tim Wynne-Jones: Some of the Kinder Planets (1 girl)

-Ursula Bruns: Dick und Dalli und die Ponies (2 girls) horses

-Eleanor Estes: Ein Hund namens Pumpel Pye (1 girl) 1960 edition illustrated by Helma Baison

-Anton Schulte: Heinz und Elke Gutermut (1 boy) Christian themed, Publisher TELOS

L’instit (1993) – s6e3

Drama movie series about a teacher
Year: 1993-2004
Year in film: 2001
Country: France, SUI
Who in bibs: Arthur ~12
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least 11 or 12 yo Arthur Clouzeau in blue bibs but with an open blue shirt over them (looks almost like part of pajamas) and a white T-Shirt under the bibs. I only noticed few and brief scenes. Pic at 1h01. Episode "Carnet de voyage : Madagascar" filmed in 2000. I think also sitting but headshot only.

In this episode there's a school on Madagascar shown with young black kids only (I think none in bibs). Nothing much more of interest. I prefer the episodes filmed in France.

Not bad but few and brief scenes and shirt over them, so only rating 3-4 for this one. Maybe I missed good scenes?


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

L’instit (1993) – s4e3


Drama movie series about a teacher
Year: 1993-2004
Year in film: 1996
Country: France, SUI
Who in bibs: girl ~10
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: very low ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least this unknown blonde girl in light blue bibs, shortalls or similar in ep Demain dès l'aube. Rare (elastics ?) straps with 2 braces or buttons each. I only noticed few and short scenes at the beginning (at 4 minutes).

I have started to check the remaining episodes which have been deleted on YouTube. I found boys and girls. So almost in every episode, there's at least one kid, often several kids, but mostly girls (often in shortalls).

The problem is that in many episodes there are rather few and short classroom scenes. And if it's not one of the main characters, there are only few scenes of supporting kids and mainly headshots or from a distance. I also wonder if the clothes of the supporting actors are maybe their regular clothes, or if it's on purpose that there are bibs shown in every episode. OK it's the 90s and often rural settings.

Nothing more to tell about this episode. I don't have the time to check all episodes at slow speed and mainly checked the school scenes.

Main entry (f/m), rating up to 6 at


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Lie to Me (2009)


Crime series starring Tim Roth, 48 ep
Year: 2009-2011
Year in film: ~2010
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girl ~10 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: very low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this unknown blonde pigtailed girl, aroun 9 or 10 yo in blue skirtalls (colorful skirt) and red T-shirt (pictured in the middle) in s2e2 (2010). Scene at 33 minutes. I noticed only very few and brief scenes and mainly from a distance. Some other kids but probably not in bibs.

During research, I found by coincidence a handsome boy actor (Colton Shires *1996 so around 13 yo, pictured on the right, also soon on my Western blog (but as older boy).)

I have only checked this episode and can't say much more (about the other episodes). Maybe more actors in bibs ? There are many supporting actors. But I don't assume much more of interest.

So rating 3 for now only. Also very few and brief scenes of Colton Shires. I considered purchasing the DVDs but obviously there's no need of it.


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Fried Green Tomatoes

Drama starring Kathy Bates
Year: 1991
Year in film: 1920s ? (-1980s)
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Julian ~10, boy 10, Idgie 24, women, men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium ??
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: Boys, girl or better young woman as "tomboy", I think other women and men in bibs. So something for everybody. I found it during research. How could I miss this?

Pic 1 showing (Reid Binion "Pet Sematary II"), I now think it's Grayson Fricke (as Binian wore Glasses) as young Julian in dark simple bibs, buttons instead of braces  (I think flashback scenes of the 1920s or maybe 1930s). Also a chubby black boy at the funeral (end ?, also running), pic 3. Mary Stuart Masterson as 24 yotomboy Idgie in faded blue bibs (or shortalls) with a belt and a straw hat (unpictured). Also other women and men in bibs (and aprons). Farm setting including a school scene.

Some scenes are set in the late 1980s, but not sure if showing bibs as well.

I heard of it before, but I haven't seen the complete movie (maybe some time ago). So needs to be rechecked for quality and amount of scenes.

I assume few good scenes (of the boys).

So rating 6 for now only.

Update: a very nice sitting scene of Reid Binion, also a pic of the woman and school


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hallo, Onkel Doc! - s3e5

Episode "Manege Frei" is finally on YouTube after the broadcast. Handsome blonde, freckled boy, but I think only rather few scenes at the end of the episode.

Tom Schilling is in pic 2 on the left, so it's 11 or 12 yo Oliver Grober ("Der Bergdoktor", "Vater wider Willen") as 10 yo Ingo and not Tom in bibs. Bib at very low position. Also lying down on his back at the doctor.

Maybe the other episode (Die Zeitbombe, s5e2) will be uploaded as well on YouTube. I already have one pic in the main entry, rating 5.


Rating 5-6 for the episode pictured. Great series and good plots.

Clueless (1995)


Romance starring Alicia Silverstone
Year: 1995
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Tai ~17
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low ??
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: I think at least Brittany Murphy (1977-2009) in blue shortalls with a colorful bib and white straps. I found it by coincidence and don't know the complete movie, yet.

As said before, I don't like these typical 90s romances and comedy movies with older or gronw-up "teens". I don't like those shortalls anyway.

Rating 3 for now only.

She also wore longer skirtalls or a dress or similar in "Uptown Girls" (2003), 22 yo, blonde and rating 2


Monday, June 20, 2016

Gunsmoke (1955) s18e19

12 or 13 yo Willie Aames in beige striped bibs, probably non-jeans (bib at very low position) in several scenes in yesterday's s18e19 "A Quiet Day in Dodge" (1973). Quite long haircut, this and the behavior as rascal and runaway and the bibs reminds me of Huck Finn. Dirty and ripped clothes and I think barfooted (hard to identify, first I thought of beige schoes). Sitting and standing up is shown. Funny scene of being pulled by his ear by an old woman.

He also starred in The Waltons s3e17 (rating 8). (1975)

Finally an "older" boy in this series. I prefer jeans bibs but this is not bad.

Rating 6-7.

Also good scenes of Ike Eisenmann in s18e18, next to s18e8 but not in bibs (soon on my western blog).

Main entry rating up to 9 at


Unheil in den Bergen

Modern Heimatfilm starring Brigitte Hobmeier
Year: 2013
Year in film: 2010s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Theresa ~36
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: Brigitte Hobmeier (pictured in the 2012 movie "Ende der Schonzeit", no bibs scenes known in there) in dark blue bibs, bib at low position and sleeveless shirt doing farm work. Also at least one 9 yo boy in Lederhosen (Lederhosen blog rating
6, now 3).

I haven't found any clips or pics that I could use, some are here

I can't say much more yet. Filmed in Austria but German movie and actress. Probably a typical TV movie and romance + drama.

For bibs scenes rating 4-5 for now.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Julie (2016 Luke Garmon film)

Short film
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Julie ~19 ??
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurence: medium ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: Red haired Mackenzie Messick (unknow age maybe around Luke's age, maybe 20, 19 or some years younger?) in blue, very short cut-off shortalls (bib at quite low position).

As announced this movie. Directed by Luke Garmon who also acted (pictured as Levi). He was Tom Till, the younger Till brother in The Sugar Creek Gang series. I always think of the older brother but that is Joshua (he did the music for this movie). Sound by brother Rowan and camera by Lee Garmon. Produced by Dan Almasy. Release at the beginning of 2016 or maybe end of 2015.

I can't say much more about the movie, I only made some pics, I think it's a 6 minute short film (or is it just a preview ?) filmed in Atlanta. No entry on IMDb (but for the actors and producer).

I don't like shortalls. And probably few (good) scenes, so rating 3-4 for now only.

For more about Luke


Friday, June 17, 2016

Story 130: Different ways of sitting - Wind at My Back


I have completetly rechecked all bibs scenes of Wind at My Back season 3. I especially noticed the different ways of sitting of Fat (Tyrone Savage around 12 yo). A complete list of all scenes and more pics also from the others coming soon (including tomboy Maisey and 14 yo Hub in raw denim bibs). Some scenes are very good (previously rated just 7) and season 1 is even better, I have to think about a higher rating. But for a series there are rather few good scenes. And he often wears a pullover or jacket over them.

Pic 1 is a very good cycling scene from ep 39 at 1 minute. Also rear view while standing in the bike not sitting on the saddle. But fast motion. Pic 2 is from the end of this episode and season, sitting on the streets but with a jacket (sitting down is shown). His bibs are mostly worn baggy and he often has a pullover under them.

In pic 3 he's sitting lazy with his legs spread. Ep 29 at 11 minutes.

Another good sitting scene at home in ep 38 at 27 minutes (pic 4).

Another perfect sitting scene in ep 31 I think at 20 minutes but with a jacket.

Also some good rear views, Maisey is also cycling, fishing in boots, and some other good scenes like 1930s yellow sport shorts and PE scenes.




Thursday, June 16, 2016

Lumber Baron of Jasper County


Web comedy series starring Luke Garmon
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Albany 20s, Baron 20s
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurence: low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: Next to the Lumber Baron in blue bibs (pic 2, played by Dave R. Watkins) there'a also at least one young lady, obviously called Albany in dark brown corduroy bibs (played by Jennifer Baskette-Ridings) Candace Mabry looking similar but is called Ashley) Pics from s4e3 (2016).

I can't say much more and found it by searching for Luke Garmon (The Sugar Creek Gang) as Tim but I haven't seen him in here yet. He also made some short movies (including one with a famous actress in shortalls, coming soon). He's currently on a world missionary tour.

Rating 3-4 for now. I assume few good scenes besides the Baron.

Thanks to the Lumber Baron in person for pointing out the name of the actress!

A Wind at My Back Christmas

Family film Christmas special from series
Year in film: 1938
Country: CDN
Who in bibs: Fat ~16, Maisey 21
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least Fat (Tyrone Savage) around 16 yo (and obviously scenes where he's younger ?, around 10 yo in season 1) in faded blue bibs, and tomboy Maisey (Dalene Irvine, pic 2) in dark blue and or raw denim bibs. Not sure about (12-)18 yo Hub (Dylan Provencher). Pics 1+3 I made long time ago. Maybe they're taken from a trailer or else. But the other pics where they all still look young are definitely from this movie. Setting should be in 1938 after the series, so Fat must be around 15 or 16 and I've seen pics of him looking that old as well.

Very good series (rating 7) about these so called "Canadian Waltons". I own season 1+3 and made post about the other series but have to make an entry about season 3 (one pic at the main entry).

It's also the right time for a Christmas entry to cool down.

I don't know this complete movie (1h31). Maybe it's just (mainly) a compilation of the series (1996-2001) set between 1932 and 1937.

Rating 6-7 for now. The Waltons are much better. More actors and much more scenes.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Steel Magnolias (1989) + stage plays


Drama starring Shirley MacLaine
Year: 1989
Year in film: 1980s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Ouiser ~54
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low ?
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: At least Shirley MacLaine (even much older looking) in shorter, faded blue bibs. Scene beginning at around 17 minutes. I think few scenes only.

This movie is based on a stage play (also on Broadway) and I've seen also other actresses in bibs.

On July 16 there will be a stage play in Marietta, GA at a Dinner theatre where “The Importance of Being Ernest” was played in March starring Kody Brown of The Sugar Creek Gang. I'm not sure if he will play in this as well (probably not) as the play is mainly or only about women. I haven't seen pics or a cast list about this, yet.

For the bibs scenes in the movie rating 2 for now only due to her age. Though quite interesting and funny. There are also younger actors and boys in the movie but probably not in bibs.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Update: Ghost (1990)


Next to the previously posted white bibs in the pottery, Demi Moore also wore blue bibs and a sleeveless shirt. That's much better than the white bibs.

Pic from the trailer (also a headshot). I found this during research.

Previously my rating was just 2. I think, I have to upgrade it to at least 5. But I have to check the complete movie first for the amount and quality of scenes.


Monday, June 13, 2016

Way Back Home (1931)

Drama starring Bette Davis
Year: 1931
Year in film: 1930s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy ~10 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: At least one uncredited, dark haired boy, I think barefooted in dark faded bibs. Not simple straps on the back. Brief scene at 14 minutes. But I don't know the complete movie yet.

Starring child actor Frankie Darro (I think on the right) in short pants with suspenders.

Typical drama movie of it's time by RKO. Reminds me of "My Dog Shep" (but that is better).

I like classics. Handsome boys.

Rating 5 for now only assume few scenes. Update: Only 1 brief scene. One more pic, rear view


Det skaldede spøgelse


Year: 1992
Year in film: 1960s ?
Country: Denmark
Who in bibs: girl ~11
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: very low
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: One blonde girl in rare blue shortalls with a light grey, white or similar bib but blue straps. Scene at 26 minutes also sitting at school but behind a table.

Quite interesting movie (like many Skandinavian ones). Also other scenes of interest (2 girls skinny dipping in a lake, boy in briefs joining them) and other swimming and bathing scenes. Some handsome blonde boys but not in bibs. Not sure about the time setting but everything looks like the 60s. Hairstyle, clothes, school, car, bikes, bathing suits etc.

Novel by Bent Rasmussen. English title: Jasper's Ghost.

For the brief shortalls rating 3 only. More for the movie around 5. There are much better ones. Completetly on YouTube in Spanish (El Monje Fantasma).

Saturday, June 11, 2016

A Canterbury Tale (1944)

Drama starring Eric Portman
Year: 1944
Year in film: 1940s
Country: UK
Who in bibs: women ~20s
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: Two young Britain women (Land Girls) doing farm work. I think both in boots and at least one with a belt (maybe Sheila Sim, around 20 yo). Scenes starting at 41 minutes. Later they are sitting next each other but I think headshots only. Also several young boys shown but not in bibs.

What else to say? Quite interesting and at least real farm work. One has her bib at high position, the other at quite low position.

For these days quite good.  But rather few scenes.

Rating 3-4 only.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Billy Frankenstein

Family film
Year: 1998
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Billy ~ 10
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low*
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: 10 or 11 yo Jordan Lamoureux in blue bibs. Scenes at around 1h11.

Thanks very much for this suggestion. Not bad, but I think he always has a shirt over his overalls so it's hardly to notice. And few scenes only.

He also wears very dark blue pants while walking and sitting at around 50 minutes but probably not bibs and even not jeans (looks like training pants).

So I can only give rating 4.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Gunsmoke (1955) s18e14

One blonde, young boy in light grey or beige bibs in I think s18e14. Few and brief scenes at or near the beginning only. Not sure about his name. Either uncredited or maybe Todd Cameron ? (only acting in here). In pic 2 he's sitting on a horse wagon but with a jacket.

Has been aired last weekend.

Quite interesting. But only rating 4-5.

I'm currently able to blog again, but it's possible that I have to pause again due to network issues. I also didn't had much time for research and am running out of movies. So be prepared for less frequently blogging. More suggestions are appreciated (f/m).

Gunsmoke's main entry (rating up to 9) at



Monday, June 6, 2016

Info: Blogging pause

Sorry, I have to pause for some days


Saturday, June 4, 2016

If These Walls Could Talk (1996)


Thriller by Cher
Year: 1996
Year in film: 1996 (bibs)
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Christine ~26 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: medium
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: Anne Heche in faded blue bibs set in 1996. There are also farm scenes set in 1952 and 1974 about two other abortion cases (and other actresses) but I think only bibs scenes in 1996 although some farm scenes might look older.  Pics at 1h03  and 1h11. Another good sitting scene at 1h04.

Also starring Sissy Spacek and Demi Moore but not in bibs.

There's also a 2000 sequel with a different plot (Lesbians) but I haven't seen that one.

Rating 4-5.

Friday, June 3, 2016

A-Z list V-Z

  • Va voir maman, papa travaille (5) M

  • vache et le président, La (6) M

  • vacances de l’amour, Les (7) M, F

  • Valley of Light, The (7) M

  • Vanishing Virginian, The (7) M

  • Världens bästa Karlsson (3) F

  • Vasko da Gama ot selo Rupcha (3) M

  • Vater braucht eine Frau (2002) (3) M

  • Vater, Mutter und neun Kinder (4) F

  • Velveteen Rabbit, The (2009) (5) M

  • Venkovský učitel (6) F

  • Venus a Lulu, La (3) M

  • Very Good Friends (ABC Afterschool Specials) 5 F

  • Vetrelci v Coloradu (3) F

  • Vi pa Saltkrakan (1) F

  • Viaje de Carol, El (6) F

  • Video Killed the Radio Star (3) F

  • vie est un roman, La (3) M

  • Vildbassen (5) M

  • Village Affair, A (4) M, F

  • Vinobrani (3) M

  • Virginian Types: Blue Ridge Mountaineers (5) M

  • Virginia’s Run (5)

  • Vision Quest (1985) (3) F

  • Vollidiot (2) M (F)

  • Vorstadtkrokodile 3 (5) F, M

  • Voskresnyy papa (4) M

  • Vykrutasy (2011) (6) M

  • Walk the Line (6) M

  • Waking Up Horton (6) F

  • Waking Up in Reno (4) F

  • Waldo’s Last Stand (2) M

  • Walk to Remember, A (5) F

  • Walker, Texas Ranger (4) F

  • Walking and Talking (6) F

  • Walter & Emily (5) M

  • Waltons, The (10) – separate season entries M, F

  • Waltz Through the Hills, A (4) F

  • War, The (6) M

  • War Between Men and Women, The (7) F

  • Was heißt hier Oma! (6) M, (F?)

  • Was im Leben zählt (6) F

  • Was wenn der Tod uns scheidet? (4) M

  • Watcher in the Woods, The (5) F

  • Way Back Home (1931) (5) M

  • Wayne Manifesto, The (6) F

  • Waz ogrodowy (5) M, F ?

  • Wee Sing (4) M, F

  • Wege zum Glück (3) F

  • Weiße Wolke Carolin (4) F

  • Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne (1955) (4) M

  • Wenn du mich fragst … (4) F

  • West Beyouth (2) M

  • Wet Hot American Summer (3) M

  • What Are Friends For? (1980 ABC Afterschool) 4 F

  • What Ever Happened to Alice (4) F

  • Whatever Turns You On (1979) (6) M, F

  • What Love Sees (4) M

  • When Calls the Heart (2014) (5) M

  • When Every Day Was the Fourth of July (6) F

  • When No One Would Listen (2) F

  • When Secrets Kill (6) F

  • Where Are the Children? (4) F

  • Where Pigeons Go to Die (6) M

  • Where’s Willie? (4) M

  • Where the Heart is (2000) (4)

  • Where the Red Fern Grows (1974) (6) M

  • Where the Red Fern Grows (2003) (8) M

  • Where the Toys Come from (5) F

  • While Justice Sleeps (4) F

  • Whiz Kids (1983) (5) F

  • Who Has Seen the Wind (8) M

  • Who Killed Doc Robbin (2) M

  • Who Will Love My Children? (4) F, M

  • Who’s the Boss? (1984) (4) F

  • Who’s Watching the Kids (1978) F

  • Why Shoot the Teacher? (8) M

  • Wie erziehe ich meine Eltern? (6) F

  • Wild (2014) (2) F

  • Wild Stallion, The (2009) (3) M

  • Wilde Wasser (1962) (4) F

  • Wilden Hühner und die Liebe, Die (4) F

  • Wilder Summer, The (3) F

  • Wildflower (5) F,M

  • Wildflowers (1999) (7) F, (M)

  • Wind at My Back (8) M, F / + Christmas Special (6)

  • Winner Never Quits, A (7) M, F

  • Wish You Well (6) M, F

  • Wishbone’s Dog Days of the West (6) F

  • Witches of Eastwick, The (1987) (4) F, M

  • Witching of Ben Wagner, The (5) F

  • Witwer mit fünf Töchtern (4) F

  • Wizard, The (1989) (5) F

  • Wollnys – Eine schrecklich große Familie, Die (5) M

  • Wonder boy (1988) (1) F, M

  • Wonder Years, The (1988) (4) F

  • Woof! (1989) (5) F, M

  • Wormwood (2007) (5) F

  • Wrigley’s 1984 advertisement (5) F snowbibs

  • Wrong Side Up (2014) (7) M

  • X Files, The (6) F

  • Xena: Warrior Princess (3) M

  • XXL – Abenteuer Großfamilie (6) M

  • Yankee Zulu (4) F

  • Yearling, The (1994) (7) M

  • Yesli zavtra v pokhod (3) M

  • Yoko (5) F

  • You Better Watch Out (1980) (3) M

  • You Can’t Do That on Television (7) F, M

  • You’re Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley’s Sleepover Party (6) F

  • Young Adam (5) M

  • Young Dragons: Kung Fu Kids (series) (5) F, M

  • Young Hearts Unlimited (5) F

  • Young People’s Specials: (ep. Umbrella Jack) (4) M

  • Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet, The (3) M

  • Yvonne Willicks – Der große Haushaltscheck (2) F

  • Zack Files, The (2) F

  • Zakmes, Het (3) M

  • Zane Grey Theatre (7) M

  • Zeit für Frühling (5) F

  • zevensprong, De (4) F

  • Zimmer mit Ausblick, Ein (2) M, F

  • Zmeelov (4) M

  • Zolotaya rybka v gorode N (2) F

  • Zoom (1999) (6) F, (M)

  • Zorka Venera (6) M

  • Zweiohrküken (2) M

  • Zwillinge vom Immenhof, Die (3) F

  • Zwischen Schule und Kantate – Der Thomanerchor (3) M

Update: Es geschah am hellichten Tag (1997)


I found a pic of this movie showing 10 or 11 yo Judith Thayenthal with blond pigtails in faded, stone washed (light blue appearing) (and dark blue bibs ? but most likely this the same pair in a different light). She also wears dresses including a short one. There are also boys (like at school) but probably not in bibs. Maybe I have seen this movie but don't remember anyone else.

There are some more pics on the web but I don't like using watermarked pics or other copyrighted or stock photos.

Good crime plot but this is a remake from a more famous 50s b&w classic (probably no bibs in that).

Main entry rating 5


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Update: Les compagnons de l’aventure


Thanks db1 for this suggestion, but I already had an entry. And there's even a younger boy and girl as well. (Shortalls, cycling).

Pictured is the suggestion for an older teen boy in s2e9 “Michel mène l’enquête”. But I only found rather few scenes and he's quite old, maybe 17 yo and not very handsome and sometimes wearing a jacket.

The problem of the blog search is again the apostrophe (like in L'instit). So better always check the A-Z list, so under C "compagnons..., Les" or avoid an apostrophe and make a blog search for just "compagnons". IMDb title with a simple apostrophe: Les compagnons de l'aventure
