
Friday, February 28, 2014

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Action series, 145 episodes in Mighty Morphins + movie
-Year: 1993-1996
-Year in film: 1993
-Country: USA, Japan
-Who in bibs: Willie ~14, man, woman
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: A teen boy called Willie (uncredited at IMDb, I have to check for his name) in light blue short bibs. Several good scenes, sitting, pinned on a turning wheel etc. Also without the cap. S1e8 I, Eye Guy (some say s1e9 depending if you count the pilot). Also older Billy (David Yost) in darker blue bibs (like in many other episodes). And also women in bibs. Some more pics at

Thanks very much for this suggestion! I almost forgot that. All episodes also of other PR series are currently on YouTube. Update of the Turbo series (starring another boy in more episodes) coming soon.

Also see my other entries



Sorry, I don't have the time to check all episodes. Hansome boy, good bibs. Rating 6 for this episode.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Monster (2003)

monster2003c monster2003b

Crime film starring Christina Ricci. 1 Oscar
-Year: 2003
-Year in film: 1989
-Country: USA, Germany
-Who in bibs: Selby ~22
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Christina Ricci (pic 1+3) in light blue or faded stone washed bibs (also sitting on bed in bibs, sleeveless shirt at 38 minutes and lying on a bed at 34 minutes) and Charlize Theron as main character, killer Aileen Wuornos in baggy coveralls or similar (that is maybe more interesting). Maybe some more actresses in the background? Probably not. There's a skating scene with lots of people / at least a lady in a jeans dress).

One more from the "chicks list". About 10 movies still missing.

I don't know/don't remember this movie but I have checked most of it. Obviously very few (about 3) and short bibs scenes. Pics 2+3 are from the trailer. Sorry, I don't like Christina Ricci. And I don't like these kind of movies. Lesbian content as such is not bad. But there are definiteley better (overalls) movie.

For bibs scenes rating 3 for now only.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Info 269: Updates

waltons-s2e24 waltons-s2e23

Some minor updates. First: The Waltons, end of season 2. An interesting scene on disc 7 (s2e23 at 25 minutes, pic 2): Jim-Bob riding in blue bibs, Jason with one strap down (rear view) what is very rare and Mary Ellen on the left in light blue bibs. Also good rear view and typical hands or thumbs in her pockets. Later in s2e24 two quite good sitting scenes of Mary Ellen in light blue bibs (CD 7 at 1h18 minutes, pic 1) and a bit later sitting and standing up but in a distance.

I now rewatching season 7. A quite good scene of older Jim-Bob in the barn on the ladder (rear view, hickory-striped bibs but look blue) s7e1 at 34 minutes and Elizabeth dancing in very good blue bibs at 54 minutes (similar scene like on the Jim-Bob list, but he wears beige pants here). No new pics of season 7 (disc is still in the player).

Footloose had been aired recently. Now I have also seen the beginning. One more brief scene of an older teen girl or young woman in blue shortalls right at the beginning but in a distance (sorry, I haven't a pic).

"The Fires of Ignorance" from the missing Felix list I already had (Gunsmoke s20e17 rating 8 starring 14 yo Lance Kerwin (pic below).

I have checked it completely (at high speed) and there are only rather few but quite good scenes with him including sitting on straw (see main entry) and sitting in the school. I noticed few full views and this episode is maybe not worth rating 8 (but I keep this rating. He's very handsome and it's not that bad either). Typical LHOT-like and western-like brown bibs. Also reminds me of Huckleberry Friends and His Friends (teen Ian Tracey) what I also watch in between. I wish they were blue (They are in The Family Holvak, rating 10). There is also another rating 9 entry of Gunsmoke with a boy in blue jeans bibs.


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Scandal at Scourie

Westernlike MGM drama
-Year: 1953
-Year in film: 1890s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boys ~6-13
-Available on DVD: no *
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating: 6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Some boys in different bibs including a redhaired boy in dark blue and black (or raw denim ?) bibs. He is also riding at the end of the movie in dark blue bibs. I don't know their names. Set in Canada.

And another one from the "missing Felix" list. I took the time and checked some more of this and other movies and I also have to make some updates (Footloose, The Waltons Season 2 and 7), "The Fires of Ignorance (1975)" from the missing Felix list I already had (Gunsmoke s20e17 starring 14 yo Lance Kerwin, rating 8, also will be updated soon). Sometimes I don't know what to post first. I choose this one.

First I couldn't find movies online and almost considered buying this on DVD. But then I found it completetly on YouTube (in bad quality) and it seems to be in Public Domain (in the US).

There are maybe about 4 or 5 boys (at an orphanage, later in a train, at school and outside) in bibs, but mostly in worn bibs with simple suspenders on the back. Only rather few (good) scenes of the redhaired boy.

The main plot is about a couple adopting a girl (Donna Corcoran ,see also "Gypsy Colt", she in bibs, rating 7). Screenplay by Karl Tunberg (Ben Hur). Story "Good Boy" by Mary McSherry. Starring Walter Pidgeon and Greer Garson.

Rating 6-7. There are some DVDr available. Don't know about the quality.

Update: I now have checked the complete movie at better quality. The bibs are not black but dark blue. Probably it's the same pair than outside (pic 1 at 42 minutes) and maybe not even raw denim. And no bib pocket. Rather few good scenes and no real rear view of this boy. New pics and 2 more


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Summer Rental (1985)

summerrental summerrental2

Comedy film starring John Candy
-Year: 1985
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jennifer ~17, Laury ~5 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: I think 17 or 18 yo Kerri Green ("The Goonies", "Lucas") as Jennifer (looking much older to me) and a very young girl (Aubrey Jene) in blue bibs. I think very few scenes only.

From the "missing Felix list" but I have seen this movie many years ago. Also starring young Joey Lawrence (some good but brief scenes in swim shorts at the beginning at a beach and maybe some other scenes in the background) but probably no others in bibs (I have checked most parts of this movie).

Movie is quite funny and I like the 80s and Joey Lawrence. But few bibs scenes and I don't like that actress with long curly hair and the girl is too young. Directed by Carl Reiner, also starring Karen Austin and Rip Torn.

So rating 3 for bibs scenes and rating 6(-7) for the movie. I have expected much more but I will recheck it at slow speed the next broadcasting.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Home Fires Burning (1989)

Hallmark drama starring Barnard Huges
-Year: 1989
-Year in film: 1944
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Lonnie ~15
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating: 6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least Neil Patrick Harris ("Doogie Howser") in blue bibs.

I found this rare movie some time ago but still couldn't find any clips.Maybe I have seen this movie but can't remember it.

So I can't say much more about it. It's available on DVD, so I wonder why there's not more available of this.

Quite interesting movie, set in 1944 Georgia. Obviously a typical very good Hallmark Hall of Fame production (not yet on my Hallmark list).

Rating 6-7 for now.

On TV: Home Improvement (German Sixx). I also have almost finished The Waltons Season 2. After that I will recheck season 7, after that season 1. I'm also rechecking Huckleberry Finn and His Friends (1979), rating 7 starring Ian Tracey.

Update: Completely checked. Only a brief scene at 49 minutes, also rear view while running. Also sitting in nice tight, regular jeans. At the end in a black apron. Near the beginning also men in bibs.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pinocchio's Revenge


Horror film starring Candace McKenzie
-Year: 1996
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Sophia ~20 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: very low ?
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A young lady in blue bibs. I think a very brief scene at 19 minutes only. I'm not sure about her name. Is that Candace McKenzie as the housekeeper?

Also starring Rosalind Allen, Sarah Kaite Coughlan and many others. Directed by Kevin Tenney who made some similar movies.

I recently found this by coincidence as this movie is also starring Brittany Alyse Smith (see Fly Boy (1999), rating 6). One better pic at

I like horror movies. But haven't found better overalls scenes.

So rating 4-5 for now. Movie rating 6-7.

Info 268: Dungareemovies blog stopped

It's very sad that Felix stopped his blog. He was a great help. Thanks very much again!

Now I'm the only related movie blog. No end in sight, but it's more and more difficult.

Any help and suggestions are still appreciated. Commenting is also possible on my old blog (anonymously).

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Info 267: On TV: 7th Heaven


Daily on German channel Sixx.

Today s2e8 had been aired.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Fly Boy (1999)

Family film, director Richard Stanley
-Year: 1999
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: USA, Germany
-Who in bibs: Janey ~12 ?
-Available on DVD: VHS only?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium ?
-Rating: 6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least Brittany Alyse Smith (maybe 12 or 13 yo) in quite baggy stone washed bibs and maybe also in darker blue bibs.

From the "missing Felix list".

I'm not sure if I have seen this movie. Aka "One Last Flight".

Seems not bad, but I have to check it again the next broadcasting.

She is also wearing bibs in "Just in Time (1997)" along with a woman (rating 4) and in Treasure of Pirate's Point (rating 5).

Rating 6 for now.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Holubice (1960)


Drama aka The White Dove
-Year: 1960
-Year in film: ~1960s
-Country: CZ
-Who in bibs: Michal ~9 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least I think 9 or 10 yo Karel Smyczek (but even younger looking) in light blue bibs and according to a screenshot also sitting in dark blue shortalls.I only have seen what is available on Youtube (3rd of it).

Directed by Frantisek Vlácil. Nominated for a Golden Lion.

Movie (style and plot) might be quite interesting (I have to check more of it), but the boy is quite young, movie is b&w and I think I don't like these bibs.

So rating 2-3 for now only.


Info 266: New comment on my old blog

Thanks to Anonymous for his brief childhood story.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Update: Die Camper


Episode Der Wandertag (s1e12) had been aired today. Now also teen girl 16 or 17 yo Wolke Hegenbarth in light khaki bibs. Looks like thin cotton fabrik. Many scenes with her, but always wearing a shirt over them and often only headshots So no good rear view.

Previously rated 2 for her 43 yo film mother in longer blue skirtalls.

I don't remember the other episodes. She has different boy friends each episodes, I bet there's also an older teen boy in (working ?) overalls.

Episode can be watched online at rtl-now. 2 episodes each Sunday on RTL.

Somehow I don't like this rebellios teen girl. Bibs are very good, although I prefer blue bibs. Rating 6-7 now.

Main entry at


Saturday, February 8, 2014

List 30: Open bib / bib down


I've recently seen Elizabeth Walton in s2e21 (58 minutes on disc 6), so I'm making this list. Sometimes it also involves dressing / undressing scenes (however often not shown completely).

I don't remember all the movies /entries, so this is a work in progress, like most of the lists. Sorry, no women yet.

I don't know if I prefer an open bib as it doesn't show the lap and the whole overalls. However it's quite interesting. Another thing is one strap loose or beginning to open a brace or both or being undressed.

Pic 1 The Waltons, s2e21 (Elizabeth in hickory striped bibs not undressing), also other Waltons, Jim-Bob (s7e20), Ben (s3e4),...

Papa Was a Preacher (rating 10), not undressing, pic 2

De rode zwaan (rating 10, pictured below), undressing

Mijniki avtomobiliv (teen girl, rating 4), fashion

B-TV's Tom Sawyer (teen boys, rating 7), undressing ?

The War (1994), teen girl, shortalls, rating 6 (fashion)

Carry Me Home (2004), teen girl, rating 7) undressing

Carnivàle (young man, (boys) rating 3/ up to 6)

Fly Away Home (1996), teen girl, rating 6, dressing on

To Kill A Mockingbird (girl while undressing) rating 9

Gunsmoke (boy, rating 9) bib being opened

(Hallo, Onkel Doc!) boy, bib being opened)

The Sugar Creek Gang (boy, teen boy, rating 10), Till brothers, Vol 3

Was wenn der Tod uns scheidet? (boy, rating 4, sitting on toilet)

7th Heaven (11 yo Ruthie in season 5) rating 6

Cebollitas (~11 yo Fede) rating 8

Canicule (1984) 16yo but much younger looking boy, rating 5

Split Infinity (woman rating 7)

The Job (2003) woman rating 4-(5)

Abgefahren (2004) women rating (4)-5

Trocadero bleu citron (boy, rating 4)-5

Die Dienstagsfrauen - Zwischen Kraut und Rüben (woman, rating 3)

Neues vom Süderhof (2 teen girls, s4e4) rating 8

Klinik am Südring (girl, shortalls, rating 4)

The Yearling (1994) (teen boy, rating 7) 

L'argent fait le bonheur (boy, rating 7)


Other earlier pics: My Father Was A Preacher, De rode zwaan.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dying Young


Romance starring Julia Roberts
-Year: 1991
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Hilary ~23, teen girl, boy
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: very low
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Julia Roberts in stone washed or rather light blue bibs. Also sitting inside.

According to the DVD cover also riding (Ranch ?). But unknown if in bibs. With a jacket anyway.

And another one from the chicks list.

Sorry, I don't know/don't remember this movie and can't say much more. Maybe a quite interesting drama about blood cancer. Nice landscape. Novel by Marti Leimbach.

I can't say something about the amount of bibs scenes, probably not much.

Rating 5-6 for now.

Update: Very fw scenes and also a black teen girl and boy

Now rating 2-3 only.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

On TV: Cinderella Story (2004)


Girl in bibs. Super RTL

At least at the beginnig a young girl ~9-10 yo in blue bibs. Maybe more.

Starring Hillary Duff.

Update: I missed the end but I think probably only some few flashback scenes at the beginning only (9yo Hannah Robinson as 8 yo Sam). Rear view and sitting.

Hillary Duff often in apron.

Few scenes but quite good. Maybe some more supporting actresses in the background?

Rating 4.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Book 31: Sugar Creek Gang #2


Paul Hutchens: Sugar Creek Gang: The Killer Bear (1940).

I own some other books of this series, but this is the first which has nothing to do with any of the 5 movies (all rating 5).

Again rather few bibs scenes but obsiously most or all of the gang members were barefoot and wearing overalls including Bill (who never did in the movies).

P10: Bill and Dragonfly running barefeet in overalls, legs cuffed up.

P18: Poetry put out a fur from his overalls pocket

P74: 2 boys in overalls (Till brothers) crawled into a tent

P49: playing leapfrog and rolling in the grass (not mentioned in overalls but most likely). A very good idea playing leapfrog in overalls. Not sure if I've see it in any movie. I think maybe Jason in The Waltons.

The pic is not from the book as the modern editions don't have any illustrations. Some foreign editions and maybe earlier editions do (however I don't know of any overalls pic).

The book is very religious, much more than the movies. Almost on every other page there's something about the bible, Jesus, people should be saved (like Circus's dad drinking alcohol) and the like. The bear story is only on the last 3 pages.

In between mostly desrciptions of their lives, farm chores...

But I probably will purchase some more books of this series. Previous entry:



Weekdays on TV : Home Improvement (RTL Nitro).

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jacob's Ladder (1990)


Mystery film starring Tim Robbins
-Year: 1990
-Year in film: 1970s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Gabe ~9
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: very low
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: 9 or 10 yo Macaulay Culkin (even uncredited) in blue bibs. One scene (bad lit) only.

From the dungaree movies blog.

Felix gave rating 2. I like these kind of movies and the Culkin brothers. Bibs probably aren't that bad either. So rating 3-4. But have to check it later.

Directed by Adrian Lyne.